“Natsume, Mr. Monya, is he very good at taking pictures?” Kagami asked in a low voice to Natsume, who had exchanged names for a short period of time.

“Why do you ask that?”

Natsume asked with a smile.

“Hmm… Recently I was looking for someone to take two pictures. ”

Kagami hesitated, then said.

If Menyaji is very good at it, then he decided to look for it directly, and it is always better to find acquaintances, so as not to go to other places and make some other moth.

“He is very good at it, the technical ones, undoubtedly stand at the top of the industry, but the photos he took are slightly special, if you don’t mind, you can try.”

Natsume said in a serious tone.

“Special? That’s great! ”

Kagami nodded enthusiastically.

Natsume didn’t continue.

How to develop after “700” still depends on how Kagami chooses, but judging from the way Kagami’s eyes shine now, he should like it.

Kagami probably likes non-mainstream.

Speaking of which.

Natsume couldn’t help but think of the non-mainstream era before he crossed over, when he was a child, he felt handsome, and when he grew up, he awkwardly cut out the three-room living room with his foot, and he couldn’t wait to strangle his past self immediately…


The other side.

Under the sight of people, the chief priest slowly walked towards the BsitroSalle restaurant, he was dressed in his usual casual clothes, a clog, and overalls.

But when he walked on the street, it was inevitable that many curious eyes would fall on his side.

As if he were the center of the world!

Grandma said that the world revolves around itself, and if you think about it, you will be happy.

The Heavenly Dao General is such a powerful man.

He is still unusually handsome in simple clothes, but Tiandao is now attracting attention, not because of the clothes he wears, but because of moray eels.

Tendo had called Natsume earlier to say this.

He hung a slender moray eel of about one meter and five meters on his right shoulder, the moray eel was still alive, and the split mouth under the eyes was still opening and closing, which Tiandao had just obtained through bidding in the fresh market.

At this time!

People who passed by couldn’t help but look back, and some even pointed to the way of heaven and laughed, and some quietly criticized with someone who was with them, in short, it was the whole bell and whistle.

Not enough, Tiandao did not care about the gazes of others, and walked forward with his own care, and even his pace did not speed up or slow down in the slightest, and at this time in his heart.

There are also very deep troubles.

Of course, the troubles of Heaven’s Dao are not love.

As he said when answering Natsume earlier, it was he who should cook for a while, and Heavenly Dao did not deny this, not to mention that he had promised Natsume before, and when he said it, this was the basis of his decision!

For a while, do you want to make boiled moray eel or moray eel sushi?

Tiandao thought to himself.

Thoughts are racing.

After Natsume and they solved the raging worm, they went straight into the restaurant, although the sparrow was small and well-equipped, which was just right to describe the BsitroSalle restaurant.


With a moray eel on his shoulder, he arrived at his destination.

“Well, let’s make boiled moray eels!”

He seemed to be talking to himself.

Tiandao pushed open the door and walked towards the restaurant, except for Natsume and them, there were no other customers, the current time was just after eating in the morning, and it was still a little early for lunch, but such a big moray eel, when he completely dealt with it, I am afraid that it was almost noon.

Around eleven o’clock, Tendo made the boiled moray eel, and Natsume tasted it, and the taste was extremely delicious! Everyone, including Natsume, praised Tendo’s cooking.

At this time.

Kagami has turned into an emotionless rice machine.

Dry rice man, dry rice soul…

“Brother Natsume, come here, I have something to tell you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Takemiya bow suddenly shouted.


Natsume nodded, a little puzzled in his heart, but still got up and walked over, outside the door of the restaurant, there was a sign that was closed, and Takemiya bow turned it over to the welcome side.

“Is there something going on with you?”

Natsume asked aloud.

“There’s really something!” Natsume and Xiao Xu’s biggest CP fan head Takemiya Bowko said with a smile, “The day after tomorrow, Xiao Xu is going to the beach to worship his parents, but there are monsters raging in the city, and I am worried about Xiao Xu’s safety, so I will trouble you to be a flower protection messenger, okay?” ”

“This way…”

Natsume nodded……….

“I’ll come over then.”

“Then, Brother Natsume, please Xiaoxu when the time comes.”


Walk into the restaurant.

Stayed a little longer.

Gradually, the number of customers increased, the small restaurant became busy again, and the BsitroSalle store was small, but the reputation for excellent flavor spread out, so many people came to admire it!

After eating once or twice.


It will come the second time, the third time…

Soon after.

It will become a real repeat customer.

Grandma Tiandao once said that real famous stores don’t even have to hang signboards. A small shop may also become a harbor for others, and even life can change with one meal and one taste.

Natsume left first.

Kagami works part-time at a restaurant, and as a waiter, he definitely needs to stay and help during the most lively times, but he receives a call from Captain Shuichi Tasho and asks him to come over.

This means that there is a task.

He quickly took a leave of absence and hurriedly walked out of the restaurant with Tiandao.

“If I were the store manager, you would have been fired eight hundred times.”

Tendo looked at Kagami and said.

This is also the manager of Takemiya Bowko, if not, casually change to a 1.0 store, Kagami’s migrant worker life will definitely end in tragedy.

“Eh… God don’t say so, I’m fighting for the future of mankind because of the zect thing! ”

Kaga Dollar said angrily.

Tiandao glanced at him, seemed to be smiling, and did not speak.

Kagami didn’t dwell too much on this issue.

Something seems to have come to mind.

Suddenly, he said, “By the way, Heavenly Dao, I want to become stronger, you…”


Before Kaga finished speaking, Heavenly Dao said directly.

Hurry away.

“Huh? Don’t say that, Heavenly Dao. ”

Kagami chased after him…

PS: Thank you for the invincible tips and monthly pass support of the Minotaur! .

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