World of Experts

Chapter 871: Kill Zhao Wudi

That night, Meng Kui ran to see Zhao Wudi with a bottle of pill. Zhao Wudi was resting in the room, but when he saw Meng Kui coming with the pill, Zhao Wudi's expression of excitement immediately stepped back and talked to Meng Kui alone, and he said: "Meng Kui! The pill in your hand, but from Mr. Wu brought it there?"

Meng Kui nodded, "Exactly! This pill is a batch of small finished products refined by Mr. Wu. Although it has the effect of the immortal pill, it can also make people feel light and light after taking it. I sent it to Master Zhao Wudi for a look. Look." After speaking, Meng Kui handed the pill.

Zhao Wudi immediately took the pill to take a look, and he was very satisfied, "Good! Very good! This pill really has a fascinating and refreshing feeling, and it must be a first-class thing. Mr. Wu really has it. Ability. I believe that his elixir of immortality will always succeed. Okay! You go down first."

Meng Kui soon left. After Meng Kui left, Zhao Wudi tried to take some pills, and he did feel light and light, as if he could see the day the immortal pill was made. However, Zhao Wudi's face suddenly sank, and he said to himself: "It's a pity...Zhao Tai is dead. Zhao Tai's ability to survive is not simple. If it weren't for an expert, Zhao Tai would not die. Zhao Tai's Death, it seems that I have to go and see in person. I am afraid that other people will go to die. Those people in the evening morning don't put me in their eyes. What's more, my Zhao family has been repeatedly caught by the evening It’s weird that Chen’s horses and men were broken."

Zhao Wudi suddenly shouted: "Come here!" Soon a group of people rushed in. Zhao Wudi said again: "Quickly clear the troops and follow me to investigate Zhao Tai's death." He soon left the Zhao Family Hanging City. The affairs of the Zhao Family Hanging City were all entrusted to the fake Zhao Ru.


After many days, Zhao Wudi led a team to search quickly, and finally found the place where Zhao Tai died that day based on many clues. And here, there was a group of people waiting in the twilight morning. Among them, the Mojun, Hou Yi, Mu Song, and Dragon God were all there.

Seeing Zhao Wudi, the Demon Lord smiled and said: "You finally came, Zhao Wudi."

Zhao Wudi stood there staring at the Demon Lord, and said, "You are the Demon Lord? The first person in the twilight morning?"

The demon said: "Zhao Wudi, you died here today, and you can escape."

Zhao Wudi said: "It seems! My Zhao family's secret whistle, Zhao Tai, was carefully designed and killed by you? How did you know the news? Who revealed the news to you?" Zhao Wudi looked furious. But facing the master of the four dusk mornings opposite, there is no intention to retreat.

The Demon Lord said: "Don't talk nonsense, take your life." Suddenly, the Demon Lord and other four people shot together and killed Zhao Wudi. But Zhao Wudi reacted sharply and responded immediately. For a time, the five masters made a move, and they were very fierce among the flashes.

But he saw that although Zhao Wudi was one enemy four, he could still stand firmly in an invincible position. The Mojun and the other four used all sorts of tricks, but they couldn't help Zhao Wudi. After a while, Zhao Wudi said: "If you four have these skills and want to kill me, it would be too naive. Take me..." Seeing that Zhao Wudi suddenly stood with his hands together, he seemed to have some amazing skills. .

But suddenly, the devil smiled slightly, only to see that Zhao Wudi's breath in his body was violent, and he spit out blood. Zhao Wudi leaned back on the edge of a tree. Zhao Wudi yelled, "What's going on? I...have been poisoned?"

The devil sneered and said: "Now that I know that I am poisoned, it is too late."

Zhao Wudi suddenly realized, "Meng Kui! It is the bottle of medicine that Meng Kui gave me! Meng Kui is yours? Then Wu Batian! He is also yours? You!" Zhao Wudi was very angry. But suddenly he vomited blood. The blood was black and the poisoning was deep.

And I have to say that the poison in Zhao Wudi was carefully prepared by the devil. Even if Zhao Wudi was infected with this poison, it was impossible to be all right.

The demon suddenly shouted: "Go! Don't give this Zhao Wudi a chance to breathe. The Hundred-legged Insect is dead but not stiff. This is a god-given opportunity. We must not let him leave alive." The demon and others immediately rushed forward. Go, and immediately beat Zhao Wudi to death.

The rest of the Zhao family members were quickly cleaned up. Looking back, the Demon Lord laughed, "The Zhao family is dead without Zhao Wudi. Let's go! Let's go to destroy the Zhao family's Hanging City." After that, the Demon Lord will take the troops to go. The Hanging City of the Zhao Family.

Suddenly, somehow, a violent aura suddenly rose. Seeing that Zhao Wudi, who was already dead, suddenly stood up like a resurrection. His eyes revealed murderous aura. Without a word, he passed it like a move. The sky fire swept across, and the people and horses who were present in the twilight morning almost died. Only Mojun, Dragon God, Mu Song and Hou Yi were left. These four were still alive, but they were also seriously injured.

The Demon Lord was injured and said: "How is this possible! Zhao Wudi...You are clearly not the nine tails of the demon clan, why can you come back from the dead?"

Zhao Wudi laughed, "Do you think I, Zhao Wudi, haven't prepared anything for so many years? Don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, to prevent accidents, I have prepared everything, come out!" Zhao Wudi clapped his hands. And about a few minutes after this, I saw a man with a sacred breath coming.

Zhao Wudi said again: "The Devil! Do you know who this person is?"

The Demon Lord looked at the man and was shocked, "He is... Holy Shepherd Law, Yuguang."

Speaking of the Holy Shepherd, Yuguang, this person is a human mage, but he is not good at attacking, but he is extremely talented in the spells of the light healing system. It is also the only one on the Maple Continent that can A person who performs a technique that allows people to be resurrected shortly after death. But Yuguang is withdrawn and many people seek him for treatment. His relationship with many people is very complicated. He does not belong to any force, but no force will disturb him. He has always been like an independent individual. .

However, the technique of returning to the sky cannot be used continuously. And if it is not used once, it will cause a great backlash to the caster himself.

At this moment, Mu Song said in shock: "Holy animal husbandry, Yuguang, you! How come to help Zhao Wudi? You!"

Yu Guang said blankly: "Zhao Wudi protected me once thousands of years ago. Today, I made an exception to perform this heavenly technique, only to return his kindness. From now on, Zhao Wudi and I will be merciless. It's about it, if you want to kill Zhao Wudi, you can kill now. I won't interfere with you anymore."

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