World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 969: September 17: The Magical Empire! Against the sky!

Chapter 969, 1997, the magical empire battle! Against the sky!

When this was said, I was worried about it and Ji Mengbai couldn’t help but look at it all.

The face was slightly changed, then said: "Is this an order?"

The last time, I asked this question.

The ancient spot shook his head and said: "It is not a command. It is a good opportunity. Just let Lanling sign a peace agreement, even if it is only five years, it is a huge credit. You can directly let the gray ash become an alternate sky priest."

When this is the case, Ji Mengbai’s eyes are bright, which is indeed a great opportunity for promotion. However, he is only a little bit tempted. Although the alternate sky priest is tempting, his life is more important. If Ji Mengbai is out of the empire of the empire, he is destined to die.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to receive this credit."

Ancient spot: "So what do you want to do? After learning that the Emperor Lanling has successfully inherited the Emperor, what do you want to do?"

Ruan said: "He will soon be the northern country of humanity?"

The ancient plaque said: "Not so fast, he needs to attack the Motuo Empire first. It takes a short period of time. After laying down the Motuo Empire, he needs to build a large-scale tower of the gods in the whole north. Re-constructed into the position of the emperor, Lan Ling is incapable of the Northern Expedition within two or three years."

He said: "I want to continue to enter the practice of the Dragon Prison Secret, and what level can be broken through to what level.

Ancient spotted head: "I know what you mean."


About half a day later.

He received the will of the Temple of the Sky, enshrining her as the Queen of the Wrath of the Wrath, and the Holy Sacrifice and the Grand Chancellor of the Temple of the Dragon.

In other words, the Queen is not only the first leader of the secular kingship of the Wrath Kingdom, but also the first leader of the Dragon Temple in the Wrath Kingdom.

Obviously, the Sky Temple was very satisfied with the reply, so it was rewarded.

Not only that, just left the secret of the Dragon Prison, Ji Mengbai, the sick have already entered the Dragon Prison Secret Trial once again, this time there is no time limit, how much can be improved as much as possible, unless the war breaks out, otherwise Will not let the three out in advance.

In fact, not only the three people who were sent to the Dragon and the Prison, but many dozens.

This is very rare.

Because the trial opportunities of the Dragon and the Prison are extremely precious, each trial requires a huge amount of energy resources.

Even the most discriminating disciple of the Dragon Temple, it is very rare to have a chance to try, and the time will not exceed one and a half years.

At this time, the Shenlong Temple fully cultivated the younger generation, and sent the masters of the Dragon Temple to the Dragon and Prisons for cultivation at no cost.

This can only prove one thing, the world war is coming soon.


Because all the energy bases in the Mozu area were uprooted, the Lantern's empire empire army was close to the northern wilderness, and the Shenlong Temple received the latest information.

The Enchanted Emperor Northern Expedition Motuo Empire!

This makes the Temple of the Sky very astonished. Is the Emperor Lanling so eager?

The rear of the Inflammatory Empire has not been completely stabilized. Most of the fields are still in chaos. According to the understanding of the Temple of the Dragon, the Emperor Lanling will have to launch tens of millions of troops after at least one or two years of development and construction. The mighty, cruel to the Motuo Empire.

Unexpectedly, less than two months after the end of the Great Defence Empire, the construction of the entire empire has not yet begun, and the Emperor Lanling can no longer wait for the Northern Expedition.

This is a huge bad news!

Along with it, there is also a letter of help from Emperor Moto.

Hundreds of thousands of fires, surely the Shenlong Temple sent troops to help, against the invasion of the evil emperor.

Then the Temple of the Sky is in a divergence, whether to support the Emperor!

One side of the opinion felt that it was just enough to use the power of the Motuo Empire to consume the power of the Emperor Lanling, and to delay the time as much as possible. If you can make both the Magic and the Enchanted Empire lose both sides, it would be better.

One party feels that the Shenlong Temple at this time should not take the initiative to provoke the Emperor Lanling, and should enter a period of concealment and crouching. In this way, when the future 100,000 mountains will fight, the most amazing lethality will be erupted in an instant, and the Emperor Lanling is caught off guard.

More than a dozen sky priests and sky referees held their own opinions. The number of people with different opinions was similar and they could not hold on.

If you put it before, you can't make a board, and you like to make a board, but he now needs more crouching than the Temple of the Dragon.

In the end, the first leader, Shi Tiantian, said slowly: "You have made a lot of love. The emperor's request for help is just a letter of help. He is very self-confident and confident. He doesn't need us to help."


The emperor is indeed self-sufficient, especially after the war of the empire of the empire a few months ago.

"A lot of people think that I am going to escape when I am at sunset, so I am sure that I am in a horrible situation. I am weak and unbearable. Today, the Emperor of the Emperor Lanling is on the north, I must be scared to the bottom of my mouth." Emperor Tuo smirked: "However, here is the northern wild, here It’s the Motuo Empire. Here is my plane. I have been here for hundreds of years.”

"Yes, the Emperor Lanling is very very strong, and his army is also a chicken and a dog. But he inherits only the inheritance of the Doom, not the complete emperor. His own cultivation is just awkward, even no more than I am higher."

