Tiandao raised his hand.

The insect instrument flew around happily and crashed into the body of the insect many times in succession.

Not very hurtful, extremely insulting!

Subsequently, the Jia Dou Insect Instrument fell steadily into the hands of Heavenly Dao.

The light on his body seemed to be more dazzling.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment, or rather I’m living for this moment…”

“Now, I have the future in my hands!”

Heavenly Dao attached the armor insect instrument to his belt.


The heavy armor is like mercury, attached to the body of Tendo, which is the Kamen Rider with the title of Sun God.

Kakuto-Kamen form.

Dressed in heavy armor known as ‘Sun Crimson Metal’.

After the transformation, Tiandao also stood in place dashingly.

The Insect opted for a preemptive strike.

Even if he is in an unmolted state, he still has a powerful power that surpasses humans, and in the face of the attack of the alien insect, Jia Dou did not even have the slightest panic, and Yuya took out Jia Dou without a gun.

Bang bang bang….

Powerful bullets fell on the alien insects one after another.

Sparks splashed.

The bullets of the armor bucket seem to have a powerful penetrating ability.

After the insect withstood the attack of a few bullets, it did not dare to hard connect, and the temperature of the insect that was hiding everywhere rose and began to molt, which is an adult worm in the form of a bat.

There is also a pair of bat wings behind him, which can fly.

The spider has been sacrificed to the heavens.

Bats can’t wait to appear and want to make outstanding contributions to the cause of the festival.

After molting into an adult.

The insect began to fight back.

Disappeared from sight in an instant.

“Oops! It’s super fast! ”

Kagami shouted.

This voice shouted out.

He felt that his internal organs were faintly painful, and after successive encounters, his injuries were not light.

This voice goes down.

The picture he saw in front of his eyes also became blurred.

I was unconscious.

After the appearance of the armor.

The gaze of the adult bat moved away from Kagami’s body, for him, Kagami was not a threat, and the transformed Jia Dou was different.

Adult bats are constantly moving at super speeds.

This is their innate ability after molting.

The surrounding walls, street lamps, and windows were damaged to varying degrees, and under the super high-speed impact of the adult bats, the thick mask form was also thrown out.

However, Jia Dou did not panic because of this.

“Grandma said that fate will always be on my side as long as I want.”

The voice of Heavenly Dao came out indifferently.

Then he pulled the tentacles of the armor insect instrument on his belt.




On the armor bucket, the arc was entangled, and the heavy armor was also shattered in an instant, and the direction he chose to lift the armor was the direction of the super-high-speed moving insect, and the bat adult worm Xuanzhi Xuanzhi avoided the impact of the broken armor.

Just want to attack again.

But how could Heavenly Dao grant his wish?

The reason why he was ‘beaten’ in the masquerade form was just a deliberate trial, and the real battle only began now.

Jia Dou casually slapped the sensor switch next to his belt.


This moment.

Faster-than-light particles flowed all over Jia Dou’s body, which made Jia Dou also enter a state of ultra-high-speed movement, disappearing into the field of vision of ordinary people, and in the outside world, no clues could be seen.

Jia Dou transforms the Ku no Gun into the Ku No Sword form.

Quickly attacked the adult bats.

Bang bang!


In the realm that ordinary people cannot see, the adult bat was slashed by the sharp blade of the bitter sword one after another, flew into the sky under the pain, and swooped down towards the armor from behind.

The sudden attack of the blind corner of the field of vision behind him is difficult to react.

But Tiandao is not an ordinary person.

He unhurriedly pressed the button on his belt.




【Rider.Kick! 】

[Knight Kick].

The tentacles of the armor transform the faster-than-light particles into powerful fluctuations, all of which converge on the right foot.

The moment the adult bat swooped behind him.

Suddenly turn around!

The blow carrying 19t destructive power accurately landed on the body of the adult bat, and he couldn’t even wail, and it was directly destroyed.


End of acceleration.

After defeating adult bats.

Jia Dou leisurely raised his right hand, and on the fingertip of the index finger of his right hand, the dazzling sun was blooming there, and the light on his body was even more above the sun’s rays.

Heavenly Dao thinks so.

He is the center of the world.

The armor insect instrument fell off from the belt and flew away, quietly waiting for the next call of the Heavenly Dao.

Tendo walked over to Kagami and stood next to him.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed the hospital.

“Grandma said that there is nothing more loving in the world than me.”



This is the restaurant where Hinata works for it.

Xiao Xu parked the bicycle next to it.

Pushed open the door and walked in.

“Come in.”

Natsume followed behind.

It’s not time for dinner yet.

The store was empty, there were no people, and the store manager, Takemiya Hongko, sat with his face propped up, looking at the door, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Xiao Xu?”

When he saw Rixia Xu walk in, the bow of the bamboo palace that was in his mind couldn’t help but light up.

Stand up.

“Where have you been, I’m worried about death.”

In recent years, Xiao Xu has been working here.

This girl is not very good at communicating with people.

She was worried about going out alone.

In the eyes of Takemiya Bowzi, Xiao Xu was like her own daughter.

“Went to Harajuku.”

Xiao Xu replied.


“This little brother is… Xiao Xu’s boyfriend? ”

Takemiya bowed his son-in-law’s gaze and looked at Natsume.

“It’s not.”

Xiao Xu was anxious.

“He helped me, so I invited him to dinner.”

The face is a little red.

“Yes, auntie understands.”

Takemiya bowed and beckoned Natsume to sit down.

Hinatabu: …

No, you don’t understand!

Xiao Xu lowered his head and didn’t say anything more, after a while, the aunt’s brain made up, and the darker it became, and he went into the kitchen to prepare to cook, and on the way Natsume had already said that he wanted to eat mackerel miso .

She’s very good at doing this.

The other side.

Tendo called an ambulance for Kagami, returned to Fujiwara Tofu Shop to get the tofu, went home and put it away, and walked in the direction of Bsitro.Salle, Hishita Bu, who was also his sister to protect.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes!

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