World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 862: Eight six four: repaired as a soaring! Super Yawang energy!

The 862th chapter of the six six four repairs soared! Super Asia's energy!

The ninth layer of mystery!

If there is no accident, it is the last layer of the trial of Lanling this time.

According to the time of the demon prison, he has been here for 550 days, and the time converted into reality is almost fifty-five days.

He had previously said to the Demon Warden Manager that he wanted to break through the Asian King in three months. Now he has only thirty-five days, and it takes about a year to convert to the Devil's Secret.

The eighth layer of secret trials, Lan Ling spent a full six months.

The ninth floor, if not unexpected, should be the hardest and most difficult layer.

Taking a deep breath, Lanling entered the energy light curtain and entered the ninth layer of mystery.

Just entering, suddenly felt that I could barely open my eyes.

Because there are glare everywhere!

The sun in the sky seems to be particularly close, especially large, shining above the earth.

The whole piece of land, except for the spar. It is a spar in a hundred miles.

The endless spar is as smooth as a mirror, or just like a mirror. The whole earth is like a huge mirror with a hundred miles.

The strong sun shines on the spar mirror, and the reflection of the light can be imagined.

This is also a real world. Lanling can't even imagine how such an environment has formed. It is too gorgeous, mysterious, and too strange.

For a while, Lan Ling still could not adapt to this terrible glare.

And this layer of mystery, nothing but a huge spar mirror.

So Lan Ling began to illusion, what kind of energy monsters will there be?

The first thought, he remembered a lot of supernatural movies on the earth, the living beings were pulled into the mirror world, and then completely unable to come out.

And the original mirror demon king was to bring the souls of countless people into the mirror and become his spiritual slaves.

However, Lan Ling seemed to be wrong, he did not enter the mirror.

He walked alone, marched forward, and went forward...

The reflection in the mirror also went solitary.

After walking tens of thousands of meters, I did not see any energy monsters. And there is no harsh natural environment, except for the sun's reflected light is too dazzling, this layer of mystery has almost no discomfort.

And just at this time...


In the air, a group of light and shadow began to condense and condense...

Finally, the cohesion became a thick black shadow.


This black shadow lightning usually flies through the body of Lanling.

"Oh..." Lanling's body slammed cold and suffered a fierce blow.

Nine-star magic holy energy attack!

After passing through the body of Lanling, the black shadow once again condensed in the air, forming a distorted human form. Without eyes and without a mouth, there is only a rough outline of the human figure.

Shadow magic? !

Lanling gave a name to this brand new energy monster.

This shadow magic floats in the air, as if laughing at Lanling!

"Boom..." Lanling blasted an energy attack, Nether Sword!

In an instant, this shadow magic is crushed, and the body is broken!

But in the next second, it began to condense again, but not one, but the two shadows of the split city. Before the time of a shadow magic is a nine-star magic saint, now split into two, even turned out to be a nine-star magic holy!


These two shadows flew like lightning.

The speed is almost the same, exceeding the speed of Lanling's movement dozens of times, and it is impossible to dodge.

Lanling was once again penetrated, but this time it was penetrated by two shadows.

The whole body was completely cold, and I couldn't help it anymore. A blood spurted out.

Then, a strange scene appeared...

The blood he spit out squirmed on the spar ground. After a short moment, it was decomposed by glare into a myriad of black energy, and then the black energy once again condensed into a new shadow.

Three Shadow Magic, and all are nine-star Devils.

Lanling released the scorpion, trying to control the three shadows to kill each other.


The three Shadow Devils did not kill each other. Instead, they split again and became six Shadow Devils, and all of them were nine-star Devils, exactly the same as Lan Ling’s.

The Nether Sword is useless, and the scorpion is useless.

Lanling released the Hell Lightning. Of course, it was a small **** lightning that broke out by itself. It was not the power to summon the heavens and the earth.

According to the common sense, Hell Lightning can penetrate almost all energy defenses.

However, the tragedy has happened again.

Hell Lightning hits the six Shadow Magic, instantly split into twelve, and all are nine-star Devils.

