World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 894: Eighty-six: Complete the history of Ashi! The position of the king!

Chapter 894, Eighty-six-six-six-year-old A Shi is a man! The position of the king of Asia!

Gray has already received the approval of the two great figures in the Temple of the Sky, and they should do whatever they want.

"Tianlu Wang, last time I supported you five Asian kings, 30 magical holy priests!" Gray Road: "I have removed the top strength of my devil's pavilion, this time I support you eight. Wang, fifty demon priests and dark priests. If you can't take the flaming empire, you know what the consequences are!"

Of course, the alternate sky priest ash has not finished yet, and there are eight hundred enchanted dark priests.

The so-called dark priest is actually the undead of the Mozu created by the Dragon Temple for many years.

For centuries, for thousands of years, the Devil's Court of the Dragon Temple has been arresting the top masters of the Mozu and sent them to the Devil's Lab for various transformations. There are failures and successes.

For example, the blood wolf king saved by the Tang people is a work of the Devil's Laboratory.

Most of the dark priests of the Devil's Court are the products of the failure of transformation. They become almost warrior-like warriors. They only know how to fight and have lost their minds.

Therefore, although these dark priests are very strong, they are used as cannon fodder by the Temple of the Dragon.

Although the Temple of the Sky is powerful, every Yawang is precious and cannot be used to help the King of Heaven to unify the southern wild.

Wang Xia Wang bowed down and said: "Thank you for the heavenly temples, the heights of the heavens and the earth, this time I joined forces with the Na blood, ten times the power of the empire, and will definitely break the bones of the empire."

Originally, the Emperor of Heavenly King had two Asian kings, twenty-two devils, and one thousand devils. It is not as good as Lanling and Na.

But with the support of the Temple of the Dragon, it suddenly rose to ten Yawang, seventy-two Devils, and one thousand eight hundred devils. The forces suddenly drove above Lan Ling and Na Na!

In the cognition of the Heavenly King, even if the Witch Country and the Wings fully rely on Lanling, the Demon Empire is only three people, the Devil Queen, Digne, and the unknown ancient witch. There should be no more than 50 people in the magical level. This power is even worse than his Heavenly King, not to mention the coalition of the Heavenly King and the Blood.

The only thing that can be feared is the **** of the Inflammatory Empire, which has an amazing lethal effect on the Asian King.

But how to crack the **** enchantment array, Na Blood and Heavenly King Wang have a plan! Therefore, there is no suspense in the demise of the empire.

The ancient priest said: "I asked, once you have destroyed the empire, how do you plan to deal with Lanling? How to deal with the blood?"

King of Heaven: "Of course, I will follow the orders of the Temple of the Sky. The Mozu Empire I built will also be the Mozu Empire under the sacred glory of the Temple of the Sky!"

Gray had waved his hand and did not speak!


On the blood side of the blood, after the last battle, the blood-sucking demon army was hurt.

There are two Asian kings, sixty-two devils, and one thousand five hundred devils.

However, those who lost the devil, the demon statue, and the body were gathered by her, and succeeded in creating a terrible undead warrior.

When the undead warrior refining is completed, her sacred sacred sage will reach as many as eighty-five, and the demon sage will reach two thousand and one hundred.

At this time, the Emperor of the Emperor did not count the suspicion, and the Du Wang, the king of the snake spirits, came to support Na's blood.

In addition to being a princess of the snake spirits, this Dushu has an identity, that is, the little prince of the prince of the magic.

For her arrival, Na's blood is not very happy, but she has to accept it. Because once she has destroyed the empire, she still needs to live in the king of heaven, in order to become the king of the wild, she needs this power.

"Following the command of the next, I brought 500,000 undead warriors, including the demon saint-level undead warrior twenty, the devil-level undead warrior five hundred, the demon-class undead warrior 10,000, the magic martial-class undead warrior 200,000. The rest are all big demon warriors." Du Shudao: "In addition, among the thousand snake spirit warriors I led, fifteen people of the magical level, three hundred people of the demon level, and seven hundred people of the demon class."

