World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 964: Nine-six-six: Ji Xianning is ugly!

Chapter 964, 1967, Ji Xianning, ugly! Devils!

"The Sky Temple has just made a resolution, who can make the empire of the empire, and persuade Lanling to sign a peace agreement, even if only five years, you can promote the sky priest." Ancient spot.

At this time, Ji Xiu Ning was still numb in the scalp, completely shocked in the news that Lanling became a demon emperor. At this time, after hearing the ancient spot, it seemed to wake up suddenly and said: "I will not go, I will not go."

This is the voice she has never had before.

She seems to be calm forever, even when she was killed by the ash, she was calm. At this time, her voice is so sharp.

Ancient spot: "Is it not your mission to serve the Temple of the Dragon? Besides, I think it is very appropriate for you to go. After all, you and Lanling have two children."

Not to mention the child is okay, she was in order to get rid of the difficulties, not only abandoned three of his own flesh and blood, but also poisoned three children, so that the Queen of Dnie was forced to let her go.

Suddenly, Ji Xiuning said coldly: "Teacher, I know what you mean by me. I am the most hated person of Lanling, so I am not letting me really be a messenger, but a gift to Lanling, let He abused and vented his anger. Only let him vent his anger, then you will talk."

"You want more." The sky priest is ancient.

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "Lan Ling's most hated thing should be, why not let her go? Why should I let me go? Unless the direct command of the Sky Temple, I will not go."

When this is said, it is the rhythm of tearing the face directly.

The ancient spotted face was cold and then left directly.

After the ancient spot left, Ji Xianning immediately rode a flying ride and flew to the demon star pavilion.


Entering the uninhabited residence of Ning, Ji Xianning also saw Soo, the eldest daughter of Lanling.

Ji Xianning looked at his incomparably complex eyes. From now on, this teenage girl is the long princess of the world's strongest empire.

Her Ji Xianning is also the long princess of the most powerful empire in the human kingdom, but the Yan Empire is really nothing compared to the Yan Mo Empire.

Even the current inflammation of the empire, there are 160 million square kilometers of land, with 670 million people.

And soon, the wilderness in the north will also completely fall into the hands of Lanling. Even in the future, the entire human kingdom will sink under the iron hoof of the Emperor Lanling.

At this time, Suo Yu is still painting. This time she painted her brother, Yu Yu. She has only seen Saitama several times. She only knows that this is also the son of Dad, so it is completely imagined, so it’s a reality. Jade is different.

Ji Xianning couldn't help but sighed forward: "Hey, after the jade grows up, the eyes and nose are more like your father, not like a child when you were a child."

Then, Ji Xianning was friendly to take the brush to help draw.

But he slammed all the brushes on the table in his hand, and then looked at Ji Xunning with his eyes cold and alert.

Because there is only one concept in her mind, the people who appear here are not good people.

Ji Xingning's hot face was stuck on the cold buttocks, and suddenly smiled and nodded gently toward the cockroach, then walked in.

Inside, Ning has no place to sit in a daze, there is a portrait in front of him, a portrait of Lanling, oh no, it is the portrait of Sauron, the work of 沁沁.

In spite of this, although he has been enemies with Lanling for ten years, he has never seen each other.

Ji Xianning went straight to the front and said: "Nothing, save me!"

Ning nowhere, then said: "What?"

Ji Xiu Ning said: "I used to be a teacher of ancient spots, I want to make the empire empire, he wants Lan Ling to kill me to vent his anger. In his eyes, I am a traitor, because I chose to put it under your door."

Ning nowhere, the face is a cold, the face muscles are slightly pumped.

The ancient spot is really deceiving too much. It’s down the stone. He hasn’t completely fallen down, and the ancient spot can’t wait to fall.

Kill the chicken and monkey, kill Ji Xianning to show the authority of his ancient spots.

After Ji Xianning finished speaking, he did not provoke dissension, let alone the words of killing chickens and monkeys.

For Ji Xianning, Ning has no need to protect the end, otherwise he will be mourned in the Sky Temple, who will follow him, who else will fear him? Today, killing Ji Xianning, will kill Volunteer tomorrow, will the day after tomorrow be killed and doubled, and then the devil's court, the demon laboratory became the enemy of the crime to plant him to the endless?

"I went to see Shixia." Ning no way.

Ji Xianning said: "Thank you for the Lord."