Hell bodybuilding!

Lan Ling exhibited advanced spirits and tried to fix all the shadows.

However, it is tragedy...

The twelve Shadow Devils split again and became twenty-four.

Lan Ling is really going crazy...

Next, he used up all the attack methods, ordinary energy attacks, swordsman attacks, boxing attacks, flame attacks, ice attacks, using the spirit to control the black scorpion sword, release the attack!


It is completely useless, and it does not cause any harm to these shadows.

Because these shadows have no eyes, no heart, no veins, no brains. It is a black shadow, a creepy shadow, without fear of any attack.

After a mad attack by Lanling, the number of Shadow Magic has split again and again. At this time, there are 256 Shadow Magic.

Every Shadow Demon is still a nine-star Devil.

Two hundred and fifty-six shadows are surrounded by Lanling. As if all the shadows are laughing, although they can't make any figure, they twist the trembling shadows, as if they are laughing.

The Shadow Magic attack is about to begin!

It has only one attack method, that is, the entire black shadow passes through the body of Lanling.

With such a simple attack, Lanling has no way to resist it. And the starry armor is completely unable to withstand their shadow penetration.

This strange shadow magic is really totally invincible!


One after another, the shadow magic, the general lightning rushed to Lanling, once again penetrated his body.


Lanling waved the black scorpion sword and slashed it wildly.

It's easy to crush a shadow magic, but the crushed shadows are still shadows, and they still penetrate Lan Ling's body.

And each time it is crushed, it begins to fission again, one becomes two and two becomes four.


Hundreds of Shadow Magices furiously attack Lan Ling!

Lanling waved the black scorpion sword and slashed it wildly.

A dozen, dozens, hundreds of shadow magic penetrate the body of Lanling.

Lanling vomits blood, his body is cold, and he loses consciousness.

When the 139th Shadow Magic penetrated Lanling, he finally let him break his bones...

"Boom!" Lanling's body was completely shattered, and the smoke was gone, leaving only the soul and light.

"No, no, no, no..." Lanling is arrogant!

In the past two years of trials, Lanling has always maintained a bottom line, absolutely not self-destructive, absolutely not broken bones.

This time, he was broken.

This means that he has retired to a level.

From the nine-star Devils, he fell back to the eight-star Devil.

"No, no, no..." Lanling exploded.

At this time, the number of Shadow Magic has risen by 500.

When Lanling was broken and only the soul and light were left, all the shadows stopped, just surrounded Lanling and did not attack.

Lan Ling’s soul light and shadow can’t launch any attack, and he can’t leave because it’s surrounded by five hundred shadows.

After the broken bones, the golden blood of Lanling automatically releases energy and reorganizes the body of Lanling.

After a few days and a few nights, Lanling’s body was completely restored, but it has been reduced to an eight-star demon.

At the moment when his body recovered, all the Shadow Magic launched an attack again.

Lanling once again counterattacks and fights again.

However, he tried all the attacks and it didn't help.

Lanling once again broke the bones and repaired it to the seven-star Devil. The number of Shadow Magic has increased to seven hundred.

It’s such a desperate battle.


Two hundred days have passed!

Lanling was broken again and again, and he recovered again and again, and was once again crushed by countless shadows.

His cultivation is constantly falling, falling, falling...

Nine-star Devil, Eight-Star Devil, Seven-Star Devil...

Finally, directly fell below the devil!

That's right, just fall below the devil, and return to the peak-level demon!

In the battle of these two hundred days, Lanling did not have any gains. The repairs fell back to the demon esteem, which was even weaker than when he entered the magic prison.

The number of Shadow Magic has reached 5,000.

That's right, the amazing five thousand.

Five thousand shadows, densely packed, surrounded Lanling in the center, and carried him on a horrific crowd.

Sure enough, it is the last layer of trials!

It’s desperate and crazy!

Instead of destroying the enemy, the attack will continue to increase the enemy.

It can be said that if Lanling is not a madman, he has already collapsed.

In the face of this desperate battle, facing the repair, it fell back to the devil level. Switching to other people, I really collapsed and I committed suicide.

