Rina Mamiya left.

Not the slightest nostalgia.

And the person who appeared in front of her, clamoring to protect herself, as a xenomorph wisdom tank, she also knew, she had investigated Zect, as well as many Kamen Riders, his name was Yacha Thought, the former captain of the Phantom Squad.

aka… Royalbee!

Ex, of course.

She doesn’t know the news that Yacha wants to be a kicking locust, and the reason for this is probably because Natsume sabotaged her many actions and attracted her attention to the past.

That’s why she doesn’t have time to worry about — and anything else.

As a locust, Yacha wants to walk in hell, but he also walks on another path, fights, and when he encounters a worm, he will not hesitate to do it! That is the enthusiasm that he still retains in his heart after experiencing pain, betrayal, frustration and self until now!

And this news, Rina Mamiya, who prides herself on knowing everything, does not know…

The adult worm, at the behest of one of the leaders Rina Mamiya Miya, chased straight towards the upside-down Yacha, and her goal was simple, that is, to kill Yacha.

In her opinion, this is a very simple matter!

But in fact…

Yache wanted to fly upside down for a long distance before he fell down and fell into the lake in the park, fortunately it was a lake, otherwise with the huge strength of Rina Mamiya , it is estimated that he would have to peel off his skin if he didn’t die.

Yachi wanted to swim ashore from the lake in embarrassment.

There is a pink flower by the lake.

Yache was stunned.

Then, step on it hard.

“Sure enough, I’m in hell…”

Whispering to yourself.

Just at this moment!

The adult worm chased up, saw the deep breath, and a few more scratches on her cheeks that flowed red blood, and looked at the very embarrassed Yache thinking, she didn’t care.

Gooo Cuckoo!

The adult worm moves forward step by step.

“You just… Laughed at me, right? ”

Yache wanted to look up, look at the adult worm that was slowly walking towards him, and said to himself, perhaps knowing that the adult worm would not answer him, Yache wanted to chuckle.

“Laugh if you want!”

“Anyway, people like me…”


He has always been in hell, and the light he can find is also false.

Kicking locust insect instrument, jumping from a distance.

I was caught by the yaki and wanted to hold it in my hands.

It seems to say that in this world, and it will accompany him, the same abandoned son abandoned by Zect, they are all sick.

Install the locust kicking insect instrument on the socket of the belt.

“Change… Body! ”


The mechanical sound effect, transmitted from the zect buckle on the waist, does not have a heavily armored Kamen form, kicking locust and fist locust, as the original Kamen Rider prototype, there is never a mask form.

At the time of transformation, it is in knight form!


Walking confidently, he vainly tried to kill the adult worm that Yache wanted to kill with one blow, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Wait a minute!

This guy turned out to be Kamen Rider?

Of course, I was just stunned.

Adult insects are very confident in their own strength!

The sturdy armor of the whole body can even withstand the powerful water pressure of 6,000 meters under the sea, and the right wrist can also release arrows with light to attack the enemy, and the defense and destructive power can be regarded as powerful.

Such strength is enough to make its strength close to the cadre level!

Rina Mamiya chose several subordinates who were responsible for doing things.

Its strength is one of those standing at the top!


She is good at both long-range and short-range combat, and can be called an all-rounder.

Yachi is not afraid.

The continuous whip legs, as if there is a rhythm, towards the adult insects, this set of movements, for the locust, has been rehearsed countless times, this is the knight system itself to the increase in kicking skills, there is also a car wants to become a kicking locust, after its own growth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For a while, the adult worms seemed to be stunned and failed to react.

It can only be passive beating.

It was hard to react.

It’s furious!

Even if it has the protection of strong armor all over its body, the attack of kicking locusts also makes it feel unspeakable pain, and the most important thing is that it feels like it has been brushed face.

As an alien worm, it loves face.

Even in front of the leader Rina Mamiya Lina, she only treated it normally, obeying Rina Mamiya ‘s instructions, but she did not grovel and lick, but kicked the locust’s unreasonable combo, and directly stunned it.

Reaction, anger is inevitable!

It takes advantage of the gap between kicking locust kicks and kicking legs.

The movements are swift.

Instantly caught the flaw of the kicking locust, took advantage of this gap, grabbed the leg of the kicking locust, and the strength of the whole body converged in his hands at this time, and he threw the kicking locust out in a circle in place.

Spunning, jumping, I close my eyes …

After the transformation, the counterattack of the adult clam, Yache thought that he was also prepared, in the moment of mid-air, quickly adjusted his body, in a safe posture, landed not far away, the adult cricket took the opportunity to shoot light arrows towards the kicking locust.

Kick the locust to deftly dodge the past.

Adult crickets enter ultra-high speeds.

The kicking locust slapped his belt.

He also entered briefly.

With another sharp leg strike, he launched an offensive towards the alien worm.

It didn’t take long.

With the sound of the Locust Knight System ClcokOver, the adult Locust was forcibly shot out of the super high speed by the Kicking Locust, and the strength of Yache was not weak.

In addition, he is also an adaptor for two different knight systems, Queenbee and Locust Kick.

A human elite who once stood above most people!

The veteran combat experience allowed him to turn the situation around after being suppressed by the adult insects for a short time, and the ultra-high-speed system of kicking locusts is not so stable, so… Just need to finish that step faster.

Kick the locust and stand still.

【RiderJump! 】

Knight Jump!

【Rider… Kick! 】

Immediately after, the knight kicked.

The armed anchor-type supercharger installed on the left leg rebounded several times in a row, supercharging the knight who kicked the locust, and the strong horizontal fluctuations generated by the faster-than-light particles directly caused the adult insects to explode and go to annihilation.

Yachi wants to lift the transformation.

Walked to the other side of the park.

That is, the home of darkness…

PS: Thank you Hai Wukong for the big monthly pass support work!.

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