World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 863: Eight six five: destroy the ultimate boss! Promote the Asian king!

Chapter 863 chapter eight six five off the ultimate boss! Promote the Asian king!

Note: The story of the first two is very important, don't miss it! This chapter breaks through the story of Yawang and is also more important.


In this case, Lan Ling had encountered before.

The body condenses a very large amount of energy, but lacks advanced energy properties, so it cannot be broken.

At this time, the energy in Lanling has been very, very, even amazing. After all, it swallowed up 5,000 shadows, all of them.

How to break through the king of Asia?

It should be very simple, defeat the BOSS of the ninth-level trial secrets.

Previously, each layer of trials had a BOSS, including a second layer of trials. The ice queen is BOSS, but Lanling killed it in the middle of the trial, so there was no battle on the dark platform leading to the third floor trial.

After that, the BOSS battle at each level is very difficult, but as long as you can see through the shortcomings of this BOSS, you can win.

And killing so many BOSS, Wusong Jian made an absolute contribution.

And the BOSS of each layer before is really strange, no wonder.

The first layer of the void giant, the second layer of the ice queen, the third layer of the flower fairy and so on.

Now, I am going to face the last BOSS, and it should be the strongest one.

Not surprisingly, this BOSS on the dark platform is a sub-king powerhouse.

Before the boss of each level is so amazing, so powerful, so special, then the last BOSS should be more extraordinary. Unbeatable and incomparably special.

What impressed Lanling before was the third layer of trials, but the ninth layer of trials that had just passed completely looked forward to the third layer of mystery, leaving Lan Ling with an unforgettable, even brand that could not be forgotten for life.

It’s terrible to feel that it’s a plunge and a direct fall below the demon.

The energy monster that faces the Lanling is the shadow magic, and it is definitely the most special and powerful energy monster.

They turned out to be the two-dimensional world of energy monsters projected into the three-dimensional world, completely unsolvable.

If it wasn't for Lan Ling to project the soul into his own shadow, and transform himself into a two-dimensional energy creature shadow and fight with them, Lanling is already dead.

This last layer of mystery, even the energy monsters are so terrible, so special, let alone boss.

Therefore, Lanling is really full of extreme curiosity. What kind of boss will this layer of mystery be?

Is it a super big shadow?


Lanling walked all the way to the end of the ninth layer of the secret, and sure enough there was a dark platform in front.

Lanling embarked on the dark platform. As before, the dark platform broke away from the ninth-level mystery and drifted toward the endless void.

He is waiting, waiting for the emergence of the final BOSS.

What exactly is BOSS? Can you be the ultimate boss of this heaven and earth demon tower? Can let him break through the king, can let him complete the final test.

However, after waiting for a few days and nights, this final boss did not appear.

An unstoppable fatigue hit, Lan Ling blinked a little.

It’s really just a little bit of a sigh, and the eyelids stunned.

Once again blink of an eye, this final boss appeared, standing in front of Lanling.


Lan Ling suddenly stunned, and no words could move his inner feelings.

Shocking? fear? Suddenly? Consternation?

Wait, no adjective can describe it.

It is impossible to imagine that the ultimate boss is actually him!

This... this is too subversive!


The final boss is Lanling!

That's right, the appearance of this final boss is exactly the same as Lanling.

Is energy mapping? After all, this ninth layer of mystery is a super large spar mirror, so the final boss is Lanling's own shadow?

No, no!

Or is there a super monster that can change the appearance of the same as Lanling? Just like the true and false Monkey King in Journey to the West?

Nor is it!

Or, is this Lan Ling in front of me? This is happening in many games and in many movies.

Defeated his own demons and won the final victory.

However, it is not!

In front of this ultimate boss Lan Ling, not a demons, not a phantom, not an energy monster.

He is Lanling, the real Lanling!

Lan Ling recognized him at a glance, the special energy, the unique eyes, even the most subtle movements, are exactly the same as Lanling.