Du Shu is forty-nine years old, but it seems to be only in his twenties. Before the South, Emperor Demon gave her the power of the Asian king.

Therefore, after the support of Emperor Moto, those who have three Yawangs, one hundred and twenty demon saints, two thousand and nine hundred devils, as for the Mozong class, are really countless!

In the number of Asian kings, it is not as good as the Heavenly King, but the Devil level, the Devils are far superior. Not only that, but she also has a powerful undead warrior in her hand, a full 1.5 million undead warriors.

"My strength with Tiansha Wang is really ten times that of the enchanted empire." Princess Na, said: "Maybe Lanling will still not die, it will still rise, but the empire is over. ""

When she said this sentence, there was not much happiness, but it was full of irony.

Because she is not alone in destroying the empire of the empire, but in conjunction with the King of Heaven, plus the support of the Motuo Empire, there may be support for the Temple of the Dragon.

It’s ridiculous to combine the four forces to destroy the empire.

Of course, she knows that the more foreign power, the smaller her voice will be in the future.

"The final battle of the last annihilation of the empire empire has not yet begun, but the ending is already doomed." The snake princess, the prince of the priest, Du Shudao said: "So the key is to eliminate the pattern after the empire empire, you and the celestial How does the king get along?"

Na blood frowned: "What do you want to bring under your arm?"

Du Shudao: "Your Majesty said that only mastering the real power, do not care too much about who the emperor did. Moreover, the Temple of the Dragon will never allow us to become the emperor of the North and the South."

The meaning of this statement is very clear, the emperor is still to be done by the Prince of Heaven, but the power of the future ruins of the ruins of the southern kingdom must be in the hands of Na's blood.

Na blood pondered for a while: "Send a message to the Emperor of the Magic, saying that the King of Heaven cannot live!"

As soon as this was said, Du Shu could not help but frown slightly.

This condition should be very difficult... However, she is only a small scorpion of the prince of the genus, but although it is a representative of the power of the martyrdom in the south, it has no right to teach Naxi how to do it.

Emperor Demon repeatedly told her that after going to the southern wilderness, the blood of Na Na was obedient.

"Yes!" Du Shudao: "I will pass the words to the Emperor!"

Na blood road: "You retreat!"

Du Shu withdrew, and only the Na blood and the emperor were left in the entire hall.

For a while, Na Na said: "When I was just going south, I was so arrogant. I felt that I could swept the entire southern wilderness alone, and I was alone in this piece of land. I didn’t want anyone to touch my power. Now? Emperor Moto intervened in, and the Temple of the Dragon also intervened. I and the King of Heaven became like a chess piece."

Emperor said: "People are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves! As long as they have won the wild in the south, they will eventually get rid of the imprisonment and the day of the sky!"

After a while, Du Shu appeared again outside the temple: "His Royal Highness, I want to go to the flaming empire."

"What is it?" Na blood.

Du Shudao: "Go to see an old man!"

"Quasi!" Na blood.


Yancheng City!

Lanling conducted the final statistics on the power of the inflammation empire!

There are seven king-level powerhouses, eight people, fifty-two strong devils, one thousand and two hundred devils, and two thousand three thousand devils!

Na's blood was supported by the Motuo Empire, and the Heavenly King was supported by the Temple of the Dragon.

Therefore, the empire empire is in the top martial arts power, not comparable to Na blood and Tiansha Wang, except for the sub-king powerhouse, even half of the blood of the Na, only the blood of the Nasha and the Tiansha Wanglian army One!

Therefore, this final battle, Tiansha Wang and Na blood coalition forces are ten times more than the Yan Mo Empire, but it is four times full.

"The undead warrior is an energy life, almost immune to all energy attacks except the electric energy!" Tang said: "So, the enemy will use the undead warrior regiment to break through our Hell Enemy and destroy our energy tower defense. Make a big attack!"

