World Occult User Guide

Chapter 109 Black Jack

"I won't play with you anymore." Mi Xi's expression was a little subtle, "I heard that the bar over there has delicious shrimp cocktails, haha... Goodbye."

"We'll come find you later." Lin An said.

"No, no need." Mi Xi smiled awkwardly and disappeared into the crowd.

"That's the direction of the Crazy Horse 2 Club, Lin, don't even think about it. They don't allow children under 25 years old to enter." Barry said calmly, "There are a lot of male strippers inside."



You are already the fallen form of Eagle Kingdom!

Helpless, Lin An followed Barry up the steps and came to a relatively quiet card table. The man in black in the shadow did not stop them and acquiesced to their actions.

The noise of gamblers injected an inexplicable atmosphere into the neon-lit casino. So many ecstatic and laughing people filled the room with crazy and irrational hormones, which almost made Lin An breathless.

Barry took the bundle of bills out of his coat pocket and casually divided them into two parts.

A dealer in a dark blue uniform stood at a horseshoe-shaped table with six decks of cards spread out in front of him. He welcomed the two people to join the game with a smile, and several gamblers sitting on high stools glanced at him.

"Have you ever played blackjack?" Barry asked.

"No, I know some basic fighting skills."

The dealer, that is, the banker first gives the player two cards, and the player adds up the numbers on the cards. The closer to 21, the better, but not beyond.

If you want to add cards, just tap your finger on the table; if you want to stop cards, just wave your hand.

If the card count exceeds 21 after adding cards, the player will be burst, in the jargon, "busted", and the dealer will take his money; but if the first two cards happen to be 21 - called "Blackjack" , the dealer has to give the player one and a half times the bet.

The gambler wants the cards first, then the dealer.

Players' playing methods vary from casino to casino, but usually, they will add more cards as long as it is less than 17, so it is easy to burst.

When getting two identical cards, players can split the cards and place two bets respectively.

Sometimes the player doubles his bet on the first two cards he gets, which experts call "doubling the bet." If he wins the dealer's hand, he can get more money.

"If the dealer has big cards and you are less than 17, you should continue to ask for cards; when the dealer has small cards, such as 5, 6, etc., you usually stick to the first two cards and don't ask for more. I Also know that when you get 11, it's a good time to 'double your bet', because if there's another flower card, it's blackjack."

Lin An said thoughtfully.

"Black Jack's rules are not too difficult, I only know a little bit."

The gamblers sitting on the high stools widened their eyes and quickly remembered Lin An's words. This is a "civilian" place. Most of them are itchy tourists. How can they understand it so thoroughly.

"Would you like to try it first?" Barry pointed at the pile of black chips stacked high.

"Hey, I've never gambled before." Lin An refused repeatedly, "What if I lose all my money?"

"Don't worry, give it a try."

Rubbing his hands, Lin An sat on the high stool: "I'm here now."

Seeing that the number of people was full, the gambler took out the banknotes and handed them to the dealer, which was about 200 dollars. Lin An also did the same, it was Barry's money anyway; the dealer calculated the same number of chips and gave them to everyone, and began to shuffle the cards.

Her hands danced gracefully on the card table, and the cards clattered. Then she spread the cards, then picked a player to move the cards, and finally distributed the shuffled cards to each player.

Lin An picked up his two cards, 10 points, which was really embarrassing in the middle.

Gambling is ultimately just luck.

Lin An's poker skills were limited to paper skills. As he expected, he was neither good nor bad. He won twice and lost once.

"Let me try." Barry, who was watching the battle, suddenly said.


Barry's playing style is similar to Lin An's. He doesn't get carried away when he wins, and he doesn't get dejected when he loses.

But after watching a few games, Lin An noticed something was wrong.

One time, Barry got 16, against the dealer's 2 (players can only see the dealer's open card). It would have been easy to break the account if he asked for another card. Fortunately, he got a 2, which made it 18 and won. Got this one.

Another time, he only got 8, but he suddenly doubled his bet and put up all his chips, which confused everyone else. When he asked for cards again, he actually got an ace.

"Brush it."

The dealer draws the last plastic card, indicating that the card box is empty, and the round ends successfully, and the dealer raises his hand and announces that the cards will be shuffled again.

"Okay, it's time to go." Barry pushed down the chips.

The money he exchanged just now totaled 5,000 knives, but when he got it back, it turned into 12,000 knives.

Leaving the gaming table, even in dim light, Barry could feel Lin An's twitching expression.

Las Medos is indeed one of the craziest cities in the world. Once you get here, some unexpected natures of the people around you will be exposed.

Lin An's eyes were complicated.

The reckless Mixie went to see a stripper, and the dull Barry was a con man...

Colleagues are having too much fun in private!

"Don't look at me with that look. This is the MGM Grand Casino. Anyone who dares to cheat will definitely have a long life. Blackjack can be beaten, so let's beat her."

