World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 878: Eighty-eight: Reunited with A Shi!

Chapter 878, Eighty-eight, Reunion, A Shi, People!

Perhaps the former Digne, the demon queen, and the king of the wing family have vowed to say that they must wait until Lanling completely inherits the emperor and then truly loyal.

Because the lessons of the betrayal of the last demon star are really painful.

But now... everything goes to his mother.

What principle? What must be loyal after being passed down by the Emperor? Everything goes to his mother.

All three are idealists, and they all regard the revival of the Mozu civilization as a lifelong mission. And there is such a demon star, obviously know that this is a network, clearly know that this is a trap, still smashed in, and just came in with dozens of people.

This is the leader of the Mozu, this is the master of the Mozu!

Therefore, all the rules are left behind, and they bow down directly and express their allegiance!

The demon queen kissed the back of Lan Ling's hand, and then printed the red lips on it without leaving.

Her peerless beauty, and sure enough, only Na Na and Di Nie can match.

Compared to her body, her beauty is nothing.

Compared with her temperament, her body is nothing.

There are two distinct temperament in her body, the temperament of ice and fire.

If the frosty temperament is inviolable. But the enthusiasm in the depths of the eyes, the inner fanaticism, is enough to burn everything.

Integrity, courage, nobility, magical charm, all concentrated on a woman.

Di Nie and Na Na blood are the most beautiful women in the world, and they are comparable to the demon queen, but they lack the mature charm of her.

"Have you ever had a child?" Lanling Road.

"No, sire!" Demon Queen said.

"What is your name?" Lanling Road.

Demon Queen Road: "Yu Ji!"

The name is exactly the same as the fox in the gods list.

However, Lan Ling believes that the fox in the gods list is no match for the appearance, charm, body, etc., which is inferior to the demon queen Yu Ji.

"Lord Wing King!" Lan Ling looked to the king of the wing.

This tall, but scarred man, once he was the backbone of the entire northern wilderness. He did not break through the king of Asia in his life, but he became the leader of the northern barbarians against the vampire.

"Your Majesty!" The king of the winged family beheaded.

"In the north, there are four great devils?" asked Lan Ling.

Although they belong to the Mozu, everything about the wilderness of the North is almost zero.

The king of the wing family said: "All surrendered to the Emperor, and became his slave."

Lanling Road: "Why do you insist on fighting the Emperor?"

The king of the wing family said: "Your Majesty, first of all, I have to correct a statement. The reason why I was able to resist the Motuo Empire for decades is not the strength of my wing family, but the connivance of the emperor."

"How do you say?" Lanling Road.

The king of the Wings: "The Emperor is a very, very good leader. He is very cruel to the near-human, and other races. But the five great demons in the north, especially the leaders of the five demons, are very tolerant. Among the five great devils, he and I are most interested in me and my wing family. This is the root of my failure. Otherwise, with the strength of the Motuo Empire, I can't insist on it for decades."

Lanling Road: "Please continue."

The king of the winged family said: "With regard to the revival of the Mozu, the Emperor has its own strategic direction. He tried to become the new leader of the Mozu, and he is very generous to the five devils. In fact, he is among the more than a dozen vampires. There are four people who are the four great devils in the north. If I don't go south, I will break through the king of Asia and become one of the vampires!"

Lanling Road: "Then why didn't you agree?"

The king of the winged family said: "Because he is not a real demon, although he keeps saying that the vampire is a new demon, but inherits the blood tradition of the ancient vampire. But we all know clearly that the ancient vampires because Destroyed the ecological balance of the Mozu, so he was kicked out and ordered to transform into a common Mozu. The ancient vampire king was even executed in the public by the Emperor of Heaven!"

For this paragraph, Lan Ling really knows nothing about it.

The king of the winged family continued: "And, the blood-sucking demon of the emperor is not even the inheritance of the ancient vampire, his origin is very suspicious. Of course, all this is a small section, really let me reject him, even with him. The reason for being an enemy is that he denies that the Emperor is the highest reality of the Lord of the Devil!"

Lanling Road: "What did he say?"

The king of the wing family: "The emperor insists on the so-called demon star, the so-called emperor, is a conspiracy, a trap, a tens of thousands of years of conspiracy. He insists that the so-called emperor is actually the ultimate dragon temple At a critical moment, this demonic will destroy everything that the Mozu has and completely eliminate the revival of the Mozu civilization. He cites the Emperor of the Great, and the Emperor of Doom is defeated at the most critical moment, inexplicably thoroughly Disappeared, and the Lord of the previous demon star betrayed the Mozu and became the Dragon Emperor!"

