World Occult User Guide

Chapter 107 Happy New Year

As soon as Lin An sat down at the desk in the facility, Ruan Ruyun's video call came over with a beep.

The girl's round face appeared on the screen, and the sun fell from behind her long scattered hair, illuminating a pair of flickering black eyes.

"Happy New Year, Xuemei Ruan." Lin An said with a smile.

"The same goes for Senior Lin. Congratulations on getting rich and profiting." Ruan Ruyun imitated the senior sister's posture and clasped her fists, "Long time no see. How was your winter vacation?"

"I've been working part-time. Where is the junior girl?"

"It's so hard. I went back to my hometown in Sichuan, and it's still lively there, and the food is good! Hot pot, pig brains, rabbit heads... Wow, it's so uncomfortable to come to Eagle Country and have to get used to it all over again."

Lin An observed Ruan Ruyun's shaking figure and found that her background was quite familiar: "School girl, are you at Ann Arbor University? And it seems to be near the School of Humanities?"

"Senior Zhou asked us to go to Chinatown for New Year's Eve dinner together in the evening. Anyway, on the way, I just want to take the same online car-hailing ride as you, senior. The ride-sharing price is cheaper. Ditli City is so unsafe recently that I don't even dare to take public transportation. ”

Ruan Ruyun raised his hand, and a piece of newspaper wrapped around a rope was dangling.

"Look, I prepared my own ingredients and bacon brought from my hometown. My grandma's craftsmanship is outstanding."

"Thank you..." Lin An was ashamed, forgetting that every Spring Festival, the senior students always agreed that he would come to their house for dinner, "But I'm not in the university now, so why don't I go alone."

"You're not here? Today is the annual freshman meeting of each department. You can get to know new exchange students and some visiting professors from all over the world. I think our Academy of Sciences has a very interesting meeting."

"...Wait, school starts?!"

"And senior, you always don't read the news. I obviously made an appointment with you in Green Bubble." Ruan Ruyun's tone revealed a strong sense of disappointment, "Fortunately, the video was connected, otherwise I don't know how long I would have to wait. Agree or refuse, just send me a message back."

Lin An looked through the chat history and found that Ruan Ruyun had indeed sent a bunch of messages in the morning, but at that time he was in a meeting with the Dawn Association and turned on the Do Not Disturb mode.

"Sorry, sorry, I haven't looked at my phone during the day."

"Senior, why do you feel like you're not in Ditry City?" Ruan Ruyun paused, moved closer to the screen, and looked carefully at the background next to Lin An, "Where is this? A hotel?"

"My boss asked me to go on a business trip a few days ago."

Lin An put his mobile phone on the stand aside and continued to video chat with Ruan Ruyun while sending absence emails to professors and tutors.

Leaving the desolate and remote central area, the mobile phone signal is basically stable, and he can take online classes in the RV.

The professor quickly replied and sent Lin An a string of room numbers and passwords, along with a schedule for the new semester. Lin An took a cursory glance at it and couldn't help but feel dizzy.

There are more papers due this semester than ever before...

Alas, after sending off the Thunderbirds, I had to rush to the death line back to Detli City.

Fortunately, I just missed the freshman annual meeting, but I can still catch up with the first class, so I don’t have to worry about my class scores being held back.

"Senior, what kind of part-time job did you find? Be careful of being deceived." Ruan Ruyun saw Lin An's twitching expression and asked with concern, "We are in a foreign country with unfamiliar places, so we should stay here safely. The school is better.”

"I came back after my business trip." Lin An opened the materials for the first class and read them at a glance, "Although our school is more unsafe for me than here."


"Because of Doris Wood." Lin An said casually as he compiled the outline of his speech for next Monday.


Ruan Ruyun repeated it subconsciously, and a sweet, soft, marshmallow-like voice came from the side.

"Are you calling me, honey?"

Holy crap.

A creature more terrifying than the news about the start of school appears.

The more he comes into contact with the Canaan family, the more Lin An understands their horror, and the more he becomes afraid of the short-haired girl who has met once at the pool party.

He was extremely lucky that he didn't use any mysterious magic at that time, and just watched the actions of the four members of the Foundation from a distance.

Turning stiffly to the screen, Ruan Ruyun unconsciously took the phone away and looked at the smiling short-haired girl slowly walking behind her, as well as the four majestic bodyguards in black behind her.

The shadow covered the warm spring sun, and Ruan Ruyun's eyes widened.

As an ordinary person, she had never seen such a battle before. She was frightened and surprised, her face was red, and she couldn't speak English well, so she greeted the party queen in Chinese.

"Miss Woodwood!"

"Hello." Doris replied in Chinese with a smile.

Ruan Ruyun, who was at a loss, waved his phone around and could only take pictures of their clothes.

Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly and listened to their conversation.

Ruan Ruyun lost his chatterbox in front of Lin An and kept replying with phrases and modal particles. If Doris hadn't brought up the topic without leaving any trace every time, the two of them would have been in silence.

