World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 893: Eighty-nine: Five Dragons of Lanling! (important)

Chapter 893 Eighty-five Five Dragons of the Lanling! (important)

The Temple of the Dragon has fallen into a dilemma!

In the face of the final battle of the wilderness in the south, how should the Dragon Temple be chosen?

Is it important for Lanling, or is it important for the Hell Knight?

Do you want to let Lanling attract the appearance of Hell Knight? In the final battle, do you want to help Tiansha Wang again?

Will the Hell Knight appear?

At present, the highest leader of the Shenlong Temple dealing with the wilderness of the South is the alternate sky priest, and has full power.

Whoever kills Lanling is the sinner of the ages, and this has always been an absolute rule in the Temple of the Dragon. But now the situation has changed. Lanling actually helped the Dini Army to evaporate in the city of Yune, and they waited again after the Tiansha Wang and Na's Blood Legion left.

What does this prove? Prove that Lanling has a high growth in energy science.

So, do you still want to let Lanling continue to grow?

In the end, the gray ancient is somewhat inaccurate, and directly reported to the sky temple his leadership of ancient spots!

There are factions anywhere, even in the Temple of the Sky.


Sky Temple Demon Star Court!

In the past seven years, Volunteer could not even describe it with the spring breeze.

Because she discovered the demon emperor of the demon star, she was promoted to be the referee of the temple, and when the temple of the dragon was released from martial arts, she became the first member of the training.

Of course, her martial arts is very, very bad, but that is also because her martial arts did not need to be too strong in the previous environment, and even her martial arts were bad, because she has been entering the WTO.

But after exposing the identity of the Lord of the Demon Star, she left the world. Each generation of pretenders carries some of the dragon's genes and blood, and has a very high talent, but it has not been activated.

In the career of the four-year referee, in addition to being a fortune in the Wrath Kingdom, he spent most of his time practicing high-end energy martial arts.

After the end of the five-year term, she was promoted from the Grand Referee of the Batu Du Temple to the Grand Chancellor of the Yanjing Temple.

Now two and a half years have passed, she once again seeks progress, so she once again appeared in the demon star pavilion, her highest backing, the demon star pavilion is boundless, the sky in the temple, the demon, the demon star and the demon emperor The highest arbitrator.

"Lord, I heard that the pretenders of all ages can become alternate sky referees!"

The highest authority of the Sky Temple consists of the Sky Priest and the Sky Referee. Whether it is the Sky Priest or the Sky Referee, it is generally six to nine.

Under that, there are more than a dozen alternate sky priests, alternate sky referees.

"Hmm..." Ning nowhere.

Volunting said: "Even when the demon star came into the world, the pretender became the sky referee."

"Yeah!" Ning no way.

Volunting said: "I want to seek the position of the alternate sky referee!"

Ning nowhere to open his eyes, said: "A bit early, you are not full of the post of the referee of the Yanjing Temple, only half past five years."

Volunting said: "My Lord, missed the alternate sky priest, the alternate sky referee's co-option, will wait until five years later. At that time, the demon star ruined demons have long since vanished However, the weight of our demon star pavilion has also dropped. By that time, it would be difficult for me to promote to the Temple of the Sky. I can only make up for the alternate Sky Referee before retirement."

Ning no boundaries did not speak.

Volunteer continued: "Now the Lord of the Demon Star is raging in the Mozu area. When we officially show our grandeur, I entered the Temple of the Sky and shouted for you. Don't forget, the demon star more than 3,000 years ago. When the Lord came into the world, the Lord of the Stars could directly become the supreme leader of the Temple of the Sky."

Demon Star Court: "The pretender of that generation successfully transformed the Lord of the Demon Star into the Dragon Emperor. And you? After discovering the Lord of the Demon Star, I can't wait to announce it, and I can't wait to destroy him and cut off the road."

More than 3,000 years ago, the Emperor of the Fire did not choose the inheritance of the Emperor, but chose the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor, which not only made the human civilization of the country flourish again, but also made the Shenlong Temple gain the great merits. The generation of pretenders was successfully promoted to the sky referee, and the generation of the demon star owner successfully became the highest leader of the sky temple.

Volunting said: "But there are still nine Hell Knights left? If you destroy them all, do you have any objections to becoming the supreme leader of the Temple of the Sky? You are a singer, you are detached, not good at The Temple of the Sky directly expresses opinions, but I can, as long as I am promoted to the alternate Sky Referee."

Ning nowhere, helplessly shook his head: "The disguise of each generation is not the same personality, only your generation, the most greedy."

Volunteer smiled and did not regard this as criticism.

"Okay, I know!" Ning nowhere said: "The next thing, you don't talk!"

A moment later, a distinguished guest visits the Demon Star Pavilion, the sky priests ancient spots!

Ning nowhere went out to meet with Volunteer.

Ancient spots and Ning nowhere are infinitely chattering, after two quarters of an hour, Ning has no way: "Glory of the ancient spot, this sky temple is a small generation, what can you think?"

The ancient spot smiled: "Where do I have any thoughts? I am the one who made the mistake!"

The ancient spot once gave the Lanling a sin-free gold medal, and the hidden sect of the cemetery was even jailed for this sin-free gold medal. Although no one blames the ancient spots afterwards, everyone knows that this is a mistake! As a priest of the sky, the ancient spot actually gave the demon star the exemption gold medal!