The temple where the first leader of the Temple of the Sky, Shi Tian, ​​lived was quite simple.

"Welcome to the world." Ning no endlessly bowed to bowing, this is unprecedented.

However, his worship was stopped by the release of the day.

"You and I are my colleagues, not the monarchs." Shi Tiandao: "We are elite people / the main system, not the monarchy."

Then, he pointed to a box on the table: "The Fire Lord has just sent it."

Ning nowhere to open a look, is a man's non-text.

"The squatting organ of doom." Shi Tiandao: "Doom has been taken to feed the dog because of the invasion of Hell Knight Astro, and there is such a thing left, first sent to the 100,000 mountains, then there is the holy dragon The holy priest of the temple was sent at the fastest speed."

Ning no end face trembled, hoarsely said: "Yes, is it necessary to do this? Doom... then how to say it is also a sky priest, even if the two sides are enemies, he is also a foreign minister, equivalent to the senior members of the Fire Council, so Did completely lose the decent."

Shi Tiandao said: "Probably we will kill him and play with it, so the Emperor of the Fire does not think that our Dragon Temple is decent. Perhaps the members of our Sky Temple are in his eyes, no different from pigs and dogs, not worth it. Respect, he does not recognize political equivalence."

This is the most scary!

If you do not recognize political equivalence, you will not be given relative political treatment.

Ming Yingzong Zhu Xizhen was defeated in Wa Yao Bao and was arrested by Watt. However, the other party acknowledged his political status, so despite being captured, the days are not too sad, and he still enjoys the captive status of a foreign monarch.

After the Huizong and Qinzong of the late Northern Song Dynasty were captured by the Jin State, they did not enjoy the treatment of the monarchy, and they lived poorly with pigs and dogs. The empress and the nephew were killed by the Jin Bing, and the two emperors could not eat enough every day. Any small soldier could be tortured.

When Lan Ling treats bad luck, it means that it will never give relative political treatment to members of the Temple of the Dragon. It will only be killed as a pig.

"Oh, come see me, what's the matter?" Shi Tiandao.

Ning has no way: "The ancient spot wants Ji Xianning to become the messenger to the flaming empire. I don't think it is appropriate. Ji Xingning has great merits after all. The Emperor Lanling has not asked for it, we can't wait to send Ji Xianning to kill him. To vent their anger, then as long as Lanling speaks, do we want to bring Volt, 卮妍, 蝰, 梦, Meng, and all the people who have been sent to let Lan Ling kill the anger? Then one day, if Lan Ling said that as long as the sky priests sent the ancient spots, as long as Ning nowhere to send me, I will not fight. Is it necessary to take me, send the ancient spots to him and kill him?"

After listening to the day, he did not show obvious anger.

Ning has no way: "In order to delay the time, in order to arrange the 100,000 Dashan defense line, the East China Sea defense line, we can compromise to Lanling. But we can't compromise unconditionally, at least we can't send the meritorious deities of the Shenlong Temple to let Lanling kill. This will be a cold heart. Our Shenlong Temple only delays time, it is definitely not appeasement, it is not weak, and absolutely cannot be allowed to kill by Lanling."

Shi Tiandao: "There is no use for you. I know that some people need bones, but they are definitely not us. We don't need bones, because we are not a country, we don't need any spirit. We are dragons. The temple represents the highest power and strength. If necessary, anyone can give Lan Ling to vent their anger, as long as it is not us."

Such a straightforward speech, so not hypocritical, Ning no end is really not used to it.

"You should know that there is no room for relaxation between us and Lanling. It is completely endless. The whole world can only accommodate the next one, either the Dragon Temple or the Emperor Lanling. Of course, there may be one. I can't hold it anymore." Shi Tiandao: "I know that you don't care about Ji Xunning's life and death. You care about your face. But at this time, the face is useless. This is a war that completely kills you and lives. It is no longer in the category of political struggle. It is."

Suddenly, Ning's boundless face became incomparably ugly.

"We are here to worry about whether to send Ji Xianning to Lan Ling to kill, whether to send Volunte to kill, but have you considered Lanling's thoughts?" Shi Tiandao: "We are thinking about negotiations, I still think about a condition and a condition to press on. However, if you think about it, Lanling does not even talk about a condition. Believe me, he does not talk about anything, so your Ji Xianning does not have to die, because he is dead. White died."

Ning's boundless face has become even more embarrassing.

