Natsume walked into the restaurant.

At this time, the morning rush hour had passed, and there were no people in the shop, except for Takemiya Bow, Xiaoxu, and Kagami, there was only a man in a pink top and black trousers.

A small pink Polaroid camera hangs around his neck.

Such a familiar dress.

Of course Natsume knew who he was.


Kamen Rider Emperor Ride!

Nickname: Wang Xiaoming!

Natsume saw it yesterday.


Just disappeared for a while, so pulled?

Still eating overlord meals?

“Yo, Shisan, it’s you.”

Natsume greeted with a smile.

Menyaishi helplessly spread his little bear, “I came for the first time today, and I insisted that I ate the overlord meal.” ”

“Brother Natsume, do you know each other?”

Takemiya said in surprise.

Natsume nodded.

Eat the overlord meal or something, Wang Xiaoming is not so 1ow want to make money, for him, it is not difficult, in addition to taking pictures of the all-round him, no matter what he does, he can easily attract the attention of others.

There is no need to use such poor means.

It does not match his own pressure.

“Wouldn’t that be!”

On the side, Kagami, who was stunned, suddenly shouted loudly, he wanted to say, if the person sitting here now has never been to the restaurant, then the 207 who eats the overlord meal that Xiao Xu said is not the mimicry of the alien worm?

After the insect mimicry, it can be completely integrated into human society.

Including habits, including memory!

Therefore, as long as the alien worm does not expose its own existence, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it, which is why the alien worm lurks in humans, even Zect is difficult to deal with.

They simply can’t take the initiative to attack, they can only wait for the alien to expose themselves before going out to fight with it.

This way, the efficiency is very low!

Kagami wants to say Xenomorph.

But he stopped in time, because he suddenly thought that in addition to him and Natsume, there were ordinary people in the restaurant, and most of them were hiding news about zect and xenomorphs.

Some people are lucky and may never see a worm for the rest of their lives.

So this news, it is good not to be exposed, but Kagami does not know that whether it is Xiaoxu or Takemiya Bow, they have witnessed the alien worm with their own eyes.

The monyaji sitting there is even more Kamen Rider Emperor Ride!

Kagami doesn’t say it’s okay.

As soon as it is mentioned.

Takemiya Bow and Xiao Xu could probably guess.

“So it is, the one who eats the overlord meal, (bjed) is mimicking my alien worm.” Menyaji stood up and said that he had encountered such an alien insect when he was in the parallel world of Jiaodou.

But that insect just contributed a wave of my own famous scene with him.


Kagami couldn’t help but be stunned.

It’s that blunt…

Say it?

He didn’t expect that this person who could easily control pink clothes and strange hairstyles would be so clear about the insect, and looking at Xiao Xu and Aunt Zhugong, he didn’t seem to be surprised by this news.

Well, the clown turned out to be himself!

Kagami was speechless.

And this statement has also been recognized by everyone, Natsume thinks it is also, who will pretend to be calm after eating a bully meal, and come a second time?

That’s not how the wool is.

And right at this moment!

The man dressed in the same clothes as yesterday pushed open the door of the restaurant with a strong push, and walked in with the appearance of a young master hanging the sky, and he obviously also had the face of the gentleman.

The air suddenly went quiet!

The corners of Natsume’s lips twitched.

All right.

He took back the sentence just now, how to say it, the mimicry of Wang Xiaoming’s classmate alien insects… Sure enough, it’s something extraordinary!

Natsume looked at Shiki with strange eyes.

Menyaji laughed.

It seems a little embarrassing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When traveling in the parallel world of Jia Dou before, there were also alien insects who imitated him, but it didn’t seem to be like this, God knows why this world looked so strange?

This is simply outrageous to open the door to outrageous, outrageous to home!

For the alien insect who imitated him and shamelessly wanted to eat the overlord meal several times, Menyaishi just wanted to ask: Insect, are you polite?

“Are you… Xenomorphs? ”

The mimic taxi frowned and said coldly, good guy, this is directly a rake, it seems that there is really such a thing, but according to his memory of the mimicry door, the rest of the people do not know, only Natsume met yesterday.

But just one battle doesn’t tell the whole story.

To say that, you can understand everything?

That’s like thinking too much!

Xenomorphs are confident.

Even his own personality was undoubtedly exposed, he didn’t care, but a little honey confidence, but he didn’t know that he had already fallen off the horse in front of Natsume.

Perhaps, it did not calculate that Natsume was a crosser.

These famous people in memory are simply not too familiar.

And the monyaji is very angry!

I came to this famous BsitroSalle restaurant this morning for breakfast and was treated as a bully meal, very annoying, very humiliating! He sneered and stepped forward and put the mimicry him out.

On the square outside the restaurant.

Very spacious.

With a strong force, Shi Meng pushed the mimicry him away not far away, and said with a smile, “If you want to become me, go back and practice for another ten years!” ”

“Do you have to be real?”

Mimic priests put their hands in their pockets.

Squinting at Menyaji.

Natsume also followed and walked out of the restaurant, and the melon seed drink small bench, ready to eat melon.

“It’s not nonsense.”

“Huh? Who knows…”

“Then I’ll prove it to you.”

With that, he took it out.


【KamenRide! Decade! 】

“You can’t do anything to yourself, can you?”

The mimicry priest stepped forward and said defiantly.

A horse in the heart of the warrior.

I didn’t think about it.

Raised my hand and hit the mimic priest’s head, I hit my own name scene, got it again, the mimic warrior was blown out by the emperor riding twice, and immediately became angry and turned into a foreign insect.

This is an adult worm.

The body is a cockroach!

The emperor rode with a sword, walked up with arrows, and engaged the cockroach adults!

Kagami’s eyes widened.

“That man is… Emperor Ride? ”

He glanced at Natsume quietly.

Emperor Ride and Dark Emperor Ride!

What is the relationship between them?

Kagami starts brain supplementation…

PS: Thank you XY fish for your big tip support!.

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