Ning has no way: "The gold medal on that side, isn't it for us to give Sauron together? It is said that before the Hell Knight was introduced, who killed the Lord of the Demon Star, who is the sinner of the Temple of the Dragon. So Although you and I know the existence of the Lord of the Demon Star, Sauron has always been forbearing, and even awarded a gold medal to him, that is, to avoid someone stunned. As a result, the factional struggle within the Temple of the Sky caused the Lord of the Demon Star to be exposed in advance. People can't wait to harvest a credit!"

When the words came out, the ancient spots were bright.

Ning Wuya is the owner of the demon star, and has the highest decision-making power and the highest interpretation right for the Lord's affairs.

If he said that the ancient spot gave Solon a sin-free gold medal is just, it is just. Moreover, Ning Wuya is willing to take on this part of the responsibility.

Ning nowhere continues: "So, in this matter, I am going to talk. Some people always take this problem with you, and they are guilty!"

Some of the people here are the priests of the sky.

The Temple of the Sky is divided into two factions, the evil sect, and the bright one.

The bad priest of the sky is the leader of the evil sect, and the ancient spot is the leader of the Guangming.

"I have also heard that your disciple Ji Xiu Ning has also been taken by some people?"

Ancient spot: "Xi Xiu Ning, was planted in the source of the magic, but also secretly gave birth to a child. Of course we have to deal with it, so I want to keep her quiet for a few years. As a result, I can't wait to make her become an inspector, and I don't want to. It’s good to stop, lest I seem to stop my students.”

"Some people just like to do some small moves!" Ning nowhere said: "You can rest assured that this small change will definitely speak for you. The highest leader Shi Tian does not like to talk, the second leader is in this position, I support you. Now that the Lord of the Demon Star is raging below, I feel that I still have a voice."

The ancient spotted body said: "Thank you for the singularity of the Ningge."

Then, the ancient spot looked at Voluntin Road: "The volt pretender has been the referee of the Yanjing Temple for two and a half years?"

Volta said: "Yes!"

Ancient spot: "Now the demon star is raging. You are a pretender. It is not good for a long time. You are the first creditor of the Lord of the Demon Star. You should have a greater say in this matter. For a long time, in the following words, The voice is too small, we can't hear it, it's easy to miss many correct decisions, you still come up! This time to add the alternate sky referee, I recommend you!"

"Yes..." Voltaire walked down and said: "Thank you for the ancient spot!"

The demon star pavilion is nowhere to say: "Too young, too young..."

Ancient spot: "It’s looking young, like a 30-year-old. It’s actually not young, it’s fifty years old.”

Ning nowhere: "I am in the sky at the age of fifty-one, the first one in a few hundred years!"

Ancient spot: "Special circumstances, special moments, special treatment!"

At this time, the ancient spotted eyes trembled: "This gray ancient, there is nothing to decide for yourself, whether it should be reported all the time. Ning Gezhu, there are things reported in the gray ancient, then we will listen!"

"Listen to..." Ning has no way.

After a while, the spiritual image of the alternate priest of the sky sage appeared in front of everyone. He bowed to the ancient spot and bowed to Ning.

"The two masters, the southern wilderness is in the final battle, and the Heavenly King is asking for my support. What should I make?" Gray Road.

Ancient spot: "I have said long ago that you have full authority to decide."

Gray Road: "But now the situation has changed, Lanling's growth rate is very fast. Before he how to save the Diners, I reported to you, whether you still insist on the previous decision, fattening Lanling, attracting the Hell Knight, Then I went to the net? Lanling’s growth rate is too fast!”

The ancient spot suddenly looked forward to the Ning, and for the demon star affairs, Ning Bian has the highest decision-making power.

Ning has no reason to be serious: "This decision can't be changed, can't be shaken! The **** of the Hell Knight, the Lord of the Devil's Stars. Only by completely destroying the Hell Knight and transforming the Hell Knight, can you exchange the long-term stability of my gods."

Gray Road: "I understand, then I have decided all the power?"

Ancient spot: "I am supporting you by Ningge and you, you have the power to decide!"

"Yes!" Waiting for the sky priest to ash the ancient road, and then his image disappears!

I also chatted a few words, and the ancient spot left.

Ning Boundless once again stressed: "Between you and bad luck, I support you!"

This is really not a bit vague, so that the ancient spot is grateful.

Then, Ning Wuyao rushed to Fuling: "You send me the ancient spotted lord, then you go back, don't go all the way to me, the impact is not good."

"Yes!" Volunter shouted.


After the ancient spots and Volunteers left.

A black shadow came out and stood beside the star of the demon star.

"This time the position of the second handle, you do not fight, you are also difficult to compete for ancient spots." Ning nowhere: "The black hole energy in your body is always a defect."

"I know!" A hoarse voice sounded.

He turned out to be the priest of the sky, and he was some of the people who had been speculating in the mouth.

"Forcing the inspiration to induce Lanling to become the work of the Dragon Emperor, how is progress?" Ning has no way.

"Current location, everything goes well!" Sky priest is bad luck.

Ning nowhere said: "Remember, this thing is done, you and I can dominate the entire sky temple for a hundred years, dominate the world for hundreds of years! Our first leader, Shi Tian, ​​is really too..."

The doom priest said: "I understand!"


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(End of this chapter)

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