This man, no one else.



Kamen Rider Teiki, passing through this world, is also a knight who Narutaki calls world destroyers and demons, and from now on, he is completely harmless and likes to shoot artistic youth.

At most, the styling is a little more coquettish, and the hairstyle is a little weird.

But isn’t it normal for artists, unlike people?

Wang Xiaoming: (╯) ╯┻┻

This morning.

Menyaji left the light photo studio alone, ready to investigate this world, but the phantom squad did not work, so he used his own way, nine parallel worlds have already cruised, and got the K touch screen of the God Lord in the negative world.

So what exactly do you have to do when you come into this world.

He is not in a hurry.

There is plenty of time to investigate slowly.

As soon as I went out and walked on the road, I met an uncle who said that his girlfriend was going to Akihabara to participate in the manga exhibition, but there was a lack of a photographer for the royal use, and because it was too urgent, he couldn’t find a suitable candidate.

Monyaji has a pink Polaroid camera around his neck, and he looks professional at first glance.

The big tree died as a living horse doctor, and came forward to inquire.

Let him take pictures as soon as he hears.

Wang Xiaoming’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

It’s like an LED bulb.

Not working ~

I immediately agreed.

Self-proclaimed senior photographer of Light Photo Museum, skilled technique, long shooting time, good at capturing all kinds of different angles, the photos taken have a unique beauty that ordinary photographers do not have!

The uncle had never heard the name of the photo studio, but he heard the priest say so.

It seems to be very powerful.

I thought, I didn’t expect my luck to be good, I found one at random, it is professional, but it can be regarded as completing the task, otherwise his little cotton jacket will have to blame himself, next time… Got air leakage again.

So he quickly took Monyaji to Akihabara.

After taking a set of photos.

The mutation has happened!

Menyashi found that there were many people running away in a panic not far away, saying that there was a monster, and he knew that this was a weirdo unique to the world of armor.

Go against the flow of people, ready to transform.

But he saw another person…

Fighting xenomorphs.

Dark Emperor Ride!


In the heart of Menyaji, this name involuntarily appeared, and on the picture of the photo hall crossing the world, standing side by side with Jia Dou, it seemed to belong to the knight of this world.

When he thought about guessing yesterday, he thought it was his blackened self.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The Dark Emperor rides, there are other people!

He hid in the shadows.

Observe quietly.

Two swords in a row, the alien insect retreated one after another, embarrassed, it let out a painful roar in its mouth, but it still did not molt, Natsume couldn’t help sighing in his heart, it had not molted for so long.

Really weak…

He originally wanted to wait for the insect to molt and then kill it, not the mutant, but after the kill, the points would change from 10 to 100, doubling the harvest tenfold, but the insect did not live up to Natsume’s expectations.

He didn’t want to wait any longer.

In a flash.

A killer card, sent by him to the drive to read.

Electric sound through.

【FinalAttackRideDarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

Dark purple card phantoms emerge in the air.

Natsume jumped through.

A kick to the insect.

The power of 30t quietly fell on the insect, the power of destruction was raging, and the insect could not even feel the slightest pain, and it had already turned into a green flame and exploded.

In this heaven and earth, quietly dissipated…

【Kill the alien insect, reward 10 points】

In his mind, hooking up reality, the prompt that the system has completed the task appears, Natsume can’t help sighing faintly, the alien worm that failed to molt is simply too pulled, ten can be worth one molt.

Variants will not be mentioned.

Although the reward is the same as defeating Kamen Rider for the first time, in terms of quantity, it is really not much, don’t look at Natsume’s many encounters recently, but considering the total number of Xenomorphs, this huge race, it is too small. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The proportion is outrageously low!

Just like the Kamen Rider Shapeshifter is to all mankind.

The contrast is the same!

Clapped his hands.

Natsume was about to pull away the sides of the drive and lift the transformation, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure walking out of the shadows on the side, and the familiar Xiaoming shook and walked slowly.

Around his waist, the emperor riding drive is connected.

In his hand, he held the transformation card of the emperor horse.


Natsume raised his eyebrows, although it was from Kageyama’s mouth that day that he learned the news of Monyaji’s arrival in this world, but he swung around and did not find the location of the Light Photo Museum.

Just let it be.

I didn’t expect to meet here today, Wang Xiaoming is here… And what about Mrs. Haidong? It will definitely follow his footsteps, Haidong is a little arrogant, and he doesn’t say anything.

But it will definitely follow secretly!

Because he is a thief looking for treasures in various parallel worlds, but the most important treasure in his eyes is as the door of the emperor horse, he is afraid that the warrior will be in danger.

The card of the emperor ride, Natsume already has it.

He was actually looking forward to the battle with the final rider!

In that way, a thousand points is inevitable.

And the card for the final ride.

It will also be included by Natsume.

At that time.

There is no need to draw in the daily projection, but can be challenged at any time, and there are three opportunities per day projection challenge, from which you can burst the items, bloodlines, superpowers, etc. owned by knights or shapeshifters.

There are quite a few treasures hidden in Haidong! (Wang Hao Zhao) But.

Since Wang Xiaoming wants to fight now, Natsume has no reason to refuse, he has always kept a card for Wang Xiaoming, and he only got it not long ago.

【KamenRide! Decade! 】

In an instant, Menyaji transformed.

The dark green compound eyes are shining with cold.

Step by step, he walked towards Natsume.

Emperor Ride and Dark Emperor Ride…

Except for the color, the rest of the place can be said to be almost identical, if you don’t look at the color, you can’t tell it at all, “Although I don’t know why you and I are similar, but… I’m the genuine! ”

Natsume shrugged helplessly.

This… What Wang Xiaoming is entangled in is actually the problem of genuine and pirated copies?

So, should I say, out of print?

….. Blow.

ps: thanks 1138: Great monthly pass support!.

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