"Always send a messenger, talk about it." Ning nowhere.

"Well, if you go, you may not be able to come back. It should be impossible to return, because Lanling wants to express his determined will, otherwise he will not kill the bad luck." Shi Tiandao: "Grey Gu? Is it still alive?" ”

Ning has no way: "At that time, he persuaded the King of Heaven to fail, and let him escape to Lanling and made a mistake. Therefore, he was temporarily confined and confined. He did not participate in the final battle of the empire, but he was blessed in disguise. Come down."

Shi Tiandao: "Let's let the gray go."


After the alternate sky priest gray was released, Ning had no time to invite him to talk.

I said the story of the Emperor Lanling, and then said that the Demon empire, the Demon Court army had been destroyed, and the matter of the doom was fed to the dog.

In the end, Ning has no way: "You go to talk with Lanling, try to fight for five years of peace time, as long as five years are not to the north, what conditions can be discussed."

Gray is silent.

"Remember, what conditions can be discussed." Ning nowhere.

Gray is like a mourning test. If you are in normal times, he will definitely be revered and respectful, but now you don't need it.

"As long as you talked about signing a peace treaty with Lanling, even if you don't go north in five years, you will be promoted directly to the sky priest and make up the position of bad luck." Ning nowhere took the gray shoulders: "I I am optimistic about you, you are talented, this thing is only for you to do, and you can rest assured that you will be relieved."

Then, Ning has nowhere to go.

Gray ancient issued a burst of embarrassment.

He made a roar in his heart: "Ning no end, I **** your mother, the sky temple, I **** your mother. It is obvious that let me go to die, say what I am optimistic about, and say what is promoted to the sky priest. Doom is How did you die? Feed the dog."

"Before the back pot is me, it is also me to persuade the king of the heavens to fail. I am now letting me go to death. When I am stupid! Well, I am stupid, but I can’t just hang me alone. Why not Volt? Going to the negotiations? Why didn’t Ji Xiuning go to the negotiations? Why don’t you both negotiate?” Gray Gu’s heart is really incomparable.

"Why do I hang me alone? Am I so bullied?"

However, Gray can not refuse.

He will be killed by Lan Ling after he has made the Inflammatory Empire, but if he does not go, he will be killed now.

Sitting on the ground for a long time, he went to Ning nowhere and made a request.

"I want to take away one person." Gray Road.

"Soren's daughter, Soo? No." Ning nowhere.

Gray Road: "Not a long princess, the butterfly dance of the Devil's Court, he is the lover of the ancestors of the ancestors, the mother of the daughter of Lanling, and the kindness to the Emperor of the Fire, once released the Ashi and the people. Ning mother and daughter."

Ning nowhere to think for a while, said: "Quasi!"


The next day, the alternate sky priest, Gray, left the Devil's Court with a butterfly dance and went to the empire empire!

A few days later!

The alternate sky priest gray ancient outside the city of the evil city, suddenly three weeks and nine worship.

"Gray ancient sees the Lord of the plane, the Lord of the Terran, the Supreme of the World, the master of Yu, the Emperor of the Fire, the Long Live, Long Live, Long Live!"

"Gray is willing to surrender and become a loyal dog at your feet. Gray is willing to become a **** of the Northern Expedition!"

"Gui Gu is willing to be a slave for a dog, and even if it is a trivial credit for his great cause!"

Really suddenly!

In this way, the alternate priest of the sky, who was not willing to be killed, directly surrendered.

He had not yet seen Lanling and surrendered. He must be fast, because he was afraid that after seeing Lanling, he couldn’t wait to say that he was directly pulled to feed the dog. With the character of Lanling, it is very possible to do such a thing.

In this way, the gray ancient three-nine-nine-week worship, in front of everyone, every nine steps, they will kneel down three times and nine weeks.

He was in the city of Yancheng. After just a few hundred meters, his forehead was bloody.

When Gray was willing to be a slave, he said it over and over again. He feels that he does not have any capital, he can only sell it miserably, the worse the better.

All of this is really too sudden, but Gray is a decision that is made after careful consideration.

Some of you in the sky temple don't treat me as a person. The one who is behind me is me, and it is still me who died. How can this be done?

Since you can do the first day, I can do fifteen.

I am not a wise man, I am really a straight person, but like me, I don’t want to look up, even myself will be scared.


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(End of this chapter)

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