Demon Queen said: "But no one would have thought that His Majesty would place countless space traps over the city of Fire, and would destroy all the undead warrior regiments. The Necromancers are not only the ultimate strength of Na's blood, but also occupy it. Half of the top martial arts forces."

Tang Rendao said: "So according to the tenth battle of the mirror demon king, we will all win. Even if the strength of the Heavenly King and the Blood Alliance is three times more than ours, four times! Because the foundation of all the victory of the Heavenly King and the Blood Alliance is to destroy. Our Hell Demon Array is in the Undead Warrior Regiment. Destroy the Undead Warrior Regiment, the Enchanted Empire will win. But... The only variable is the opponent's Asian-level powerhouse, based on the battle. If the other side's Yawang The level is in nine people, we still win, more than eleven people, there will be variables, more than thirteen people will be great..."

The ancient witch will hope: "So, I suggest that in the first battle, you will immediately kill the emperor with your mind!"

Lan Ling sucked up the emperor and could not control his will, but he could control his life and death.

The demon queen said: "Our sub-king power is still too little. Is it necessary to make the great priest of the Holy Magic Palace come to the elders?"

The elders of the Holy Magic Palace are also the strongest of the Asian kings. The demon queen can't move her, but Lanling can.

After hesitating for a moment, Lanling shook his head. Many of the energy arrays in the Sanctuary are driven by the sub-king power. The sacred army can be mobilized, but the one-hearted priest can't move.

Tang Rendao: "Our sub-king powerhouse is still too few. There are currently several programs, the first one, to awaken the iceman."

Iceman, who was frozen in an abandoned laboratory at the Temple of the Dragon, was once the first strongman of the entire Mozu. Once awake, no one can control him.

Thinking for a while, Lan Ling also rejected the proposal.

"The second option, ask for help from the East Wang Jiang!" Tang Rendao.

Lanling shook his head and still rejected this plan.

The Tang people stopped because there was no third option.

Lanling Road: "Some of us have already reached the peak of the devil?"

Many, the king of the wing, the Tang, many flag bearers of the witch country, the witch will, and the doom goddess red spoon.

"So, so far, the most promising to break through the Asian king, who is it?" Lan Ling asked.

Demon Queen said: "Leave people!"

This answer made Lan Ling somewhat accidental, but it was not unexpected to think about it.

After all, more than seven years ago, people have been repaired by the demon level, that is, they have been unable to break through to the next realm and cannot change, so they suffer from blood energy.

It’s normal to practice for seven years with the demon queen.

Demon Queen said: "Every generation of my witch country has more than ten people whose blood talent can break through the king. But because the energy of the Mozu territory is so bad, each generation can only be two. One is the demon queen, the other is holy. The priest of the Magic Palace! According to the truth, people want to be the king of Asia, unless I abdicate and give her energy completely!"

Lan Ling asked: "How many undead warriors are made in the undead tower of Na's blood?"

"Thousands to 10,000!" Tang Rendao.

Lanling Road: "That is to say, it will take her a while to fully refine hundreds of thousands of undead warriors. Before the undead warriors did not complete the refining, she would not fight!"

"Yes!" Tang Rendao.

Lanling Road: "In this way, I will leave people to break through the king of Asia! Strive to complete the promotion of the king in a month!"

Of course, Lanling is practicing with the devil's secrets. She is now a peak-level demon, and she can break through the king by normal cultivation. Because she has this blood talent, she belongs to one of the top ten talents of the witch country.

A Shi is also a member of the Inflammatory Council, but she only has ears and no mouth at a time. She only loves to move her fists and does not like to understand her brain.

After hearing the words of Lanling, she nodded and said, "Okay!"

At this time, Lanling’s brain rang a thick voice.

"Master, the member of the blood-sucking royal family of the Motuo Empire, the daughter of the Queen of the Snake Spirit, and Du Shu asked for the help of Lansi!"

Lan Sisi, the second wife of Constantine, was able to marry Lan Ling and become one of the emperors because of his hard work.

Didn't think that the king of the snake spirits of the Motuo Empire came to see her?


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(End of this chapter)

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