
The lively Akihabara became extremely deserted because of the appearance of alien insects, and there was not even a figure on the originally crowded streets, except for the confrontation between the emperor horse and the dark emperor horse.

Choosing to flee because of fear is not too humiliating and difficult for ordinary people to accept, even if they stay, they can only be marginalized, and if they are unlucky, they may directly rush to the street because of the strong aftermath of the battle.


The two card-box swords suddenly touched, and the crisp sound of the jingo meeting resounded, and the doorman resisted the terrifying force coming from the blade of the card-box sword, and couldn’t help frowning.

When the blades meet.

Menyashi asked in a condensed voice, “Who is this guy of yours?” ”

“Well, it’s just a Kamen Rider passing by.”

Menyaji: ???

“You’re passing by too?”

He said subconsciously.


Natsume replied.

Why is this chat so embarrassing?

The emperor rode and slashed with his sword.

The Dark Emperor rode the move and intercepted it easily.

A certain rooftop in Akihabara.

Narutaki stood on the edge.

Looking down at the silence below, the emperor rider and the dark emperor horse, their brows wrinkled slightly, fell into silence, the dark emperor ride is really there? And is at war with the emperor horse!

Heaven’s words, Nautaki did not doubt it, but after all, hearing is nothing, and seeing 890 is believing.

What I really saw now, I only felt extremely bad.

In his opinion.

Just the emperor ride, there is enough.

The confidence to travel through the worlds, destroying the world, and now there is a dark emperor with stronger data… Moreover, why does the Dark Emperor Ride exist in this world?

Nautaki remembered that the Dark Emperor Rider was the ultimate weapon made by the Overhaul Card.

It has the advantages of both the emperor riding and the final riding.

It’s a pity that it has long been destroyed.

Now reappear…

“Abominable Emperor Rider, and Abominable Dark Emperor Rider!”

He whispered to himself.

Narutaki directly emo it.

Who can stand this?

This world, eat date pills!

Thinking of the Dark Emperor Rider and the Emperor Rider, as well as the reaction of the Heavenly Dao General to his appeal, Nautaki summed up a little, and came to such a result, uncomfortable at the same time, but also a little helpless.

His gaze looked at the two knights fighting below.

One black and one pink…

He wondered if it could end like this, but the Heavenly Dao Master rejected him, who else could he go to? The rest of the knights of this world, who are better to fool .. (BJBA).No, who has a greater sense of justice?

Lost in thought!

【KamenRideKuuga! 】


Empty me! Ajituo!

Almost at the same moment.

They chose to harness the power of the rest of the Kamen Riders, Heisei Kuroto not to mention, the emperor ride is the empty me, and Natsume is the subpolar, the almighty form against the earth form!

Clench your fists, boom!

This moment.

The emperor horse took a few steps back, and a spiderweb-like crack appeared under Natsume’s feet, but he did not take a step back, under the mask, the monyaji quietly frowned, he was aware of it, the basic power of the dark emperor horse was stronger than him!

However, Menyaji is not someone who will give up easily.

Hand-to-hand combat with Natsume.

Sharp boxing, one after another, without the slightest extra movement, every blow, is to defeat the opponent, but Natsume’s fighting skills have long been full, gathering the strengths of hundreds of families.

Four or two pounds.

Taiji Dark Emperor Ride!

Japanese character punch.

Wing Chun Dark Emperor Ride!

And Jeet Kune Do…

For each ability, Natsume can often switch easily, seamlessly connecting to the next one, without the slightest stagnation, Monyaji falls into the downwind again, and he switches forms again.

This time it was… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Monyaji originally took out the card of the electric king, but the embarrassing encounter in the parallel world of Jia Dou immediately appeared in his mind, and he immediately switched and used a hammer!


Natsume said softly.

The next moment.

Between his right index and middle fingers, he already had a card between them.

Feed into the drive for read.

The mechanical electric sound sounds.


【Kamen Control Fifteen】

End with sound effects.

Ajituo’s armor was replaced by a knight named Fifteen, and under the foolishness of the Bataan Empire, he claimed to have harnessed the knightly power of Heisei for fifteen years, using lock species to transform forms.

And the reason why Natsume transformed into fifteen is because of the famous scene in his memory~

The theatrical version of Wang Xiaoming forgot to hang when he went out, and he was cut every day!

“Kamen Rider… Fifteen? ”

Stunned, Monyaji frowned, which way is this Kamen Rider? How had he never heard of it?

Looking at Fifteen, this strangely shaped knight, like a skeleton possessed, white hair fluttering in the wind, there was a sense of déjà vu of the ghost, he seemed to feel malice like an abyss…

Roll in!


This girl, there are more cards than me!

Menyaji was speechless.

“No matter what kind of knight, just defeat it!” He fixed his mind, and flames surged from the fire of the sound baton, and Guna threw it towards Natsume, who swung Orochimaru and smashed it with a sword.

Scattered flames fell to the ground.

Natsume switched forms in the flame curtain, fifteen emperor riding armor, volleyed, kicked towards Hibiki, unexpectedly, Hibiki was hit, rolled around, and transformed into an empty me.

An all-round kick.

Natsume switched the empty armor, and Dad said that he would use magic to defeat magic.

And as we all know, since ancient times to the left side of the wave loses!

No doubt.

The emperor horse who attacked first fell.

The empty self armor dissipated and turned into the original emperor horse appearance, he sat up enchantingly, took out the K touch screen, ready to transform into the god lord form, Natsume also had a K touch screen, but he did not intend to use it.

Remove the other card.


Odin, time has come.

Except for Natsume.

Everything stopped moving.

Only Natsume can move.

Yes, do whatever you want!

Finally comes.

【EternalChaos! 】

The golden immortal bird wrapped around the golden light towards the emperor horse to fly and hit, time came to lift, the emperor riding holding the K touch screen flew out upside down under the strong impact, and lifted the transformation.

Menyaji: ???

A certain Kamen Rider passing by slowly typed a question mark.

PS: Thank you Suboe for your great monthly pass support! Customize it!.

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