World of Experts

Chapter 872: Overwhelmed

The devil laughed and said: "Yuguang! Zhao Wudi saved you once ten thousand years ago?"

Yu Guang said: "Exactly! Ten thousand years ago, the patriarch of the blood clan wanted to kill me, and it was Zhao Wudi who saved me."

The demon said: "Nonsense! Why would the patriarch of the blood clan want to kill you? Even if you were really unwilling to use the technique of returning to the sky for the wife of the patriarch of the blood clan, he would never come to kill him if he was reborn. Yours. The one who really wants to kill you is Zhao Wudi instead."

Yu Guang said: "No! It's impossible! If it weren't for Zhao Wudi, I..." But while talking, Yu Guang suddenly felt a pain in his chest, Zhao Wudi's fist had already hit his chest, and Yu Guang was all over his body. All of her meridians were broken, and Yuguang fell to the ground on the spot, panting.

Yu Guang said: "Zhao Wudi! Was it really you back then?"

Zhao Wudi said: "I wanted to kill you back then. After all, your relationship with the blood clan is not bad. If the blood clan's patriarch is seriously injured and went to your place, it would be a big trouble to be healed by you. But never I thought, I sent someone to kill you, but you misunderstood that it was the blood clan who started. I saved you and made you owe me a favor. Now that you have the favor, you deserve to die."

After saying that, Zhao Wudi kicked it down and Yuguang was killed on the spot.

The devil sneered and said: "Oh, you vicious Zhao Wudi. Today is the morning of the evening."

Zhao Wudi turned around and smiled, "It's already your honor for you to almost kill me. Today, I will send you on the road personally." After saying this, Zhao Wudi immediately started, and the demon king and others were already powerless to resist, and it took a while. All were killed by Zhao Wudi on the spot. At this point, the twilight morning is equivalent to annihilation.


However, perhaps Zhao Wudi didn't expect it himself. The devil is still alive at the moment. Just after Zhao Wudi left on that day, he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming. This man turned out to be the demon king, and the demon king who was lying on the ground seemed to be dead, the figure began to disappear.

At this moment, the devil was wounded and said to himself: "Zhao Wudi! It seems that he can't see through my disguise. However, his hard-to-hard strength is indeed higher than mine. It is a pity that I have painstakingly created it alone. In the twilight morning, he was destroyed by Zhao Wudi in this way. Nothing! At least there is Shi Hao. I hope he can help me eliminate Zhao Wudi. As long as Zhao Wudi is dead, no one in this world can stop me. ."

The Demon Lord said again: "But! You have to inform Shi Hao and others first, they can't stay in the Hanging City."

After that, the devil turned his head and left.


In the Zhao Family Hanging City, Meng Kui received the news for the first time, and the twilight morning was destroyed. Meng Kui brought this news to Shi Hao and informed Shi Hao. Shi Hao was not surprised, after all, in his opinion, Zhao Wudi's strength was indeed too terrifying, not to mention that the poison Shi Hao didn't know if it would work.

Shi Hao said: "No! After Zhao Wudi returns, he will definitely be liquidated. We have to go." He immediately took three demonized clones and left with Meng Kui quickly. About ten days after Shi Hao and the others had left, Zhao Wudi returned, but he was not surprised to find that Shi Hao and the others had disappeared. But Zhao Wudi ordered, "Sou! In any case, we must bring back Zhao Ru and Wu Batian. Regardless of life or death."


After many more days, Shi Hao and Meng Kui separated. He removed his disguise and fled back to Qingshan Gate by himself, with three demonized clones. At this time, the Qingshan Gate had a brand-new atmosphere, and it was completely like the atmosphere that a level 2 force could have.

Today's Qingshan Gate has merged Baiyun'an and Yuntian Gate, and Chilianhai has also merged. At this time, he became a well-known big guy, and many people came to visit. After Shi Hao returned to Qingshanmen, he was immediately taken by a group of disciples to Qingling Pavilion and saw Qing Kongzi.

When Qing Kongzi saw Shi Hao, he immediately laughed and said, "You are finally back! I can rest now."

Shi Hao smiled and said, "Let's talk inside!" He and Qing Kongzi went to the inner hall alone. Qing Kongzi asked: "What? Just saw that you have all three demonized clones, but when you pulled me in, there was something wrong with your expression. What did you do?" Shi Hao said, "It's hard to say..." Shi Hao told the events of these days.

After hearing this, Qing Kongzi was shocked, "What! Did Zhao Wudi personally make the shot?"

Shi Hao said, "Fortunately, Zhao Wudi didn't know that I was Shi Hao, so I couldn't find us here at Qingshan Gate for a while. But after a long time, who knows what will happen? And, the twilight morning is now. They have all been wiped out, and I don’t know who else can contain Zhao Wudi."

Qing Kongzi said: "Hey! It seems that we can't say it now. Let's prepare early, and secretly prepare to leave here. I am afraid that Zhao Wudi will come to the door sooner or later. Zhao Wudi, at least after you completely absorb Mo Before the power of the division, you were definitely not his opponent. Even if the strength is absorbed, your combat awareness and experience may not be better than Zhao Wudi."

Shi Hao said, "But..." At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared. The man came to Shi Hao and Qing Kongzi as if appearing out of thin air, making Shi Hao and Qing Kongzi pale in shock. They didn't expect that someone could appear so strangely.

Shi Hao was taken aback, and said, "Who is the one here? Sneaky, what do you want to do?"

The man smiled, "Twilight morning! Demon Lord." I have to say that this person is the Demon Lord, and it is indeed correct.

Shi Hao said, "The Demon Lord? The twilight morning? Didn't it all disappear? You said you were the Demon Lord? Is there evidence?"

The demon said: "Do you think that after Zhao Wudi destroyed the twilight morning, who notified Meng Kui? So that you can know the news in advance and leave in time? If I were not alive, how could you rush before Zhao Wudi came back? Did you leave early?"

Shi Hao was silent for a moment, "Devil! What happened to you coming here today?"

The devil smiled and said, "Kill Zhao Wudi."

Shi Hao's expression sank, "You killed Zhao Wudi a few days ago, but you were destroyed in the twilight morning, now what do you want me to kill Zhao Wudi? And how can I trust you, how do I know if you are alive? What bad thoughts do you want to use us to help you deal with Zhao Wudi?"

Demon Lord said: "I am also a member of the blood clan." At this point, Demon Lord suddenly revealed his true colors. Suddenly, in Shi Hao's mind, Xueying said: "He...Xueheng! He is a member of my blood clan, he is still alive, how did he survive the massacre that year?"

Shi Hao said, "Xueheng! It's you? You're still alive! You were..." Xue Heng said, "What happened back then! It was really miserable. But I was not a big man in the Blood clan back then. When they killed, I didn't care too much about me, so I survived."

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