Alien insects kill humans, some for hobbies, others for food.

Insect and protozoa are ‘feuds’.

Once you perceive the presence of the other party, you will kill them.

Now, the insect wants to kill the fleeing girl Hishita Xu, not only because Hinata Xu witnessed him kill the two criminal policemen, but also because the insect throbs from the heart!

It was as if there was a mysterious voice constantly chanting in his ear that he must kill her!

Xenomorphs don’t understand something.

That special feeling is only revealed when facing the protozoa that is their old enemy! But those guys don’t know how hidden and protected.

How can there be an order?

But no matter what.

Rather kill the wrong, don’t let it go!

He still chased after him.

Fujiwara tofu shop.

The Chief Master of Tendo was buying tofu, but at this moment, the metal belt he tied to his waist sounded the sound of mechanical starting, as if awakened by some force.

“Finally awakened?”

Tiandao muttered.

Turn around immediately.

With the guidance of the underworld.

Go in a certain direction.

“Guest, your tofu!”

Uncle Fujiwara shouted.

Tiandao did not turn around.

Just beckoned, and the voice came: “I’ll come back later and help me keep it.” ”


Uncle Fujiwara replied with a smile.

Tendo, like Natsume, is also his regular customer here.

He wouldn’t refuse any of the demands that were not excessive.

Maybe it’s something temporary.

In the backstreets lined with high-rise buildings, Xiao Xu was afraid that the monster just now would catch up, and while looking back behind him, he desperately rode a bicycle, wanting to escape this place.

Straight ahead is a dead end, only the left and right sides can pass, is a ‘T’ shaped lane crossing.

Xiao Xu didn’t think much about it.

Subconsciously turn to the right.

In front of him, a handsome man wearing a black trench coat, with a white lining and a height of about one meter and eight five, was slowly approaching, and he was about to collide.

“Be careful!”

Hinata shouted anxiously, then pinched the brakes, unsteady direction, and crashed into the wall next to him, if he hit it, it would hurt for a while if he didn’t get hurt.

She closed her eyes with some fear.

But the imaginary pain did not come.

Instead, it entered a warm embrace.

“Are you all right?”

Natsume asked with concern.

“No, it’s okay.”

Hinatabe quickly emerged from Natsume’s arms like a frightened rabbit, and she didn’t hate that feeling, but she rarely had contact with other people.

He’s so good-looking.” ’

‘The smell on the body is also very good…’

Her fair face was stained with a touch of crimson.

Wait a minute!

She suddenly thought of something.

“Monster! Come on! ”

Xiao Xu took Natsume’s hand and was about to escape.

But at this time, the alien worm that mimicked as a criminal police appeared, and revealed his original appearance, a hideous appearance, enough to scare the timid person to cry, and he stopped in front of the two.

Behind the two, several dark green larvae suddenly jumped out.

This is the companion called out by the xenomorph.


Natsume didn’t care.

One, two, three, four, five….

This is the point in front of him, the gifts of the alien insects have been sent to the door, how can he not accept it?

He placed the Dark Emperor Rider Drive at his waist.

Transformation card in hand.


Pinch the drive.

【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

[Kamen Ride, Dark Emperor Ride].

Several phantoms surrounded Natsume’s side, and together with the light and shadow of the barcode, all of them merged with his body, transforming into the Kamen Rider Dark Emperor Rider, a long sword, and slashed at the insect in front of him.

Dao sparks sputtered.


The terrifying power coming from the blade of the card box sword killed a larva with just one blow.

Green slime sprayed all over the ground.

“Stay away.”

Natsume said towards Hinata.

Xiao Xu nodded seriously.

Push the bike to hide.

[Kill the insect, reward points x10! ] 】

The prompt appears as usual.

The remaining alien insects did not retreat because Natsume killed a companion in seconds, but screamed strangely, and continued to fight towards Natsume, sharp claws, to tear the black knight in front of him to pieces!

It’s a pity.

Their attacks, hitting the armor of the Dark Emperor Rider, were like tickling, unable to deal any effective damage, not even blocking Natsume for a moment.

Natsume won’t take a step back.

Took a sword flower.

Fool yourself!


Several cars with ‘zect’ markings, chasing the movement of the insect, slowly stopped at the intersection, a command vehicle, and the rest were armored vehicles loaded with ant soldiers.

The ant soldier was in order, quickly got out of the car, raised the machine gun in his hand, and entered the combat state.

Densely packed with command vehicles of all kinds of the latest instruments used to search for alien life.

The commander of the subunit, Shuichi Tasho, and his right-hand man, Yuzuki Misaki, are analyzing the alien insects through monitoring and other instruments.

“It’s him…”

Yuzuki said subconsciously.

She still remembers the events of that day.

“He’s the Kamen Rider?”

Shuichi Tasho was a little surprised.

That belt….

That gesture!

Unlike the organized knight system, it does not seem to be the same.

Natsume noticed the arrival of the Zect ant-soldier troops, but he ignored it, using the attack to harness the slash, turning the card box sword into a double shadow, and instantly solving three more xenomorphs.


Of the five attacking worms, only one remained.


The only remaining insect has changed.

Temperature rises.

The larvae’s thick carapace sheds layer by layer, revealing the posture inside.

Spider form!

One of the weirdos of the Kamen Rider series Sacrifice Heaven.

Spiders appeared, will the bat weirdos be far away?

Adults have the ability to enter ultra-high speeds.

“Super high speed?”

Natsume murmured.

Well, use this!

The mind moved.

Two cards fell into his hands, one after the other in the drive.

【Kamen.Ride.Faiz! 】

[Kamen Controls Faiz].

【From.Ride.Faiz.Axel! 】

[Form Controls Faiz Acceleration].

The sound effect is playing!

The Dark Emperor Rider instantly changed form, first becoming Faiz, and then changing into Faiz’s accelerated form….


ps: Thank you ‘Jiang Yumian’ and ‘Elder Viol’ for the big monthly pass!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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