Barry waved to a waiter who was serving drinks, took two glasses of vodka from the plate, gave him a tip of ten dollars, turned to Lin An, and motioned for him to look at the card table where the two played.

"Remember the last round of cards just now?"

"You are so lucky. There were many big cards at that time, such as K, Q, and twice the top card was A." Lin An took a sip of vodka and was almost overcome by the alcohol, so he quickly put it aside.

"Actually, there are 19 face cards and 3 aces in total, plus 8 small cards."

Lin An couldn't help but look at him, but he didn't expect that Barry's memory of cards was as good as his.

What you rely on is reading and learning speed that is different from normal people, what does the other party rely on?

"How did you know in advance that the magic card was coming?"

"Because she was shuffling the cards." Barry smiled slightly, "shuffling them right in front of our eyes."

"Logically speaking, you can't track where the cards have been shuffled." Lin An said with some confusion.

"No, there is a skill here, called 'shuffling tracking'. If you are skilled, you can even calculate the percentage of small cards in this circle from the dealer's shuffling. Then it is a matter of practice. The master can shuffle the cards in six decks. Track up to 15 cards in the deck.”

Lin An had a hard time listening. This was not a topic he liked.

Noticing his confusion, Barry shook his head: "For you, just pay more attention when the opponent is shuffling the cards and catch the card you want."

"The card I want? What do you mean?"

"We sit on the first stool closest to the dealer, right? Sometimes, when the dealer is shuffling the cards, you can see the bottom card. If they ask you to move the cards, you move that card to A fixed location, maybe after the 52 cards."

"Then, when the cards are put into the card shoe, the card you see will stay in that specific position. If you are a good player, you have to find a way to get that card into your hand."

"In the end, it still depends on luck. Even if you get the bottom card from the dealer, it may not be the card you want." Lin An said.

"It depends on the situation." Barry said, "There is no way to always win in gambling, but if what you see is an A, then this time it is a winning rate of over 50%. In other words, if you bet 100,000 on that one, you will win. You can win back 150,000 yuan. How many 200 yuan can you lose?"

Lin An was thoughtful, and while the two were talking, someone suddenly knocked on Barry's shoulder.

"Hello sir, we are hotel security guards and want to have a word with you."

The two were taken to a private elevator by the guards. The people following them did not intervene to stop them. They sat on an unknown floor and saw a Hong Kong-style lounge.

It was dark and quiet here, with only pale incandescent lights coming from the ceiling.

Compared with the casinos outside, it seems to be in another world.

The person with his back to the light was a long-haired man. When he heard the noise, he didn't turn around, he just played billiards silently.

Lin An couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He had heard a lot of rumors about Ras Medos' underworld, not to mention that it was still an era of mysterious resurgence.


After a while, the man's voice came as the billiard ball fell.

"I thought it was some kind of saint, but it turned out that none of them were at the level of kaidan, and none of them had awakened." He said angrily, "You can't use mystery in MGM. Please be careful. Then, don't touch my bet again. Table and game console.”

After that, he waved, and the guards motioned for the group to leave.

It turned out that Barry's gambling skills attracted the attention of the patrol team. Since they were mystics, the patrol team couldn't make up their minds and reported the man. After identification, the latter believed that they were just using some card counting skills.

Just like that, they were let go by the man, and Lin An breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, pornography, gambling and drugs are not allowed."

Without a system, you really can’t act too recklessly!

Not to mention that the man thought he was not awakened, Lin An couldn't tell the difference between a mystic and an ordinary person now. Apart from using a magic wand, he was a pure blank slate.

Barry smiled noncommittally.

Sitting in the private elevator on the other side and descending, he saw a lounge that was completely different from the casino lobby just now. Lin An habitually looked around, where a pretended Elvis was giving a testimony to a couple.

This is a "wedding hall" specially prepared for those hot-headed young men and women. Although it looks extremely ridiculous, it has strict legality.

Lin An blinked and unexpectedly discovered that the next couple getting married was a blond woman who had a relationship before, and the man next to her.

Alas, I don’t know how long they will regret it. he thought to himself.

As they walked across the green room, Elvis had almost finished reading his lines, and the blonde woman's partner nodded in agreement.

Since the two were walking side by side, Lin An was on the inside and Barry was on the outside. The latter always occupied part of the space intentionally or unintentionally, causing Lin An to retreat to the other side unconsciously.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Lin An's arm and suddenly pulled him to the position of a man.

“I am willing to accept him as my husband, honestly obey God’s commandments, live with him, and no matter what circumstances I am in, I am willing to obey him, love him, comfort him, respect him, protect him, and even be called to return to him. host."

Lin An turned his head sharply, listening to the last syllable of the blonde woman's vow, and gave him a sexy smile.

Fake Elvis hits the nail on the head.

"I declare you two to be legally husband and wife."

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