World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 968: Ninety-seven: The king is on the north! The tremor of 卮妍!

Chapter 968, the ninety-seventh rule, the north! The tremor of 卮妍!

This time, with the army, there is a special person, that is, the original sky priest gray ancient.

Of course, he has completely completed the transformation and turned into a complete death warrior, and the whole body's bloodlines have been completely changed.

Just as Lanling expected, because he had no resistance in his heart, his soul was still free after he became a death warrior, and he did not become a walking dead.

"Master, the Dragon Temple and the bottom line of your negotiations are delayed for five years." Gray Road: "Their strategy is to return your family year after year, to maintain peace in this way, to achieve the purpose of delaying. Of course, if you ask for Volunteer and Ji Xiu Ning Shenlong Temple can also promise, in short, when I came, I wouldn’t have the word of the end. As long as you don’t go to the Northern Expedition, you can talk about anything.”

Lanling Road: "What do you think when you hear this sentence?"

"Shameless, weak, hopeless." Gray Road: "If it is not because of the ultimate power of the moon in the air, I feel that the Temple of the Dragon has decayed to the extreme, and I have to collapse."

Lan Ling smiled and did not speak.

Gray has surrendered, of course, desperately destroying the Temple of the Dragon, in order to prove that his choice is correct.

In fact, when Lan Ling heard everything, I felt the confidence and power in the Shenlong Temple.

On the surface, the Temple of the Dragon can sell everything in order to delay the time. It can be a kind of extreme weakness, just like some regimes that are about to perish. In order to preserve their willingness to give everything, what conditions to humiliate and humiliate the country can be talk.

But don't forget, even if it was at the end of the Qing Dynasty, whether it was Li Hongzhang or others, when negotiating with Western powers, at least on the surface, it was a matter of size. Even for a courtesy issue, it would be argued for several days. Diplomacy is no small matter.

In short, no matter the content of the negotiations, there is no dignity, but in the process of negotiation, the imperial majesty is absolutely maintained, and it must not be ruined.

And what about the Temple of the Dragon?

I don’t care about my face, I can talk about anything in a single sentence. Lan Ling can agree without any conditions.

What does this mean?

It means that there is actually no room for negotiation, and you are ready to prepare for your life and death. The so-called negotiation is just the art before the war.

Therefore, Lanling can conclude that before Lanling truly deforested the human kingdom, the Temple of the Dragon will be extremely ugly, and all kinds of unbearable performances will come out because they don't care about their faces. But as long as the Lanling Bing has a hundred thousand mountains, the Temple of the Dragon will guarantee a moment of cohesion and become a group that is incomparably horrible.

Who can not care about face?

A strong person can not care about face.

In 2008, we hosted the Olympic Games in China, and we were battling for the ice, just to hold the best, and it is best not to have a little embarrassment.

And if the United States holds the Olympics, it will be fine. If there is a scandal, riots or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Of course, if our country holds the second and third Olympic Games, it will be much more, even indifferent, and even show a gesture of love.

"I won't talk to the Temple of the Dragon." Lanling said: "If it wasn't for you to surrender and surrender in the first time, you should also feed the dog. No matter who sent it, the Dragon Temple will be squatting like you." To surrender, either I will throw it directly to feed the dog, and I will not talk about it at all. As for my family, when I am going to destroy the Temple of the Dragon, I will save myself. I don’t believe that the Temple of the Dragon still dares to hurt me. family?"

Gray Gu quickly humbled to the side.

The Lanling Northern Expedition of the Motuo Empire also carries a magnificent sky hall, and there is even a tower of the gods.

However, the main hall of Lanling is not a giant flying beast, but a hundred thousand undead warriors are flying underneath.

"Okay, go on." Lan Ling waved.

The demon queen 妲 盘 坐在 sits on the right side of Lanling, holding the Wuling sword of Lanling in his hand. At this time, the demon star is still in the black scorpion sword, and did not return to the body of Lanling.

Even so far, Lan Ling did not communicate with the demon star once.

It can be said that this time Lanling was inherited by the Emperor, although the demon star played a certain role, but it was not the core role.

According to the plan of the demon star, it is intended to let Lanling directly repay the soul, with great power directly returning to the soul mark of the Wusong sword, and directly resurrected.

In this way, Lanling does not need to cross the entire sea of ​​the underworld, nor does it need to cross the fallen land.

The consequence of this is that Lan Ling lost his body forever and became the same shape as the Hell Knight.

Lan Ling refused. He chose to go through the fallen land for nine deaths. In the end, he not only returned to the real world completely, but also got a complete emptiness.

Therefore, this is a great victory for Lan Ling will.

Of course, in the future, Lanling still needs a demon star, but he is the master and the demon star is a servant. This relationship must be determined.

Na blood walked out in a **** red dress, holding a plate of delicate fruit in her hand, soft on the legs of Lanling, biting a fruit with a small mouth and biting half of it, and the other half used the mouth to taste the mouth of Lanling.

She used to be a very tough person, as if every inch of her body was full of sharp and stinging.

After the resurrection, the whole body seems to have no bones. Most of the time, I like to wear no clothes, just like a white snake.

The number of intimacy per day is absolutely no less than three times.

And her hot and bold can't be described in words, in one sentence, that is, she can do anything.

On the earth, Lanling has seen a lot of special love films, and there are gestures in the film, Na Na can do it. What is not in the film, Na Na can also be made.

And her mantra is that everything I have lost must be brought back by hand.

Lanling is speechless, what have you lost in your blood?

Na blood said that she was unrequited, she could not die if she could be king, and she lost a lot of dignity, so she would take it all back.