This is Lanling, but it is not a replica of Lanling, but a few days later, or a few hours later.

Because this BOSS Lan Ling in front of me has already broken through the Asian king class.

This dark platform is a time-spaced array of energy, making Lan Ling, a time and space, and Lan Ling, after a few hours, appear on a dark platform.


This time? What should I do? How to fight?

According to common sense, Lan Ling should kill BOSS Lan Ling, then swallow his energy and be promoted to Yawang.

However, it was after a few hours that he broke through the king of Yawang. Once he was killed, he might not have him in the future, and he himself died.

So, let the boss Lan Ling kill himself? That is to let the future Lanling, killing Lanling at this time?

It’s not easy to attract this, because the two are causal to each other, no matter who kills them? Both people will die together!

No one can die in this battle! However, there are only two people left! Otherwise, the trial is a complete failure.

At this time, the boss finally launched an attack on Lanling.


A few terrible energy swordsmanship came over.

Lanling was shocked and violently inserted the black scorpion sword into the dark platform to construct an invincible energy cover.


The energy of the king's level swordsman, squatting on the energy cover, then disappeared without a trace.

This battle is very strange!

The ultimate boss, Lanling, is the time when the Yawang Lanling of the future time and space will release the energy attack. The current Lanling, which is the Lanling of the peak-level magical sanctuary, is sensed in an instant, so it is inserted with the black sword at the fastest speed. On the ground, build an energy hood.

The two sides are completely confidant and know each other.

Know exactly what the other person is thinking, and what to do next.

such as……

Lanling knew at this time that in the end, the next time Boss Lanling would be close combat.



In the end, the boss, the future Lanling violently moved, appeared in front of Lanling, revealing a sneer.

Lan Ling wants to avoid, but can't avoid it.

Because the other party is a sub-king powerhouse, too strong and too strong...


In the end, the boss, in the future, Lan Ling slammed the sword and slammed it down.

When the blood was shining, Lanling only felt that his body was cold, and his left arm was cut off!

"Use the black scorpion sword to get rid of your arm, maybe you should not be able to resume growth." Lanling sneered in the future.

"Oh..." He waved his sword and smashed the right arm of Lanling.

Lanling’s two arms were cut off, and there was no regrowth recovery. No, there is still recovery, but it is very, very slow, because it is too close to the void abyss.

Once in the abyss of the void, nothing really falls into quiescence and eternity, and the broken limb can no longer resume growth.

In the end, Boss will look at him in the future. He will look at him condescendingly and slowly: "I know what you are thinking. If I kill you, I will die, so rest assured, I will not kill you."

"You are me, I am you... We can't die for two of us, but we can only leave one, otherwise the trial will fail!" The future Lanling Road: "I cut your limbs and then will you Drop this endless dark void, you will drift forever, but never die. So that we are not dead, and I have broken through the king, will leave this secret, to complete our common cause."

"Oh..." In the future, Lanling slammed two swords and cut off the legs of Lanling. It was completely cut off by Qigen.

Suddenly, Lanling lost his limbs and became a man sticking on a dark platform, losing all his athletic ability.

His body is cold, his soul is cold, his eyes are shaking and looking at the future Lanling.

"Sorry, this is the only way. You and I can't die, but only one person can leave!" Future Lanling Road: "This **** test, we are still successful, aren't we?"

That's right, it seems that this is really the only way.

Lanling Road: "Sure enough, it is a hell-level trial, kill yourself?"

"No, I haven't killed you at all! I just cut off your limbs and throw you down the endless dark void!" The future Lanling Road.

Lanling Road: "I really know how old I am after I saw you!"

"Yes, we are really looking at each other, but some people like us..." Lanling Road in the future: "And, there are still many people who like us."

In the future, Lanling will hold the neck of Lanling and come to the edge of the dark platform. Slowly, "You can go with confidence. I will complete our mission and complete our great cause. I will take care of the children and build magic. The empire will destroy the human kingdom and destroy the Temple of the Dragon. You can go with confidence!"

