World Occult User Guide

Chapter 108 The ecstatic city that never sleeps

Only 5 hours drive to San Francisco.

It was already night, and the number of cars coming and going was unusually increasing instead of decreasing, because there was a branch on this road that led to the legendary gambling city-Las Medos.

Mi Xi patiently moved along the traffic flow at a constant speed. After a certain point, she found that the speed of the car in front of her slowed down rapidly.

She stuck out half of her head and took advantage of the height of the RV to look into the distance. At the end of the motorcade, the dazzling lights of the police cars were flashing.

"There seems to be a car accident ahead and there's a traffic jam."

"At this time..." Simon frowned slightly.

The difficult traffic flow prevented the mileage from being reduced, and the "accident" was handled extremely slowly. After a full hour and a half, the RV finally arrived in front of the police car.

After passing this level, they will basically be able to arrive at the St. Annilov headquarters before tomorrow morning.


A policeman knocked on the car window. After Mixi opened the window, he cleared his throat and said, "Ma'am, please cooperate with us. Open the trunk. We need to check whether there are any prohibited items hidden in your car."

It turned out that it was not a car accident, but a roadside inspection. No wonder it took so long.

"We are a special investigation team and we are currently performing our mission." Mixi showed the ID in his hand to the police. "Thank you for your cooperation."

"Oh, it turns out to be the Special Investigation Team."

The policeman suddenly realized and gestured to the others.

The police cars moved out of the way and the road was no longer crowded, but they had no intention of letting the group of people go. Instead, they drove all the police cars over and surrounded the RV.

"We have received orders from above. A special investigation team is about to complete the handover of confidential items near Las Medos City, allowing us to cooperate in the execution of the mission."

After that, the police called their superiors and showed the official document to several people. The bright red seal and the certificate of authenticity all reflected its authority.

"Handover...?" Not only Mi Xi, but everyone couldn't help being stunned.

"We don't know the specifics. We just followed the instructions." The police chief said a few words into the walkie-talkie, and Simon's cell phone rang a "ding" simultaneously.

He opened the email, his face darkened, and several people came over to read the content.

Captain Simon Lloyd,

Hello, thank you for your hard work on this journey.

Headquarters has received reports of MI-Alpha-002 [Ghost]'s increasingly out-of-control atrocities and the successive failures in control operations in Detli City, so we believe that it is now necessary to make some manpower redeployments.

After the meeting, the inspection team decided to transfer the long-term task of transporting MI-Alpha-001 [Thunderbird] to the direct department of the Nevada branch, and let them complete the final transportation work.

Please stay with your team in Las Meadows City. The local branch will arrange accommodation for you until the headquarters dispatches a plane to take you back to Michigan.

Regarding the flight arrival time, please pay attention to your email.

After three to five working days, the points from this mission will be credited intact to the black cards of you and your team members, totaling 200 points for each person, plus a travel subsidy of 30,000 U.S. dollars.

Please remember the boundaries between that world and us——

"Humanity First".

Thank you for your service to Saint Annelov and world peace,

San Francisco Inspectorate.

Transportation tasks were handed over to local...

Several people looked at each other, Mi Xi continued to deal with the police, and Simon opened the Dawn Association's communicator and sent a signal to the two knights.

"They should not be able to discover your location, but..." the knight responded, "The Dawn Association guessed that everything would not be smooth sailing this time, and deliberately chose the road passing through the city of Las Medos. This city is one of the few incomplete cities in the west. An international city governed by an inspection team.”

"What's next?" Simon asked.

"The headquarters still needs a voting meeting to decide on [Thunderbird]. Before that, the inspection team temporarily detained it in a secret place in Las Medos. The Dawn Association will start to deal with the matter, please stay Just stay where you are and wait for further instructions."

Before he finished speaking, the police sergeant chatting with Mi Xi received a new order.

"Huh? The special investigation team can't separate the reception staff? We should contact...I understand." He put down the walkie-talkie and spread his hands, "The plan has changed. But no matter what, please get off the car first."

The group of people walked out of the RV helplessly. The call the Sheriff had just received was from the Dawn Association faction. He told several people about the follow-up situation.

Lin An was not interested in his nonsense and watched as the car where Thunderbird was imprisoned was surrounded by police cars on three floors inside and three outside, waiting for the arrival of new drivers.

Brother Lei Zi, you have to hold on.

After losing the [Mysterious Encyclopedia], Lin An didn't know what happened to Thunderbird.

The last time I looked through the glass, Thunderbird's "check-in system" seemed to be as dormant as his waste system, and the appearance of the colorful wood sculptures had not changed since leaving the middle.

Even at the source level, if there is no resistance, they will be killed by the mythical level with high radiation value. Lin An experienced this deeply in the last battle with Efron Reuben.

What's more, the Canaan family must have a source level.

After a few minutes, a "dah-dah" sound came, and a helicopter quickly approached and lowered the ladder.

"Hurry up," the knight said.

This helicopter was probably the response staff of the Dawn Association. They picked up the group of people first to prevent the branch from completely blocking the movement of several people.