Weather, studies, holidays, happy new year...

There is no nutritional information.

Until Doris mentioned her goal.

"Ruan, did I interrupt you and your boyfriend on the phone?"

"No, he, he is a senior." Ruan Ruyun waved his hand nervously.

"Oh, I want to say hello to him, okay?"


Lifting up the phone, Lin An saw Doris's face.

Her face was pale, but her temperament was still noble and unpredictable. She smiled at Lin An on the other side of the screen, her white teeth parted like shells.

"An'an, what a coincidence. I didn't see you during the whole winter vacation."

"I found a part-time job, so I'm quite busy." Lin An remained expressionless and continued writing his speech as if nothing happened.

"Why did you just say that I was the reason why you didn't go back to school?" Doris blinked innocently, "Did I mention you repeatedly on social media accounts, causing any trouble?"

It turns out that you have been tagging me repeatedly.

Lin An's mouth twitched. Ever since Doris followed AnL, he had registered a new account and blocked her immediately.

In fact, Lin An couldn't figure out why Doris cared so much about him. He was clearly not exposed - Doris knew that Lin An was a mystic, but she didn't know that he was a source-level person, let alone that he was the successor to the Hittite ritual.

Otherwise, let alone Doris herself, the Canaan family behind her would not remain indifferent.

"To be honest, it's true." Lin An was worried, "Doris, I'm just an ordinary college student, and I really can't bear the love of a wealthy family. Can you please help me return to my normal life? "

There are thousands of mystics in the world, please don’t catch me.

Doris was not angry at being bluntly rejected. She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Well, since you feel troubled, I won't put any more pressure on you."

Before Lin An could relax, she continued.

"It seems that you don't like online communication with too much exposure, so make an appointment offline. I heard that the university's new planetarium is quite romantic. It will be completed on March 1st. I will mail you a first-day ticket by then. .”

Lin An almost lost his expression.

When did I agree to date you?

It's more like a date than a death sentence. If Doris recognizes the mysterious prototype and informs the family behind it, Lin An may not be able to survive in the Eagle Kingdom.

Find a reason to refuse quickly.

After organizing his words, Lin An was about to speak, but saw Doris saying a simple goodbye to Ruan Ruyun. Her figure left the small screen, and only the distant voice could be heard.

"Professor, I'm here."

She has a date with some liberal arts professor?

Hope it's not...

Lin An was eager to see the professor's face clearly, so he said to Ruan Ruyun who was holding the mobile phone: "Senior sister, can you move the camera closer to Doris?"

"She has gone far. I won't continue the video chat with you. The online taxi driver has arrived." Ruan Ruyun said, "Have a prosperous new year, Senior Lin An."

After that, she hung up the video.

Looking at the dialog box that popped up again, Lin An cursed secretly.

Damn online ride-hailing, it couldn’t have come at a worse time!

He was almost able to identify the professor who met Doris.

Fortunately, Lin An separated "Encyclopedia of Magic I" from other ancient books early and put them in a bank safe, but the other ancient books remained in his apartment and were kept by his mother.

Before leaving Ditli City, Lin An scanned all the ancient books into the cloud of his mobile phone, thinking that this would be foolproof and there would be no need to worry about damage to the books.

Unexpectedly, when he finished reading the fourth "Encyclopedia of Magic", the system did not sound a beep.

It told Lin An that the [Encyclopedia of Mysteries] was a mystery generated based on the "Encyclopedia of Magic" series. Lin An had to read the original ancient books to include them, and the electronic version was not included.

Not only is it trash, it’s also an antique!

Taking a deep breath, Lin An dismissed the distracting thoughts, closed the speech he had written, and opened the translated fourth magic encyclopedia.

The document displays the default font for headings.

"The Encyclopedia of Magic IV: Winds of Curse - Black Witch, White Witch, Scarlet Witch and Their Allies".


The journey continues.

There are fewer and fewer miles to San Francisco.

If the detour is not changed, it can be reached in two days.

Different from the previous relaxed and casual situation, an inconspicuous black car followed behind the RV, dragging unpleasant exhaust fumes and blending into the busy traffic, following it like a shadow.

During a rare break, Lin An and Barry volunteered to go to the gas station concession stand to buy food for the day.

Out of surveillance, they were finally able to chat in private.

Standing side by side in front of the freezer, Lin An took the initiative to speak.

"Barry, we're done with that day, right?"

"At this juncture, even just being invited by the inspection team is a fatal accusation." Barry said lightly, "As for you, I have already 'settled' a lot. After all, now I neither want to cause trouble nor die, I just want to be here Survive in the trap of high salary.”

Lin An was stunned: "I'm not sure if I understand."

"You have a characteristic, Lin. Every time you lie, conceal or deceive others, you smile very sweetly." Barry flicked his sleeves and produced a cigarette from nowhere, "Do you know the MGM Grand Casino?"

Thanks to Shuhuang Nandu, Book Friends 160425123932512, and 459357930 for their monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

The big chapter will be updated at the same time tomorrow~

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