Lanling Road: "His statement is not unconvincing!"

The king of the wing family said: "He insisted on taking the new road of the resurrection of the Mozu, dismissing the devil as a conspiracy, denying it as a rotten tradition, and hindering the stumbling block of the Mozu civilization. This is the fundamental contradiction between me and him! I am The tradition of the wing family, the world of the Mozu world will always have only one supreme leader, that is, the demon lord of the demon star! Because the devil has the power and will of the ancient demon, it is the symbol of the whole demon belief! The devil is the demon The Mozu is the Emperor. If the Emperor is denied, then the whole Mozu is not determined. Therefore, the contradiction between me and the Emperor is unsolvable and incomprehensible."

Lanling Road: "In fact, you are still a good friend?"

The king of the wing family said: "Yes, even if I finally led the wing family to the south, it is what he meant. If he wants to destroy the wing family, we have no chance to go south."

Lan Ling nodded and said: "I know what you want to say, but if you look at the blood of the blood, you will know the emperor. After that, I will talk about it later."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The king of the wing.

Then, Lan Ling looked to the winged prince, this beautiful and unparalleled youth, perhaps his age is thirty or forty years old.

"Your Majesty!" The winged Prince was beheaded.

Lanling Road: "I see you are familiar."

The prince of the winged family, I don’t know what Lan Ling’s words mean.

Lanling Road: "I will say later, maybe I can give a huge surprise."

Then, Lanling Road: "Ashi is away from people?"

Demon Queen said: "She never attends the meeting. After the matter is decided, she will tell her."

Lanling Road: "I...go to see her!"


A Shi is still the same as before, and he doesn't care about anything. Most of the time he sits on the floor, sometimes practicing, and sometimes it is purely in a daze.

As the demon queen said, it was decided to tell her that she was never involved in any decision.

This is also true in the human kingdom. Lan Ling is responsible for the brain and she is responsible for the fist.

That's right, it's a fist. In many times in the human kingdom, she does not use weapons. After putting on gloves, she directly waved powder punches to kill people.

A frosty goddess, but has a straight battle way of not knowing the fire dance.

Today, the demon queen and Dinie sacrificed a lot of people's lives, tearing open a gap in the encirclement, allowing her and the ancestors of the ancestors to lead the new generation of warriors to break through.

But in the end she refused!

In fact, she really has something to do!

First, she has not rescued her son Ashi Yuanzhen. This is the most reassuring in her world. Although she is not a biological son, she and Astro are not my own brothers and sisters, but Ashi Yuanzhen is his The root of life.

Second, he has not found Sauron.

Ok, the second one is not that accurate. When she first came to the south, she did leave the Witches Country and went deep into the realities of the Mozu to find the whereabouts of Sauron.

But one day, the master devil said that she should not find it, and then she did not find it.

Don't look for it for two reasons. The first reason, Sauron is dead. The second reason, Sauron is not dead, has been found.

A Shi Lie tends to the second reason, knowing that Sauron is not dead, and then waiting for Sauron to find her, instead of she finding Sauron.


When Lanling entered the door of Ashi’s room, he felt a cold atmosphere and a charming fragrance.

Looking at her from the door, there have been great changes, and it seems that nothing has changed.

In her cold frost, she has a magical power to capture the soul.

However, she has not changed, whether it is posture or expression, it is exactly the same as before.

Lan Ling had just entered the door, and A Shi was discovered by a person, and then she opened the beauty and looked at him.

When she saw Lan Ling, she shuddered.

"Oh, you are here..." This is Lan Ling’s conjecture of her first dialogue.

A Shi is always cold and frosty. In addition to the night of Ashlow’s accident, she barely shed tears.

Lan Ling felt that she did not have much weight in her mind, so although she has not seen it for more than seven years, at most it is a greeting that you have come.

However, Lanling guessed wrong!

When A Shi left the first sight of Lan Ling, he first made a mistake and then began to recognize it. He was finally determined to be Sauron.


The tears of pearls rushed out.

A Shi, who never cries, is gone, and tears are falling.

Then, with a fragrant wind, her cool, soft and fragrant body was put into the embrace of Lanling.

She clung to Lanling and cried desperately.

At this moment, A Shi’s departure was a subversion of Lan Ling’s imagination of her.

What is the frosty, calm and indifferent Ashi?

After crying for half an hour, Ashi left the face of Lanling and then kissed his lips without hesitation.

It’s not a kiss, but a deep kiss.

The kind of deep kiss that almost cuts off, the kind of deep kiss in hysteria.


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(End of this chapter)

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