World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 963: 1965: The temple compromise! Ji Xianning's nightmare!

Chapter 963 1965 Compromise of the Temple! Ji Xianning's nightmare!

Really there is no exaggeration, it is completely white!

After hearing this bad news, Ning had no feeling of darkness and coldness, and rushed to the top of his head.

Then, the whole body became numb and almost unaware.

The patriarch of the Demon Dragon family, the devil's lord, stunned, and the beautiful human body disappeared, showing the prototype of the snake.

Regardless of whether there is no end to Ning, or for the Devils, this is totally unbearable.

There was a burst of blackness in front of me, and my mind was roaring, and I was desperately shaking my head, trying to wake myself up.

However, it is really hard to be...

"How is it possible? How is this possible?" Ning no end of the heart asked again and again.

How can Lan Ling get the inheritance of the Emperor?

The inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven has disappeared, and the Great Emperor of Doom has already vanished into the underworld.

Moreover, Lanling was swallowed up by the black hole vortex, destined to be smouldering, how could it be possible to obtain the inheritance of the emperor?

After a while, Ning nowhere to find that entangled these problems has no meaning, now things have happened.

Lanling inherited the emperor, not only represents the failure of the captive strategy, but also brings disaster to the whole world, the entire Shenlong Temple.

Of course, these seem to be a bit far-reaching.

The most important thing is that this responsibility requires him to take no place.

If it is not for the hope of sorrow, if it is not for the Lanling to become the Dragon Emperor, the Temple of the Dragon has already destroyed Lanling 10,000 times. Where will he live to the present and inherit the inheritance of the Emperor.

Now, the real fire is self-immolation.

He would have no choice but to plant it, and he has to bear the main responsibility.

蝰 Both sides: "Yifu, now you should retreat, resign, resign from the third priest and second referee of the Temple of the Sky, and even resign from the position of the demon star."

Ning nowhere thought for a while: "No, it should be the first to resign to the position of the demon star, and then resign from the second priest of the Temple of the Sky, the second referee."

蝰 蝰 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双

If you quit the third sky priest and the second sky referee, it is to resign from the part-time job. If the sky temple promises to push the boat, then the big thing is not good, the power is lost, and a lot of people are waiting to take over.

And if you first quit the demon star, no one dares to take over, because the demon star is responsible for dealing with the demon star. Now that Lanling has become a demon, this is a devastating errand.

"Now the demon star owner has become a hot potato, so the righteous father should still not lose power, the sky temple needs you to continue to thunder."

Ning nowhere nodded and said: "I went to the sky temple."

When Ning had no time to walk out of the room, he saw Soe was painting, and suddenly he sighed.

In the future, this girl is half a long princess in the world, even a world.

Ning no end to the back of the sly, bent over a half ceremony, and then went to the Temple of the Sky.


Inside the Temple of the Sky, all the sky priests, the sky referee gathered.

Because the sky is falling!

Heaven condemns, and the punishment is coming!

This world has reached the brink of destruction.

Ning no end in front of everyone's face, took off his hat, took off his ornaments, and then handed out his token, energy seal.

"I committed a great crime, trying to encircle the Lord of the demon star so that I can use the fire to self-immolate, so that Lanling succeeded in inheriting the emperor. I am guilty of sin and willing to resign from the demon star and all his affiliated positions, and willingly be punished by the Sky Temple. Whether it is imprisonment or execution, it is difficult for me to sin."

Ning's boundless gesture is very, very low.

The de facto second leader of the Sky Temple, smashed his robe, only wearing a linen underwear, the crown was untied, the hair was scattered, the white hair was like snow, it looked very decadent, old More than twenty years old.

The temple of the entire sky, the silence of death.

At this time, no one has the heart to think about how big the sin is.

The emperor is here!

The world is going to be destroyed again.

More than 10,000 years ago, the Great Emperor of the Dooms came, and the entire human kingdom was almost completely collapsed. The Temple of the Dragon on the ground, the four secret continents were slaughtered.

Three thousand years ago, when Emperor Erda came, not only the entire human kingdom fell, but the Temple of the Dragon fell, and even the Temple of the Sky was destroyed.

Of course, no one has ever experienced this because it is too long.

Every thousand years, the Lord of the Demon Star will come, but three thousand years ago, the Dragon Temple successfully captively the Lord of the Demon Star, not only solved the crisis of extinction, but also made the various strengths of the Temple of the Dragon have been sublimated.

Therefore, everyone lost their fear of the instinct of the demon star, not only not afraid, but became a pig, the first bloodletting, the second cut.

And now, I finally set myself on fire.

Ning no end of the world once again sighed: "Under the release of the sky, no end is willing to lead the neck."

The No. 2 power figure of the Sky Temple is really miserable at this time.

The sky priests should be very happy. He always wants to kill Ning nowhere, and he has become a veritable leader. But now, he only feels a shudder of chills.

"There must be no..." The ancient spotted out: "Under the release of the heavens, the Lord of the Neighbors is the will of my entire temple, and the Ning Nothing is only an executor. He should not bear such a big responsibility. ”

"I **** your mother." Ning nowhere is angry inside.

The ancient spot said that he should not bear such a big responsibility, but the small responsibility still has to bear, so several part-time jobs must be taken away.

In the minds of the people, in the decision-making of the Lord of the Demon Star, it is always dominated by Ning Nowhere. As the first leader, Shi Tian has very little positive attitude and respects the highest decision-making power of Ning Wushang in the Lord of the Demon Star.

Silence for a moment, Shi Tiandao said: "The ancient spot is right, the Lord of the captive demon star is the decision of the entire sky temple. The leader of the Endless Court is only an executor. If you make mistakes, it is also the mistake of the entire sky temple. Lanling became the emperor, and the responsibility of the future demon star pavilion will be further increased. The innocent cabinet owner must concentrate on dealing with Lanling, so the position of the sky priest and the sky referee should not be retained, and the profession specializes."

