“It seems that the victory and defeat have been divided.” Narutaki whispered, “But it’s also normal, the Dark Emperor Rider was originally the ultimate weapon made in the beginning, and later it was the Emperor Rider and the Final Rider Drive…”

Say it.

Without nostalgia, he turned away, he hadn’t really touched the Dark Emperor Rider yet, but because of the prejudice in his heart, Narutaki didn’t really want to contact it, and now they were done.

There is no point in staying here.

Can’t let him scare the two emperors to go up recklessly in the flesh, right?

That’s really too high to look at him and sing someone.

Slipped away.


Still deserted Akihabara, Natsume pulled away the sides of the dark emperor riding drive, lifted the transformation, and looked at the monyaji with a smile, at this time the monyaji had put away the K touch screen ~, patted the dust and stood up.

Opposite Natsume Shimoku.

This man…

Very strong!

Just now, Natsume used the power of time, so much so that he didn’t even have the opportunity to use the K touch screen, and before that, he was put down, took a deep breath – and calmed his mood.

He is not unacceptable to fail.

“You’re awesome, but next time, I’ll win.”

Menyaji pouted and said.

“Those who lose to me, say so.”

Natsume smiled.

“Who knows?”

Monyaji shrugged.

“Let’s go, where is the light photo studio?”

“In Harajuku… No, how do you know about photo studios? ”

Stare at…

Natsume bears spread their hands.

“Well, don’t care about these details.”

“Naritaki told you? I get it. ”

Menyaji fiddled with the pink camera.

Narutaki’s guy, his number one black fan, spreads his bad remarks in various parallel worlds, in this world, there is no more loving Kamen Rider than him, how can he be a magenta demon?

Simply ridiculous!

Natsume put a question mark.

Understand the king?

Classmate Wang Xiaoming, what did you make up in your brain?

However, Natsume did not explain.

The photo museum is in Harajuku, no wonder I didn’t find it, Natsume hasn’t been there recently, mainly because it’s too close to the Shibuya ruins, where zect has many secret studies.

Therefore, the cleaning of alien insects over there is very frequent.

Not to mention that there is not a single insect, but the number is certainly much smaller than in the rest of the city.

After learning the approximate location of the Hikari Photo Museum, Natsume turned around and prepared to leave.

If you have time later, you can go and sit.

But not now.

“The Dark Emperor rides… Your name? ”

Monyaji stopped Natsume and asked.

“Shisang, shouldn’t you say your own name before asking someone’s name?”

The corner of Menyashi’s lips twitched, this person really knew his name, in contrast, he lost his memory, no matter what he did, he was a little confused, when Faiz parallel world, Haidong also appeared.

I know my name, but I want him to introduce himself first.

This damn sense of ritual!


He said aloud.

“Natsume, then Shisan… Looking forward to seeing each other next time. ”

Natsume waved his hand and walked alone into the distance.

Loneliness is medicine for growth.

When you go through seven layers of loneliness, you can become a real strong…

The alien insects were solved, and after a short silence, Akihabara returned to liveliness, which was not completely identified by the authorities, but with the passage of time, word of mouth among people.

It is also vaguely guessed that the world has changed in some way.

The appearance of monsters is scary, but you can’t live without living, right?

Menyashi didn’t find the uncle before, and the photos he took were somehow handed over to him, so he lost another game, so he turned and left, he had come to work.

Now the people who hired him are gone. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Can only leave.

It’s a pity that you can’t show people the photos you have taken.

Soon after, he returned to the Light Photo Museum.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the cards he has, from the empty self to the moon ride, including the form control, but he does not have the card of the final form, only the God Lord can summon the knight of the final form.

As for why there are not, it is also very simple, the nine parallel worlds that were created, the story line is not as complete as the main world, and the knights of the parallel world, no one has shown the final form.

If he wanted to get the card, he had to walk in another world.

Menyashi frowned slightly.

Compared to Natsume.

He has very few cards.

At least, except for Ajituo, he didn’t have the fifteen and odin used after the Dark Emperor rode, and he wondered if he wanted to get some of Haidong’s cards? Their decks are interoperable.

At this time, a certain café.

The Haidong tree, who was resting from coffee, suddenly sneezed.

Well? Is the taxi nagging me?

Whispering to yourself.

Look back at the Light Photo Museum.

Hikari looked at the frowning Menyaji and asked with some doubt, “Shi… Are you in a bad mood? ”


He answered immediately.

He stepped forward to provoke a battle, and finally ended in defeat, and only if he was in a good mood could there be a ghost, but how could such a thing be said openly? Well, face is important!

“The taxi obviously has something on his mind.”

Onodera also said.

Monyaji shrugged.

As long as I don’t say it, you won’t know!

The other side.

Natsume also left Akihabara, but instead of the way he came, he went in another direction, and Natsume was not a road idiot, and he was not worried that he would not be able to go back, and it didn’t matter if he was too far away.

When the time comes, locate a spatial coordinate from the dark space and go back.

Very relaxed.

Walking on the road.

Natsume has a rather casual taste.

And right now.

A prompt sounded in my head.

[Congratulations to the host, in front of the God Lord, defeated Kamen Rider Emperor Ride, reward: Kamen Rider Hunt Card]

Natsume couldn’t help but be stunned.

Previously, he had asked the system that the knight’s repeated challenge could only be carried out in the system space, but now the prompt was not a challenge projection, but more like a reward for completing a certain task.

There have been before.

That purple lantern experience card came from this.

Natsume looked inside the system, and the projection of the hunt could indeed repeat the challenge, and the thousand points also increased.

“But how do you trigger a mission?”

Natsume muttered to himself.

Is it all random?

From the current situation, the possibility is very high!

“I don’t have a clue…”

He inquired about the system, but he couldn’t get a clear response, Natsume shook his head, no more thought, he better wait for the wind to blow…

PS: Thanks for playing powerful and big monthly pass support! I still owe five chapters.

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