But Lanling calmed down!

After falling below the demon, he has nothing to lose.

This time, the Wusong sword did not play any role, and its magic seemed to disappear completely.

After falling below the demon, the golden blood has not recovered his body, Lanling did one thing.

Its soul light and shadow, slammed into the black scorpion sword!

Because once he is broken, the golden blood will surely make his body recover, which cannot be stopped.

If you continue, Lanling will continue to smash the bones, and finally repaired to disappear completely, become an ordinary person, the same as the Earth's Lanling, and finally died completely.

So, he stopped this terrible situation, and the soul got into the black scorpion sword.

He just tried it. He didn't even know if the Wusong sword could hold his soul and shadow. Actual proof, yes!


The soul of Lanling hid in the black scorpion sword and began to meditate!

The ninth layer of secret trials, absolutely can not be forced to come, can only be wisdom!

What is the Shadow Magic?

It’s just a shadow, and it’s probably the shadow of Lanling’s own.

The shadow is impossible to be killed. It is not afraid of any attack. It is two-dimensional, and Lanling is three-dimensional. How can three-dimensional creatures attack two-dimensional creatures?

In the special energy environment of the ninth layer of mystery, the shadow has life and becomes a terrible energy creature. And once it is attacked, it automatically splits and replicates.

So how do you eliminate the shadow?

Attacks are impossible, and no attack can damage the shadow.

Recall how to eliminate shadows in reality?

It's very simple, use another shadow to overlap, and use another shadow to occlude. Then the previous shadow will disappear and it will be swallowed up.

Can only use the shadow to fight the shadow magic!

As a result, the battle may have become simpler.

When Lanling's body is once again condensed and restored, there will be a shadow under the illumination of strong light. Before the Shadow Magic launched an attack, he put his soul into his own shadow. Then control their shadows to fight and devour these shadows.

In the real world, it is impossible for Lan Ling to project the soul into his own shadow. But in the ninth layer of the secret, it is because of the extremely mysterious energy environment.

Yes, just do it!


After deciding on the tactics!

The soul of Lanling immediately flew out from the black scorpion sword, and the golden blood immediately restored his body.

After ten days and ten nights, Lanling’s body was restored again!

Sure enough, under the glare, his shadow cast on the ground.

Before the Shadow Magic launched the attack, Lan Ling immediately went out of his soul and injected himself into the shadow of the ground!


He succeeded!

The soul of Lanling entered its own shadow, and then his body did not move, but he could control the shadow movement.

His shadow flew from the ground and turned into a brand new shadow magic.

The shadow of Lanling began to fight against countless shadows.

Countless Shadow Magic attacks it madly...

Their attack methods are still so simple, or directly penetrate the tactics.

However, these shadows disappeared directly when they penetrated the shadow of Lanling, and directly coincided with the shadow of Lanling.


Lanling controls his own shadow and penetrates these shadows with the fastest speed to devour these shadows.

Just like a snake, the shadow of Lanling madly swallows these shadows.

The shadow magic inside the secret world is rapidly reduced.

Devouring one hundred, three hundred, five hundred, one thousand, three thousand, five thousand...

After half an hour!

Five thousand Shadow Magic disappeared, and there is one left!

A very incomparably huge shadow magic, a huge shadow magic on the kilometer.

This shadow magic is the shadow of Lanling's soul control, which is his own.

This Lanling Shadow Demon has swallowed up the energy of five thousand nine-star devils, which is incredibly amazing!

Finally, it is necessary to return to the body!


Lanling controlled this incomparably huge shadow magic and slammed into Lanling's body.


Lan Ling felt that the body seemed to continually expand.

His cultivation is almost madly skyrocketing.

Before falling below the demon statue, and at this time quickly returned to the devil, a star devil, two-star devil...

Nine-star Devils...

Has broken through the peak of the magic, but there is still a lot of energy!

Demon Star said: "Master, your body's energy is far more than the Asian king level, just need an energy factor to instantly detonate, soar to the king! Even more than the initial Asian king!"


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(End of this chapter)

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