Inside the command car.

Shuichi Tasho: (⊙_⊙)

Misaki Yugetsu: (⊙o⊙).

Looking at the screen of the surveillance video, the Dark Emperor used cards and changed his form twice, and the expressions of the two were somewhat confused.

This is completely different from the metal belt and insect instrument of their zect organization knight.

What exactly is the system?

“Captain, what do we do now?”

Suddenly, in Tian Suo’s headset, there was an inquiring voice, it was the captain of the small team outside who was waiting for the ant soldiers, and the alien insects were in front of him, but without the captain’s order, they did not dare to attack rashly.

That knight, friend or foe?

“Watch for now.”

Tasho Shuichi took a deep breath and said helplessly that the knights who were fighting had nothing to do with Zect, but in order to protect others and fight with xenomorphs, their purpose was the same.

Rash attacks are not his style.

After the adult spider molts, it immediately enters a super-high-speed state.

The Faiz accelerated form does not have this power.

But he also has the means to catch up.

Even just ten seconds is enough.

Natsume points his right hand to the acceleration watch fixed to his left hand, which is the activation switch for the true power of the acceleration form, and once turned on, this form of Faiz can catch up with the super-high-speed moving alien.


Acceleration is turned on immediately.

On the watch, a countdown for tens of seconds begins.

The air currents around Faiz began to overflow.

At this time, his speed can reach a thousandfold increase.


Faiz accelerated and disappeared from sight.

Time around seemed to stop.


In a super-high-speed state, the spider adult who was about to attack Natsume as he wanted suddenly found that the mysterious knight had caught up with him, and when he was stunned, he was smashed out with a punch.

Adult spiders: ???


He hasn’t reacted yet.

But Faiz wouldn’t give him that chance.

While kicking the adult spider into the air.

Four red spirals appear.

With a certain body-fixing effect.

From four directions, the super-high-speed spider adult worms are fixed to death.

The countdown to the acceleration watch continues.

Natsume is fast.

No need to kill power.

Quickly cross!

Crimson… Four in a row!

Landing smoothly.

Natsume shook his hand indifferently.

Accelerate the watch countdown to zero.

【Time.Out! 】

The adult spider also forcibly withdrew from the super high speed, a ‘Φ’ mark appeared on the body, and an explosion occurred, Natsume also withdrew from the accelerated form, the armor in front of him was closed, covering the core, and the photon blood also returned to its previous red color.

Turn around.

Drifting away.

Shuichi Tasho and Yugetsu Misaki got out of the command car and saw only Faiz’s back.

They wondered about the identity of the Dark Emperor Rider.

But now it seems.

It can only be counted.


As soon as Tian Suo Xiu gave the order, he seemed to be in a good mood, although it was said that they had made a soy sauce this time, but the alien insects were eliminated, and his lovely subordinates did not have any casualties.

This is something that everyone is happy about!

“That guy Kagami, you’re late again!”

Yuzuki Misaki said with a frown.

Yesterday in the harbor area too.

The interns hand-picked by the headquarters are simply too dish, proper connections.

Tian Suo Xiuyi smiled helplessly.


This way.

Natsume didn’t go far, and after lifting the transformation, he found that Hinatabe hadn’t left, holding the bicycle around the corner and waiting for him, she didn’t speak, but Natsume could see the worry hidden in her eyes.

“You… You okay? ”

Hinata asked in a low voice.

“Of course it’s okay.”

“Just now, thank you.”

“It’s just a show of hands, if you really want to thank you, why don’t you invite me to dinner?”


Hinata nodded slightly, her voice still small.

“Natsume, my name.”

“Hinatabe Xuan…”

“Xiao Xu? What a nice name. ”

Hinatabu: …

She pursed her lips.

This is an intimate term that only people with good relationships use, and Xiao Xu feels that it is a little too fast.

‘But it’s not annoying…’

She pushes her bike and walks with Natsume.

Walk towards your destination.

It was a restaurant called ‘Bsitro.Salle’.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the organs.

The taste is good.

It attracts many admiring guests.


In a residential laneway.

Kaga Mishin rides a motorcycle at a gallop.

He was notified of the appearance of xenomorphs and had to rush to the team as soon as possible, and he joined zect with the mentality of killing all xenomorphs, so he did not hesitate to let his conflicted father give him the back door.

He doesn’t want to be absent from the fight!

However, he met a guy who stood in the way.

Right on his galloping path.

Kagami didn’t want to hurt people.

Quickly pinched the brakes.

But it still hit the guy’s body, but the person who was hit was fine, but he received a strong recoil force and fell to the ground, he endured the pain of a moment on his body and raised his head with difficulty.

The guy smiled weirdly.

Turn into a worm.

“You guy!”

Kagami hissed.

Clenching his fists as hard as he could, these guys killed his favorite brother Liang….

He abruptly got up and clenched his fists and shot at the insect.

A punch fell.

The larvae did not move, but he was easily thrown out, crashed into the wall next to him, and coughed up blood.

‘Tread, tread…’

It seems that someone is coming.

The footsteps are crisp.

Kagami looked up with difficulty.

A familiar figure appeared.

“It’s him…”

Kagami remembered the strange man she met that day, saying strange things that she couldn’t understand, but easily subduing the thief.

The person who came slowly was none other than the General Division of Heavenly Dao.

“It’s really you guys.”

Tiandao looked at the alien worm.

The pace does not stop.

Swaying posture.

He lifted the clothes in front of him, revealing the metal belt tied around his waist.

Reach out to the sky.

Blue steam gushes from behind Jia Dou Insect Yi, rushing towards the Heavenly Dao, as if its existence is for the Heavenly Dao to summon this moment!

“That is… The knight’s belt of the organization? ”

Kagami’s eyes widened.

He had previously wanted to apply to become a fittest for Koto.

Unfortunately, Captain Tasho refused.

Could this person be the fittest person sent by the organization?

Kagami thought to herself.

At this moment, the sun’s brilliance shone on the body of Heavenly Dao.

In Kagami’s eyes.

The way of heaven is like a god descending into the world.

Pleats shine….


PS: Thanks to ‘Emperor Riding King Xiaoming’ for the big monthly pass!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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