Before the inspection team had time to react, Lin An and others climbed up the ladder and entered the helicopter as instructed. It also closed the hatch and left the interception site cleanly.

Before leaving, Lin An saw a car driving the wrong way toward the police car.

The two factions fought fiercely.

Normally, Lin An might have enjoyed watching it, but since the system was shut down, he wished for peace in the world so that he could survive the next five days safely.

Why does the inspection team not want [Thunderbird] to enter the headquarters so much?

Will there be any chain reaction?

If you were just researching and testing data, there would be no need to go to such great lengths. Lin An was a little confused.

As soon as they fastened their seat belts in the cabin, instructions from the Dawn Association came again, asking them to stay inside the hotel where they would stay and wait for the next instructions.

The wind rumbled, and Lin An looked out the window.

At first there was only an ocean of black desert, darker than the night sky.

Until a few scattered light particles flashed like fish scales on the black sea, and suddenly, a bright and dazzling light burst out. It had an unknown shape at first, and then took on the shape of a mushroom, and the city appeared.

The blinding light of the city center converges into a long, shimmering avenue, focusing its light on giant hotels. At the other end is the Egyptian temple, a sleek black glass pyramid on top, with spotlights radiating up to the vast night sky. 10 miles of powerful light.

In the middle of the avenue is the shining green MGM Grand Casino. Its main building occupies an area as large as four football fields.

Next to it is the Mirage Casino, an orange-yellow man-made volcano that shoots blazing flames into the air; and below that is King Arthur's Sword Castle, Caesar's Palace, Balai Casino, the Venetian Resort, the Statue of Liberty, and Eiffel Iron Tower - the dazzling light made Lin An blink.

This city of ecstasy is like a magical oasis of color and light in the desert, like a carpet of neon jewels jumping out of the ground.

The helicopter landed on the platform of a large hotel. The moment Lin An walked out of the hatch, the sound of excitement came from the mirage opposite.


He couldn't help but look into the distance. In the center of the artificial tropical lagoon, a huge volcano with majestic flames was erupting. The dazzling light shot high into the air, causing a group of tourists to clap and cheer, and the cheers reached the sky.

"You live here." The first officer also jumped down to lead the way.

Following the elevator, several people came to the hotel room. The man gave them the room card and left.

Lin An put down his luggage and looked at this spacious place.

Directly in front is a circular living room with a black leather couch, a fluffy white carpet, and a movable widescreen TV.

Behind the living room is the bedroom, with a bed about the same size as a motel bedroom in the middle. A huge floor-to-ceiling window on the right overlooks Las Medos Avenue. A corridor on the left leads to a marble bathroom with a black Gold and white jacuzzi.

However, Lin An was completely unable to enjoy this luxurious atmosphere.

A small voice came, and he looked at the miniature surveillance probes in the corner. Every time he moved, those probes would rotate 360° with him, magnifying every muscle tremor and every sweat bead 20 times, like a group of people looking for Carnivorous black maggots.

Foundation facilities also have a lot of surveillance, but they have never been installed in employee dormitories, let alone shower rooms and bedrooms.

Lying on the bed, turning on the computer, Lin An entered the online class classroom.

"Lin, long time no see." The old professor who was organizing teaching materials greeted him.

"Hello Professor."

"Haha, your side looks very bright." The professor pushed his thick eyes and observed the background on both sides of Lin An's cheeks, "This kind of decoration... Your MGM in Las Medos City big hotel?"

Lin An was stunned, but he didn't expect the professor to recognize it.

"Professor, have you been here before?"

"That was a few years ago." The professor said fondly, "You once had a senior sister who had very good grades until she became interested in mysterious and mysterious things such as occultism and probability. After finishing her third year of undergraduate studies, In the second semester of my grade, I suddenly dropped out of school.”

"The same age as me." Lin An said.

"You must not imitate her. You won't be able to get your diploma by then." The professor said, "I was really worried about her future, so I took great pains to get her contact information and asked her to meet and talk. Unexpectedly, she invited The place I’m staying at is the MGM Grand.”

"this place?"

"Yes, it was only after chatting with her that I found out that she might be related to the 'diamond theft case' that was causing quite a stir in the university at that time."

Lin An raised his eyebrows and continued to listen to the professor recalling the past.

"It was a strange diamond that was unearthed in the Aegean Sea. The exact location of its discovery remains to be verified. It was resold by Canaanite merchants to King Louis XIV of the Dove Country in the 17th century; the Sun King once lent it to his mistress Montespan. Madame celebrates the Black Mass.”

"A century later, King Louis XVI gave the diamond to Marie Antoinette, who in turn lent it to her friend the Princess de Lamballe, both of whom were executed during the Revolution. Next, All those who held the diamond met with misfortune or died young."

"This gem later passed into the hands of Lord Henry Hope, a banker in the Lion Country, and his descendants donated it to Ann Arbor University. He told the above-mentioned history and claimed that all those who owned this diamond Will meet with bad luck."

"Does the professor believe this legend?" Lin An asked.