"Where did the energy weapon of our Motuo empire develop? The third decomposition of black hole energy has been completely completed, and the fourth decomposition is also underway. It has been several years since the study of the star magic reaction core. The army, for our energy weapons, is really a chicken."

"The Emperor Lan Ling was really stunned by the victory. He shouldn't come. He will fall a big one in the Motuo Empire. He will throw away the undefeated body in me. Once it fails, the Devil's Land When the mausoleum was defeated, it completely lost its invincible coat."

"Come on, Devil's Lanling, come on! I have built three lines of defense here waiting for you. I hope that you will not break through the first line of defense, so I am too disappointed. Let's see, How many people are going to die in my first line of defense. Let me tear off the undefeated body of the Emperor in history."

The Emperor's Energy Hall floats not far from the coastline on the east side of the Motuo Empire, and there are several blood-sucking princes.

"The Emperor's Majesty, the Enchanted Empire is still eight hundred miles away from our coastal defense!"

The emperor did not walk out of the hall, but still closed his eyes in it.

A moment later, a vampire was coming in again.

"The Emperor's Majesty, the Enchanted Empire is still five hundred miles away from our coastal defense."

"Three hundred miles."

"Two hundred miles!"

Emperor Tudor opened his eyes and walked outside the hall.

Sure enough, the army of the Inflammatory Empire is already far away.

"This army is not strong, I thought it was a thousand military frenzy, I didn't think it was only a million." Emperor Motuo: "Flock!"

Thousands of giant airships began to form a battle, and they circled the hall of the emperor.

That's right, there are only a few thousand airships. But each of these airships is more than ten times larger than the submerged empire empire, and each airship has only one spar.

Each airship is seven hundred meters long, three hundred meters wide, and several tens of meters high. There is only one spar.

And this spar can be one meter in diameter and several tens of meters long. But the whole spar gun is a meticulous and complex energy array. The real caliber is not big, only a few centimeters. The spar wall is very thick.

Each of these giant airships does not have a few troops at all. It is more like a moving giant energy array that supplies energy to the spar.

After the formation, thousands of giant airships were combined to form a giant aerial fortress, tens of miles of super air fortress.

This scene is absolutely spectacular, and the tens of miles of aerial fortresses float in the air, which makes people feel that they are crossing the planet of the future.

It must be said that the energy civilization of the Motuo Empire is super developed, almost to catch up with the doom empire. It’s really hard for the Emperor of the Magic, because I’m worried about the idea of ​​the Temple of the Dragon, so I’m looking at the weak and incomparable southern wilderness but I can’t attack it.

With a weapon, killing the heart, the emperor should endure very hard. The last time he attacked the enchanted empire, he also wanted to hide power in front of the Temple of the Dragon, so only tens of thousands of airships and small spar guns were dispatched. In fact, these spar guns are completely energy weapons of the previous generation of the Inflammatory Empire. They are already outdated, but it is more than enough to erase the world from the empire.

However, he did not think of the advent of the Emperor Lanling, which made his dozens of thousands of spar guns not play any role.

Because in the plane of the emperor, any energy belongs to the emperor, and the power is no longer useful.

However, here is the Motuo Empire, it is completely different.

Across the distance of two hundred miles, the Legion of the Enchanted Empire stopped!

The demon emperor walked out of the hall and looked across the sea from the emperor.

The emperor's channel: "The magical emperor's emperor, see the sorcerer's majesty."

Lan Ling ignored him.

The Emperor Motuo also lost the pretending rituals, and the words were long: "God Lord, go back, go back! 鹬蚌 争 渔 渔 渔 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The unbeaten golden body, so the reputation of the emperor is worthless."

Lan Ling still ignored it.

The face of Motuo was cold, and the attitude of the Emperor Lanling was too arrogant. He did not put his Motuo Emperor in his eyes. There was no meaning to give equal political treatment.

"Lanling, you have entered the waters of my Motuo Empire, please leave immediately, otherwise I will give a devastating blow!"

"five four three two one!"

"Toasting, not eating and drinking!"

"Open fire!"

The emperor gave a command!


The giant aerial fortress fired, and the spar heavy artillery on thousands of super-large airships fired.

However, the explosion is not a dazzling light, but a terrible blue.

This is the death breath! There are dozens of energies in it, one of which is the bright spar.

This is a terrible energy that can erode all energy and destroy any life, including the undead.

Thousands of giant deaths spurt out and sneak a strange trail in the air.

The entire Motuo Empire was in the East Sea, and instantly became the color of hell.

Where the death spurts, kill everything, including the air.

Wherever he passed, he died and became a restricted area of ​​life.

Sure enough, it was amazing, and the rate of fire reached a terrible level of more than 3,000 meters per second, ten times the speed of sound.

The distance of two hundred miles arrived in just half a minute.

Thousands of faint blue deaths slammed into the millions of empire of the enchanted empire.

If Lanling does not have a method of cracking, then the millions of legions around him will basically be killed by 99%.

With just one round of shelling, it will be almost destroyed by the whole army.

"Great!" Lan Ling sneered.

Then pick up the black scorpion sword and slam down the ground.

"Oh..." A giant energy hood slammed up, completely enveloping the millions of troops in the empire.


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(End of this chapter)

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