World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 879: 881: Anti-sky space, open!

Chapter 879 八八一逆天 space, open!

"Sauron, let's save the Lantern Festival, go to the rescue, and save everyone!" A Shi was tearful and tears toward the Lanling Road.

At this time, she never had the cold and toughness before, only the incomparable weakness.

This sentence, she has endured for more than seven years.

She has always been a lonely woman, and she has only a few people in her heart.

And the root of life is Ashi Yuan Zhen, and may have to add a flaw. She is a cold woman, but she is a simple person. After a long time with her, she has a flaw in her heart.

After staying with Fuxier for a long time, she began to care about Fuxier. Even if Fuxi’s body is a problem, it is not flattering.

However, after the big drama, the mission of Ashi Liren was to protect the mother and son of Suining. After successfully entering the southern wilderness and entering the witch country, Suining and his mother were safe. The mission of A Shi’s departure became a search for Sauron.

Even, she did not mention the rescue of her son Ashi Yuanzhen with the demon queen. Because she felt that this is her and Sauron's mission, not the witch country.

The demon queen told her not to look for Sauron, which means that she already knows where Sauron is, so she doesn't need to find it.

As a result, A Shi Li people began a career with the tide.

The Queen of the Devil accepts her as a disciple, and she is practicing every day. The demon queen intends to let her be the heir and become the next generation queen of the witch country. A Shi is no dissent, so do it.

The demon queen intends to join the united front of the Mozu Empire and let her play with Princess Dee, then go out.

In short, A Shi is not willing to use his mind. She is used to finding the closest person, and then what the other person says.

The first is the master Jiang, the second is Sauron, and the third is the demon queen.

In these seven years, he is waiting for a reunion with Sauron every day, and then to save A Shi Yuanzhang, to save the disaster, because this is her and Solon's common mission.

This is her mission, her belief, and even the idea of ​​living her every day.

Unconsciously, her thoughts about Sauron are getting deeper and deeper, and finally it is unforgettable.

In the human kingdom, she had a dependence on Sauron, some heartbeat, but nothing more.

After coming to the south, in order to save A Shi Yuanzhang, in order to save her life, she began to miss Soren infinitely, looking forward to reunion with him, and then to save two children.

For so long, her thoughts on Sauron became unforgettable, as if Ashi Yuanzhen and He was the common child of her and Sauron. She and Sauron also seem to be a family.

"Well, it won't take long, we will save the Lantern Festival and go to the rescue." Lanling Road.

Ah Shi nodded and then leaned a little tiredly in the arms of Lanling, and closed his eyes as if to fall asleep.

Lan Ling bowed her head and kissed her on the forehead of her jade.

Although this woman is very powerful and cold, but her heart is so lonely, she is strong but extremely fragile.

When she didn't rely on it, she would be very strong and use her shoulders to pick up all the heavy responsibilities. For example, at that time, she protected the mother and daughter of Suining, and the mother and daughter of Fang Qingyu, who had turned tens of thousands of miles.

But once she has a dependence, she relies on someone wholeheartedly, and then she doesn't want to move.

Now she is like a child, she has found the spiritual dependence of Lanling, but she almost fell asleep.

Lan Ling gently touched her waist and said: "Time is tight, I am going to discuss things, go together."

A Shi Lie shook his head and said: "I am not going, you decide how to do it, tell me a song."

"Good..." Lanling Road.

A Shi left the Lanling's arms and looked at her. "In these years, I miss you every day, thinking about meeting you again, and then going to save our children."

Lan Ling kissed her lips and walked out!


Go back to the lobby!

Digne, the demon queen, the king of the wing, the winged prince has been waiting there, waiting for Lanling’s decision!

“How many people are we still there?” Lan Ling asked.

"Seventy-one thousand." Di Nie said: "In these two days, the war killed 400,000."

Lan Ling’s face jerked for a moment, and he had not delayed for half an hour, but he still came a little later.

"My plan is to break through the whole team!" Lanling Road.

Digne and others did not speak, looking at Lanling, waiting for his plan.

In fact, the mood of Digne and the Queen of the Devil is very complicated.

They are very pessimistic, but full of hope.

The so-called pessimism is because the situation at hand is simply unsolvable. Anyone who comes can not save these hundreds of thousands. Even if the Emperor Lan Ling personally came, but he only brought dozens of people, and the battle is completely unhelpful.

