Adult cockroaches are no match for the emperor horse at all.

Because of anger.

The power of the emperor horse is displayed, and it is even more terrifying!

His data itself is completely superior to the alien worm, and now under the blessing of anger, the power that blooms is tantamount to 12%, which can be called terrifying!

Adult cockroaches are pressed and beaten by the emperor horse.

When it was really unbearable, the cockroach adult chose to enter the ultra-high-speed field, which is a natural skill after molting, and the emperor rider seemed to have expected it and took out Faiz’s form transformation card directly.

Speed up Faiz!

Ten seconds countdown, but the warrior did not use the crimson electric drill, but after keeping up with the movements of the alien insects, he launched an attack with his fists one after another, and after repelling the alien insects, he immediately approached and cast a sweeping knight kick.

After the acceleration ended, the Emperor Rider’s accelerated Faiz armor dissipated and turned into its original appearance, and behind him, there was a belated explosion, and the alien insects exploded into ~ green ghost fire on the spot.

Obviously, at this moment, it is already dead, not – can not die again.

The warrior lifted the transformation.

Just in time!

A few more alien insects appeared, jumping out of nowhere, just around the corner next to Natsume, and Takemiya bowed in fright, shouting Ma-ye, she had seen – xenomorphs.

But at such a close distance as now, it is still the eldest girl who gets on the sedan and suffers for the first time.

At some point, there are people with social cow comparison, but that also scores occasions, at least as now, when facing terrifying weirdos, there are almost no people who can confidently step forward and sing and dance!

Xiao Xu was also a little scared, subconsciously hiding behind Natsume, if Tendo is here, it is estimated that he will have to explode again, Kagami is preparing to transform, but Natsume is faster than him.

Carrying the card-box sword, he rushed out alone, and he didn’t see him take out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive and the transformation card, this time he didn’t plan to transform, the whole person was extremely dexterous.

Thousands of flowers have passed, and a leaf does not stick to the body… Well, to describe it with this, it seems a little wrong, but it is not a big problem, and when the insect looks at Natsume who rushes up with his sword, his heart is mostly disdainful.


Humans, not even Kamen Rider, are they not easy to handle?

Unfortunately, there is a slight deviation between their imagination and reality.

Natsume is not a soft persimmon.

It’s a lone wolf who rushes into the flock!

Indiscriminate killing!

The movements of the alien insects seemed too slow in Natsume’s eyes, and in Natsume’s line of sight, before the attack of the alien insects fell, he had already reacted first, and Natsume passed through the middle of several alien insects.

Each blow charged and slashed at the strong carapace of the insect.

Natsume’s physique is more than four times the human limit.

Such a power can only be said to be particularly terrifying!

After Natsume swung his sword and slashed at the insect, he turned around directly and walked in the original direction, and the insect exploded one after another, and even one of them failed to molt into an adult.

Dozens of points are in hand again.

It’s nice!

Kagami, who was about to summon the steel bucket insect instrument to transform, lowered her raised hand a little embarrassed, but fortunately the steel bucket insect instrument had not flown over, otherwise the transformation would be even more helpless.


In Kagami’s heart, what she still wants to complain about is Natsume’s power, with her physical body, she easily killed so many alien insects, it is simply not human, Kagami looked at herself.

Well, it can’t be done at all!

This is not something that can be done with blood alone, if everyone is really like this, then there is no need for knights, an ant army can be used as one for ten.

Before the worm molts, it is solved.

Really molting the kind that makes Kamen Rider act…

If everyone in this world is so fierce, it is estimated that the mimicry of alien insects is a problem, and these seven years are no longer preparations they have made in order to lurk, reproduce, and compete for the resources of the planet, instead, it is estimated that they are hiding themselves, so as to find an opportunity to escape from this planet!

Kagami shook her head secretly.

Myself, it’s not comparable at all!

Do you want to work harder to improve yourself?

Natsume seems to be a little inhuman.

In contrast, the strength that the Heavenly Dao temporarily showed was not so super-dimensional… Kagami quickly made up her mind, and although she became a Kamen Rider, she could not slack off.

Striving to become stronger and thriving is what he should do.

Only by becoming stronger, when facing the alien worm, will the confidence in the heart become more abundant.

Well, let Tiandao help train yourself then.

Kagami is not worried that Tendo will not agree.

Although he always said that I am not bored enough to walk side by side with you, this is only a superficial phenomenon, and he knows that he also hides a passionate heart in the way of heaven.

At that time, he will definitely awkwardly agree.


Natsume’s cell phone rang.

The caller is Heavenly Dao.

Natsume picked up the phone with some doubt, they had already exchanged numbers when they first went to the Tendo House, but except when they met by chance outside.

They will rarely have contact.


“Natsume, where are you?”

Tiandao’s calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

“BsitroSalle, what’s wrong?”

Natsume asked with a raised eyebrow.

This is certainly not a matter of xenomorphs!

Otherwise, Heavenly Dao would have already said it.

He’s not someone who likes to beat around the bush.

“Oh, that’s just right, I got a nice moray eel here, I’m going to take it to the restaurant to deal with, if you’re there, just treat you to a meal.” Tiandao said slowly.

“You cook yourself?”

“Of course.”


Natsume nodded, a white’s lunch is still very good, especially Tiandao’s cooking skills are indeed very good, similar to Natsume’s full-level cooking, the difference is just the taste.

He can do it himself.

But he himself is lazy …


Such a thing, let’s leave it to Heaven’s Dao.

Hang up.

“Then, I’ll go first.”

Menyaji waved his hand and turned to leave, he had just eaten, it was okay to continue to stay, and he obviously preferred to take pictures compared to this.

This time, he plans to set up a stall in another park.

The chief photographer of the Light Photo Museum, Menyaji, apply to compete!

ps: Thanks to Han Songling for the big monthly pass support zero!.

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