Lanling sighed and said: "I am so arrogant, tough, never compromise to anyone, and will not give fate to anyone. My destiny can only be dominated by myself. However... you are me, I am You. I will give you the fate, I will sacrifice for the future, it should be ok! Just like this, you can do it..."

The future Lanling face violently twitched.

"Sorry, I don't want to do this, but this is the only way." Apparently Lan Ling's words made him very shocked.

Taking a deep breath, his hand was loose, and Lan Ling was thrown down the endless void abyss.

Lanling continued to fall and continually drifted. Just like an astronaut, drifting in the endless universe of deep space, never returning. Only because there are golden blood, Lanling will never die.

The dark platform is rising, and the export to the **** is growing.

The ultimate boss, the future Lanling, is standing on the edge of the dark platform, looking at the blue abyss of the abyss, farther and farther.

After being stabbed by the sword, Lan Ling vowed not to sacrifice for anyone.

This time, he made an exception and sacrificed for his future self.

His own soul and life are constantly drifting in the abyss of the void. Let the future yourself to complete the grand cause.

In this way, Lanling was cut off from the limbs of the limbs, drifting constantly in the void abyss, sinking, sinking...

The dark platform is rising and rising, and it is getting closer and closer to the secret exit.

The two Lanlings are getting farther and farther and farther and farther.

Lan Ling closed his eyes and planned to let himself fall into a sleep, enter an alternative death, and never die.

Complete the future of yourself and complete the unfinished mission!


At this time, Lan Ling discovered with amazement.

Lan Ling on the dark platform, the figure is getting thinner and thinner, getting thinner and thinner, he has to disappear...

Yes, two people are causal to each other.

Lanling indulges in the endless dark void, and the future Lanling will disappear completely.

When the dark platform leaves the time and space, everything will return to normal.

By that time, the future Lanling will disappear completely, and the blue king of the Yawang class will disappear completely.

There is only one Lanling, that is, drifting in the endless void abyss, sinking!

Once this happened, the trial of Lanling completely failed.

He will enter an eternal sleep and enter the immortal death.

All the great plans and ambitions will be wiped out.


"No no no no……"

Lan Ling is arrogant!

Looking at the future of Lanling, looking farther and farther, looking at his increasingly thin figure, looking at the dark platform farther and farther away from the secret exit.

There is very little time, only less than a minute.

He will fail, and he will sleep forever in the void.

Must change, must save themselves!

"Ah...ah...ah... no, no, no..."

The soul of Lanling, half in madness, half fell into absolute calm and entered into thinking.

Suddenly, Lan Ling thought of a method.

Take the space!

That's right, that is the garbage magic scroll that Lanling took.

No matter at any time, in any space, he can use this magic technique to catch any object in front of him.

But now, Lan Ling wants to slightly modify the magic of this space.

Instead of catching something in front of him, you have to catch yourself in front of something.

In the heart of energy, Lanling quickly condenses energy and releases magic skills!

Alternative version of the empty take!


Like flashing, like the spatial shift, Lanling suddenly appeared in front of Lanling in the future.

This figure has been thinned by half of the future Lanling!

In the future, Lan Ling saw a shock and said: "What are you going to do? Oh, I know..."

After returning to the dark platform, the two Lanlings are completely connected, and they know each other.

The next second, Lan Ling opened his mouth to reveal his fangs, biting his knees in the future Lanling's neck, madly swallowed!

In the future, Lanling also opened his mouth, revealing fangs and biting on the neck of Lanling.

Two people bite each other almost at the same time, and then madly swallowed!

The dark platform is rising and rising...

In the process of biting each other and swallowing each other, the two people gradually merge into one!


In the process of engulfing and merging, Lanling repaired soaring and broke through the sub-king powerhouse!


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(End of this chapter)

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