Late afternoon.

In a fairly lively park, on a lawn for recreation, a handsome trench coat of Menyaji parked the Mechanical Decade on the side of the road, and on it hung a piece of cardboard with a picture written on it, he was leaning against the car, fiddling with the pink camera around his neck.

“Hey! Turn it around for me. ”

The eldest brother of society, wearing short sleeves and tattoos on his arms, walked up with two younger brothers, holding a photo in his hand and questioning Menyaji: “Just such a photo, you still want to collect money?” What kind of unique photos do you fool? ”

“It is!”

“Big brother is right!”

The two younger brothers next to him echoed.


Menyaji said that he didn’t want to pay attention to him, pouted, and said to himself: “Isn’t this photo unique?” If you go to find other people, you can’t shoot this kind of “943” fruit. ”

The big brother of society is angry.

Immediately clenched his fist and smashed it towards the door, seeing that he hit the head, he was about to break the blood, but the doorman didn’t care at all, and deftly turned around, and dodged the sandbag-sized fist.

The big brother of society raised his fist again and boxed continuously.

But they were all evaded by the doormen one by one.

“Abominable! me off! ”

Seeing the gentle wind and cloudiness of Menyashi, easily dodging his attack, the big brother of society almost went crazy, and he fought hard to attack, but he couldn’t even touch the corners of Menyashi’s clothes.

Others are already watching the play.

The clown is actually myself?

The heart is angry.

Seeing more and more onlookers, he was already embarrassed to stay here, Wan was repeatedly teased several times, and was passed out by others, how could he still mess around on the road?

When angry.

He was about to say cruelly, such as I will definitely come back, the next time I see you, I must make you look good, know why the flowers are so red, and so on.

But he hadn’t spoken yet.

As if he saw some terrifying phenomenon, he had a terrified expression, and he seemed to stutter a little when he spoke.

Pulling the two little brothers next to him, he said:

“Quick, run!”

His two little brothers had the same expression as him.

In a panic, he ran.

Monyaji put down his camera.

Some doubts.

What’s wrong with this?

Turn around.

The onlookers also fled in fear, because someone had peeled off the human skin and turned into a foreign worm, a dark green larva, and after he turned into a prototype, several larvae jumped out from somewhere around him.



They roar, cathartic, and show their strength.

And did not chase after those who fled in a panic.

Their target is the Menyaji!

Humans who flee because they are afraid of them are commonplace, and like Menyaji, who have clear eyes and no fear, there are very few, and killing him is more able to cultivate emotions.

Even the alien worm, at some point, will seek to do things that will make their hearts happy.

Menyashi saw that the alien insects were eyeing him, and he didn’t care.

I picked up my camera and took a photo of them.

Then took out the emperor riding drive.



Transform in an instant.

The emperor wiped his blade.

Rush into the swarm.

Start killing indiscriminately!

Two swords in succession, slashed at the waist of the alien insect, and the extremely sharp blade pulled horizontally, and then the two alien insects were burst and killed the two alien insects, which was not difficult for him.

He looked at the rest of the worms again.

Like a butterfly wearing flowers.


The remaining alien worm faded the thick carapace belonging to the larvae, transformed into an adult, shot energy light bullets towards the emperor horse, turned on the long-range poke mode, and fought and retreated.

The emperor swiped a long-range shooting card.

【AttackRideBlast! 】

The dense bullets repelled the alien worm again, and the card box gun was connected to endless energy, so the laser bullets fired from the card box gun were endless, and the densely woven fire network was much easier and faster than the single condensed energy light bullet of the adult worm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Its casting is directly interrupted by the shot.

The insect enters the superhigh speed.

In an instant, the emperor horse flew out, and the emperor horse inserted a card in mid-air and pushed the drive.


Turned into a fighter.

【AttackRideClockUp! 】

It is also ultra-high-speed……….

The confident adults who molted flew out and forcibly exited the hyper-high-speed, at this time, because of the rapid movement within the hyper-high-speed, they had already hit from the south of the park to the north.

Alien insects fall beside a clear artificial lake.

A deep pit appeared in the ground.

Next to her was a girl in a white dress, with a camera around her neck like Monyaji, but the camera that the girl was hanging was a somewhat large old-fashioned camera.

She is the one who went out to take pictures.

Her gaze swept over the adult worm, and even if it was not far away, she didn’t care.

His gaze turned and looked at the emperor horse who had returned to its original armor not far away.

“Emperor Ride…”

Whispering to yourself.

That is, brother?

The insect is about to make a move on the door Ya next to him, and the person he mimics once liked to watch hero animations, remembering a certain fragment in his memory, where the villain took hostages and let the hero throw a mouse, thus turning over.

Kamen Rider, a hero, right?

He was about to do it.

The emperor horse moved first.

Swipe the killer card!


【FinalAttackRide! DeDeDeDecade! 】

Golden card phantoms build a bridge.

The emperor rode and jumped up.

The right leg is in front.

In an instant, through the phantom 2.1 of the card, the knight kick with dozens of tons of power blessed penetrated into the body of the alien worm, and the furious energy was raging, and the alien worm was embarrassed to resist, just for a moment, it exploded in an instant.

The wind of the insect explosion blew the hem of Menya Xiaoye’s skirt.

Her clear gaze looked at the emperor horse.

She knew it must be his brother!

That one…

In the mouth of Shadow Moon, she left her brother who went out to play by herself!

Monyaji lifts the transformation.

Look at Menya Xiaoye.

“Are you all right?”

“It’s okay.”

Menya Xiaoye shook his head and pursed his lips to look at him.

Menyaji looked at her expression, a little puzzled.

“We… Know it? ”

There was silence, he said.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of the cold autumn leaves!.

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