However, when she said these words, she often squatted on the ground like a puppy, so the sense of violation of this picture is too strong.

For example, now she is doing something extremely embarrassing, and also said these rhetoric.

Next to the demon queen, Yu Ji couldn’t bear to say: "No face."

"The shackles of people are invincible." Na blood trembled.

Then, she turned over and pressed Lanling to the ground, swearing: "I will all get back in bed when I lost something on the battlefield."

Because there is a gas field in Lanling, the army does not have to travel very far, and can directly cross the radiation zone outside the fallen land.

Therefore, after a few days of flying, the northern wilderness is already far away, and the Emperor Lanling is in the north!


Sky Temple!

Ning no end has received a written letter from Gray.

"Stupid fortune is boundless, Laozi surrendered! One day, I will come back with my master's invincible army, let you old **** tremble under my feet, by the way tell you, your woman is jealous and others cheating I have seen her there, hahahaha!"

When I saw this letter, even if I had a boundless mind, I would almost blow up.

Of course, this is not to say that Ning has no broad minds, but to cultivate him to the point where most of the things don't care, and he won't be angry with others.

But the letter of the ancient ash is too vicious.

Next, the Temple of the Sky faced a difficult problem.

Do you still have to negotiate with the Emperor Lanling? If there is no accident, then there will be only two results if they are sent to negotiate, either killed or surrendered.


Today is a big day.

Ji Xianning, who is sick, Ji Mengbai and others have successfully tried out from the Dragon Prison.

The sky priests spotted the three young disciples.

The original plan for this trial was a year and a half, but because of such a change in the middle of the trial, the trial time was extended and it became two and a half years.

Today, the three most outstanding young disciples of the Dragon Temple have successfully broken through the ranks of the Asian king, which is completely worthy of their fulfillment, especially the illness and Ji Mengbai.

Ji Xianning is completely marginalized after the witch country is pregnant. Then the leader of the future Temple of the Sky will be selected from these three people. Accurately, it is chosen from the two people who are pregnant and Ji Mengbai. Special, but after all, it was the wife of the Lord of the Demon Star, and the illness and Ji Mengbai are rooted in red.

Especially when I am sick, if there is no accident, after about thirty years, he has the potential to compete for the position of the first leader.

"Teacher, is the last war of the Inflammatory Empire over? That's a pity..." Ji Mengbai sighed.

They just came out of the dragon prison, so I don't know what happened.

According to the original plan, Ji Mengbai and Huai disease have all wanted to participate in the war. The merits of the main star of the demon star Lanling, it is good to be able to catch one or two more, and it is also a glorious stroke in the future political resume.

Of course, the great merits of Lanling, the master of the captive star, belong to Ning Bian and Guzheng, but they are enough to be promoted as a disciple.

The face of the ancient spot still has a gentle smile. After hearing the words of Ji Mengbai, his smile is more cordial. He said: "The Lord of the Demon Star, Lanling, officially got the inheritance of the Emperor and became the wild plane in the south. Dominant, almost god. The 20 million army of the Motuo Empire was destroyed, and the 2 million army of the Dragon God Temple was destroyed. The sky priest was killed by the dog, and the alternate priest was gray. Ling, become the running dog of the devil."

When I said this, the ancient eyes were cold and my face was still smiling.

When this is the case, Ji Mengbai is sick as a lightning strike.

The body was completely paralyzed first, and then a cool rushed to the top of the head, almost to pick up the sky.

The ancient spot smiled: "I am sick, Ji Mengbai, the most hated person of the Emperor of the Fire, you two should be in the top ten."

Ji Mengbai was cold and his face was not so bloody.

And the disease has been light and cloudy at any time, Zhizhu is holding, and at this time it is also cold, as if every breath is full of cold fear.

And the stunned body trembled, his eyes trembled, and then there was no more expression.

For a while, Ji Mengbai said: "The Dragon Temple is very powerful. It will gather all the forces through the gate of Aurora, and you will be able to destroy the enchanted empire in the bud, and you will be able to kill the Lanling dog."

The ancient spot sneer and shook his head and said: "If you say another Lanling dog, you will die."

Ji Mengbai’s face suddenly became very ugly. Was the previous language trampling on Lanling not the political correctness of the Dragon Temple?

In fact, the Temple of the Sky is a group of very elite people!

Lanling is self-willed, but they are not willful.

For the self-immolation of the fire, Lanling received the inheritance of the emperor, and the temple of the sky is also very painful, but it will never regret it. Instead, they will immediately adjust their mentality and face Lanling with a new look and position.

Therefore, when talking about Lanling in any population, there is no longer any contempt, even the Lord of the Demon Star does not say it, but with respect, such as the Emperor of the Fire, or the Emperor Lanling.

Lanling does not give the Shenlong Temple a matching political treatment, but the Sky Temple has to give it.

The ancient spot is one word and one sentence: "In the south, the sorcerer is almost a god, and the world is invincible. The situation is that only he beats us, not us to beat him, there is never a chance."

Ji Mengbai and his pregnant face are even more ugly.

The ancient spot again said: "Now, the name of the singer is not the title of the Princess of the Long Princess, not the name."

A long breath, the ancient spot: "Hey."

He looked up and didn't make a sound.

"Now we need to negotiate with the Emperor of the Fire, no matter what conditions are imposed, we must sign a five-year peace treaty, so that he does not want to go north in five years." Ancient Dawn: "Our God Dragon Temple is very sincere, what conditions I can talk about it. But no one dares to talk about it. Hey, let’s talk, how?"


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(End of this chapter)

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