Ning no end of the heart of the incomparable bitterness, he is worried about the sin of the sin, willing to quit the demon star, is to know that this position becomes a hot potato, others are not willing to take over. Did not think that Shi Tian ignored this, directly took away the part-time job of his Sky Referee and Sky Priest.

"Of course, the position of the Untitled Court is special, you can still participate in the Sky Temple Conference, or even a three-person meeting, a five-person meeting." Shi Tiandao.

Suddenly, Ning had no end and a long sigh of relief. He was interrupted by his hands and feet, and his mouth was stuffed with a sweet date.

Shi Tiandao: "The disposal of the unowned cabinet owner has ended here. Next, I will discuss how to deal with the demon emperor."


"Open all the tombs of the heavens, gather all the forces through the gates of Aurora, destroy the empire of the empire, destroy the Mausoleum of the Emperor, and kill the world war in the bud." A sky referee said: "Is it possible?"

Shi Tian seems to have fallen into silence again, not opening.

Everyone looked at Ning nowhere.

Ning nowhere shook his head and said: "It is impossible. The empire empire is the plane of the Emperor Lanling. He is the master of the plane. Any energy that leaves the body will belong to the Emperor. In his plane, Lanling is almost a god, and the world is invincible."

A moment later, there was a sky priest: "That is, only he went north to attack the human kingdom and attack the Temple of the Dragon, and it is impossible for us to take the initiative to beat him?"

"Yes." Ning has no way: "After he became a demon emperor, everything changed. Unless the ultimate power on the moon is shot, the Shenlong Temple and the human kingdom will always be beaten. Unless the ultimate power of the moon is shot, otherwise enter The army of the Inflammatory Empire, no matter how powerful, goes to 100,000 and destroys 100,000, goes to one million and destroys one million, and goes to ten million to destroy ten million."

This... what a real deal!

Ning has no way: "So, there is no point in discussing war and peace, because it is war and peace, and it depends entirely on the will of Lanling."

One of the sky priests silenced for a moment: "Can not fight, try not to fight. According to the rules of the ancient times, 100,000 mountains are bounded, the south belongs to the Mozu, and the north belongs to the dragon."

This sentence is typical of capitulation, but no one attacked him because he said the voice of everyone.

Really can't fight, try not to fight.

Once opened, the tombs of the heavens will be opened in large numbers, and the old guys will come out. Now these sky priests will lose power.

These sky priests do not know how many partisans, how many disciples and grandchildren in the Temple of the Dragon on the ground. Once the Lanling Northern Expedition, these people will be slaughtered.

Ning has no way: "Destroy the Emperor is the decision that the Temple of the Dragon cannot be changed, but this happened so suddenly. My Shenlong Temple is not ready for the perfection. The defense of the 100,000 Dashan is far from being able to talk. It is indestructible. The maritime defense line of the human kingdom is even more fragile. Therefore, we need time to try to delay the Northern Expedition of the Emperor Lanling. While negotiating, we will strengthen the direction of the sea and the 100,000 mountain defense line. The most important thing is to build the Shenlong Tower. Use the power of the dragon's faith to weaken the power of the Emperor's Lanling."

Everyone agrees with the idea of ​​being boundless because it is almost the only way.

Ning has no way: "I propose to send a person to the Yanmo Empire to negotiate. As long as you talk about it, within five years, Lanling is not going to the north, this person can enter the Temple of the Sky and fill the position of doom."

Ancient spot: "Ask below, who is willing to negotiate?"

The big shackles of the temple in the sky are not going to go. The former empire empire is like the back garden. The people of the Temple of the Dragon want to enter and think of it. Now, the empire empire has become a wolf's nest, and it may be that there is no return.


Returning to the Shenlong Temple, Ji Xianning became a saint.

Because she made a great contribution, she successfully activated the black hole vortex of Lanling and successfully discovered the Hell Knight.

At this time, she resumed the holiness as snow, and devoted herself to practicing in the Temple of the Sky, waiting for the next phase to enter the Dragon and Prison.

She has her own mountain range within the sky sanctuary.

Lanling was dead, and the Hell Knight was quickly wiped out by a net. Then she Ji Xining waited to enter the Temple of the Sky, raising the first step in five years.

Her next strategic goal is very clear, and she is doing her best to push Ning's horizons to the position of the first leader.

After a few decades, Ning has no end to retirement, so the replacement of the first leader is destined to her Ji Xianning, because the two are not born after all, a sky referee is almost the limit she can reach.

At this moment, she is sitting on the meditation practice.

Suddenly a powerful force entered her mountain.

Then, a delicate female swordsman entered the road: "Master, the sky priest visited the ancient spot."

Ji Xianning is a glimpse. Although the ancient spot is her teacher, the two people are already broken. She is now a partisan.

Even so, Ji Xianning is still greeted with a glimpse of it, and he said: "The disciple meets the teacher."

Her graceful figure has folded the most glamorous curvature.

She is very holy, but she does not reject her beauty.

The ancient spot looked at this beautiful and unparalleled disciple, and his heart sighed and sneered.

If nothing else, the outstanding female disciple in the future is really likely to win the position of the hostile leader of the Sky Temple.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity!

"Lanling has successfully inherited the inheritance of the Emperor, the Demon Empire has been destroyed, the priests of the Sky have been destroyed by the army, and the Demon Temple of the Dragon Temple has been destroyed." The ancient plaque: "I mean, let you be the messenger." Going to the Yanming Empire and Lanling negotiations, how?"

Suddenly, Ji Xiuning shuddered, completely unable to believe his ears, like a lightning strike!


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(End of this chapter)

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