"Of course not. Our university has a large collection of legendary antiquities. If those legends are all true, this might be the first place in the entire Eagle Kingdom to die, hahaha."

The professor smiled nonchalantly.

"Not only that, I recently received a new batch of donations. Come back as soon as possible, Lin. I will write a paper about them in the fourth week."

"Okay..." Lin An pouted, "What's the connection between that senior sister and the diamond just now?"

"She claimed to have taken refuge with the banker of the MGM Grand Casino and became a patrol team wandering around the casino, specializing in dealing with those 'big players' who were either cheating, lucky, or rich, and she made a lot of money every day. Bo Man, I don’t want to come back to study.”

The professor sighed bitterly.

"I suspected that she had taken away the [Evil Omen Diamond]. Since there was no evidence and she didn't dare to offend the MGM Grand Casino, she had to give up."

"Does the professor still have contact with her?"

"No." Someone pushed open the door of the lecture hall, and the professor ended his chat with Lin An, "Her name is Evancia Ivey Samaras. If you meet such a person in Las Medos City, If you are alone, you might as well say hello to her.”

After taking online classes, Lin An fell asleep on the soft bed.

The surveillance around him made it difficult for him to sleep. Even in his dreams, his eyes kept blinking.

The next day, he called for room service and communicated with the knight, asking him if he could turn off the surveillance.

"Sorry, this is not something that the Dawn Association can decide. They belong to the owners of the hotel." The knight said, "Monitoring you is their minimum condition."

MGM Grand and Dawn Associates appear to be just a partnership.

Lin An, who had lost his system, did not want to cause trouble and lay dead in the room for another day.

But there was no news from the Dawn Association, the inspection team or the headquarters. It seemed that he was left alone in a room full of electronic eyes.

The surveillance probe buzzed and shook, making Lin An feel uncomfortable all over.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock on the door.

Lin An lay down at the cat's eye and took a look, and the faces of Mi Xi and Barry appeared.

"The room is really uncomfortable to live in." As soon as he opened the door, he heard Mi Xi's complaint, "Let's go hang out in the casino downstairs, Lin."

"Can we leave the room?"

"It's okay, but someone just needs to follow you all the time." Mi Xi pointed to a few men in black hiding in the shadows, "At least it's better than staying in the room, right."

It was really not in line with Lin An's character to keep to himself. He hid the staff in his clothes and the group walked towards the stairs.

"Ding dong."

The elevator on the first floor slid open to both sides, and the colorful sounds immediately stimulated Lin An's adrenaline. His senses were so blinded by the electric light and neon that he couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east, and west.

The hall is decorated in Polynesian style, divided into different game areas, dotted with various natural and artificial plants, and mist sprayed with water, creating a smoky spectacle.

The crowds were huge, with drunken and strangely dressed revelers crowding together.

Women wearing short leather skirts and bras, jeweled men with shirts open to their navels, arrogant gang members in striped suits, tourists from the center, cowboys from the west, Wall Street traders, pioneer singers from San Francisco... …

Beside the bar, a group of Sakura Country men, with faces flushed from alcohol, shouted loudly in their own language that the people around them could not understand.

Lin An had rarely seen this kind of chaos. He slowed down with his companions and visited the various game machines, gambling areas and card rooms. His ears were ringing from the noise.

In the middle of the hall are card tables lined up, with tables for blackjack, craps, roulette and card games mixed and staggered. Each table is so crowded that there is not even an empty stool in sight.

A conspicuous gambler attracted Lin An's attention.

She has blond curly hair, a tall figure, a pair of beautiful and slender legs, and big dreamy smoke-colored eyes. She is wearing a tiger skin triangle halter top, and her breasts are almost gushing out, and she is tanned by the sun. Her skin was exposed from the top of her tight leather pants.

The woman put her hand on the other man's thigh and smiled wildly no matter what he said.

Sensing Lin An's gaze, she turned her head and blew out a puff of smoke.

Lin An quickly moved away from her gambling table, and within a few steps, she almost bumped into someone else.

"Have a good New Year?"

a waitress said with a broad smile, holding a tray of whiskey.

"It's okay..." Lin An replied subconsciously.

The waitress enthusiastically handed him a glass of wine, waited, and left with a disappointed look on her face.

After she left, Barry's voice sounded from the side: "She is making sure you are from Zhongzhou."


"It may be unbelievable, but people in casinos see the world very simply. People from Zhongzhou, Greeks, and Persians spend a lot of money here, especially in the Althea Kingdom, Cherry Blossom Kingdom, and Dragon Kingdom Treasure Island. Those who bet large amounts of chips are all Dark skinned.”

"My teachers have taught me since I was a child that I must fight against pornography, gambling and drugs." Lin An said.

"Many times life is a gamble. The key is how to use the cards dealt to you by fate."

Barry took Lin An's whiskey, took a sip of wine, unbuttoned a few shirts, and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows.

"The 'Black Jack' card table over there is vacant. Do you want to try your luck?"

Thanks to Pan-fried Silver Cod and Ginger Boy for your monthly votes, and to everyone for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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