But there is hope because Lanling is the emperor and the supreme master of the Mozu. It is mysterious and unknown, and it is powerful. Even if the current Emperor Lanling may not be as good as the Devil in the martial arts, it is not as good as Digne, but he is the Emperor after all, and certainly has some very powerful and mysterious energy.

This is the mysterious sense of the long-standing adoration of the devil by the most loyal fanatics such as the demon queen and the king of the wing, which in turn brings the feeling of the emperor's omnipotence.

But as far as the situation is concerned, if Lanling can save hundreds of thousands of people, it is really a miracle.

Lan Ling continued: "As far as I know, Yune Wangcheng has a very large underground cave."

Demon Queen said: "Yes, it is accurate to say that there are very large underground caverns. The largest one, with an area of ​​more than several hundred thousand square meters."

At that time, the Prince of Heaven, the hundreds of thousands of volts of the demon army was hiding in these underground caves in the city of Yune.

Lanling Road: "My plan is to know an independent space plane similar to the eternal curse of the world in the ruins of the Doom, and this spatial plane overlaps with the real space, but it is completely independent. Then we will hide all of our hundreds of thousands of people in this hidden space. At that time, we will seem to be evaporating."

When this was said, Princess Dnie and the Queen of the Magic could not help but shine.

This is really an idea that is incredible, arrogant, genius and devil.

An idea that is extremely shocking and even completely unimaginable.

Whether it is the devil queen or the Princess of Digne, they never dared to imagine an independent space and then hide everyone in it.

The Emperor Lan Ling also really has a way to save these hundreds of thousands!

Sure enough, it is a demon emperor, it is simply unbelievable.

Lanling Road: "The first step in my plan is to use an incomparably powerful black hole energy to bombard the underground caves of the Yune Wangcheng, causing spatial dislocation and creating an independent dead space."

Demon Queen said: "Your Majesty, in ancient times, the ultimate power of the Dragon Temple bombarded the ancient Doom Magic. But that is the power of the stars, it is extremely incomparably huge energy, we are temporarily unable to provide this energy."

Lanling Road: "I know that if it is other places, it is impossible to have such a large amount of energy. But I brought a 550,000-kilogram equivalent of the star magic extract, pure black hole energy. This is the destruction of the magic mountain Five times the equivalent, of course, this is not enough."

Yes, the black hole energy of 500,000 jins is not enough to create a dead space.

Lanling continued: "But the Yune Wangcheng has experienced several wars and killed tens of millions of people. It has deposited countless deathal ghost energy, and the Hell Lightning made here is an unprecedented energy. And this Hell Lightning , just a primer that breaks down the magic energy of 550,000 stars."

"According to the energy drawings of Ertian the Great, the powerful Nether Lightning can decompose the magical energy of the starry sky into the third state. Once the black hole energy is decomposed into the third state, its power will be improved by several hundred times. By that time The black hole energy of 550,000 jin equivalent is enough to bombard a multi-million cubic meter of independent dead space plane." Lan Lingdao: "Then, I use space technology to demarcate this chaotic dead space. Make it a normal plane that can be hidden. Finally, hundreds of thousands of us all hide into this independent dead space. It completely evaporates from this world and disappears!"

After hearing all the plans of Lanling.

The eyes of the demon queen and the king of the winged family are extremely fanatical, and immediately squat down the slogan: "The emperor, long live long live!"

Their ecstasy does not come from being able to escape. In fact, they are not afraid of death at all.

The ecstasy of the two is from the anti-day performance of Lanling, and the devil is really the emperor, and she is omnipotent. Even if his cultivation is very low, he can also override the heavens and the earth and master the power of heaven and earth.

Such a demon, the demon queen and the king of the wing are full of confidence in the future cause and full of confidence in the renaissance of the Mozu civilization!

Lanling Road: "Then I announced that the world evaporation plan officially began. All the people of Yune Wangcheng were evacuated to the remote areas, away from the central cave."

"Yes!" Princess Digne said, then immediately deployed.

After an hour, the Steiner Army had 70,000 people and hundreds of thousands of bodies, all of which were evacuated to the most marginal zone of the city.

The second step is to build a starry magic energy array in the underground center cave of Yunewangcheng!

Lanling brought dozens of people, they are not fighting, but a variety of spar, a variety of materials.

It is necessary to build a starry magic energy array in the shortest possible time.

The 550,000-kilometer star magic extract will be placed in this energy array for decomposition, and then detonated in an instant to create an independent dead space!


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(End of this chapter)

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