In the sky.

Natsume took his sister flapping his wings and flying.

He narrowed his eyes.

Then, his gaze swept over Rina Mamiya and the adult cockchafer, showing an interested expression, and he crossed into this world like a breeze blowing.

As a result, the world is no longer static.

On the contrary, a lot has changed!

The mutant adults that Natsume solved before, as well as the mutant cockchafer adults who were dispatched with Rina Mamiya below, from the situation just now, they have mastered the ability of the space system.

The development of the world is becoming more and more interesting!

Natsume said in his heart.

Then raise your hand.

The cyan-purple ball of light gathered in Natsume’s palm out of thin air, and then, with the convergence and output of Natsume’s increased energy, the ball of light that was originally only one turned into ten in an instant.

Moreover, there is a strange and terrifying energy surging on it!

A big wave of your hand.

With Natsume’s control, the ball of energy light suddenly fell sharply, but in an instant, it fell to the ground, and Rina Mamiya and another mutant succeeded, and they were all within Natsume’s bombardment.



On the empty ground, there were a series of explosions, endless ears, smoke and dust.

Natsume and Kosuki landed.

Retract your wings.

Xiao Xu looked at Natsume stunnedly, and at this moment, in Xiao Xu’s eyes, Natsume seemed to be shining with endless light.



In the smoke.

Two figures, quickly rushed out of the smoke, smoke without harm law is powerful, at this moment, although Rina Mamiya and Yuto Maeda are very embarrassed, they really fled from the explosion of light bullets.

The light bullet cast by Natsume is not as simple as an energy bomb, and it also carries a high poison, which makes them suffer a big loss!

“You! Let me be humiliated in front of the palace! ”

Maeda Yuto hissed in a broken voice.

If he is in human form at this moment, I am afraid that he has already joined the army of Yan Yi, but unfortunately, although the insect itself can speak, but if he wants to show Yan Yi, the level is not enough.

The cockchafer mutant disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Natsume.

This is…

The power of space jumping!

Natsume’s mind moved.

The whole disappears.

The ferocious attack of the cockchafer mutant pounced, and Natsume appeared not far away in an instant, as if he had just appeared from the darkness, which was the power attached to the dark space.

With the deepening control of this space.

Natsume is now able to enter and exit quickly.

There is no need to consume time to open the so-called channel.

Hide yourself in the dark!

This skill is somewhat similar to Kamen Rider’s version of Kamen Rider’s divine power, but even now, Natsume still hasn’t fully mastered it, and it still needs to continue to work hard.

“If I play with you, this card is better.”

Natsume placed the Dark Emperor Rider Drive around his waist.

The corners of the lips are raised in a curve.

It is fed into the drive for reading.

【KamenRide! Durenda1】

[Kamen harnesses the constant sword! ] 】

Reverse the boundary! TokiwaTokiwaTokiwaTokiwaTokiwaTokiwa! In my hands! OceanHi

Accompanied by the chant of transformation.

A set of armor that was completely different from the Dark Emperor Rider wrapped Natsume.

This is, Kamen Rider Constant Sword!

Ocean history!

Holy Blade World, a form transformed by the Fantasy Control Book of Ocean History when using the Time Kingdom Sword Realm.

“I’m going to… Kill you! ”

The adult cockchafer drank violently.

On the entire right arm, it seems to be burning with raging flames, and it is terrifying in an instant, this is the combat method of the adult cockchafer, just simply condensing the energy on the arm and attacking!

No bells and whistles.

Simple and crude!

But the power that blooms is not weak at all, just like the Flying Thunder God + Spiral Pill of the Hokage World, he can condense the offensive most quickly after a long swing.

As long as you do it properly, in an instant, you can end the battle.

The charge is complete.

Subsequently… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Space jumped behind Natsume, ready to come with a wave of backstabs, his blow, if hit, can instantly penetrate Natsume’s body, even if Natsume is wearing armor.

Not far away.

Rina Mamiya looked at this side and did not immediately participate in it.

“Be careful!”

Xiao Xu shouted loudly.

The battle between Natsume and the adult cockchafer was not completed in the ultra-high-speed realm, so Xiao Xu, who was standing next to him, could fully see the movement of the adult cockchafer, and he made a space jump in the blink of an eye and appeared behind Natsume.

Prepare for a sneak attack!

Whether it is a human, or a foreign worm, or a protozoa.

Long eyes that have not mutated on the back.

The attack from behind the body is the most difficult to react, seemingly simple, but with enough deadly terrorist power, if you don’t pay attention, you may fall inside.

Natsume heard Xiao Xu’s shout.


The fluctuations of the adult cockchafer, he had already sensed it.

Skill Launch!

Erased in time!

Natsume appears behind the adult cockchafer.

When the realm is rebounded!

Another sound effect suddenly sounded.

Natsume also appeared behind the cockchafer adult, like an infinite nesting doll, but the cockchafer adult did not seem to notice that he was still in the previous attack position.

That moment.

He didn’t seem to notice Natsume’s movements at all.

Natsume did not continue to give him a chance.

Kill cards are loaded instantly.

[Killer moment! ] 】

【Ocean! 】

The power of the ocean converges in the time sword realm time halberd mode, this is of course the mimicry of controlling the card box sword, but it will not affect the effect of use, and a tsunami swept up on the halberd!

A half-moon-shaped slash crashed down on the back of the adult cockchafer that was caught off guard.

With just one blow, he was easily killed.

[Kill mutant adult worms, reward 1,000 points, space power! ] 】

A tone rings in your ears.

Natsume looked at Rina Mamiya.

Step by step, walk towards him.

“This time, I can’t let you escape.” ”

Natsume took out another card.

【KamenRide! Kabuto! 】

【FromRideKabutoHyper! 】

Natsume transforms into a posture that surpasses Koto.

Rina Mamiya widened her eyes.

At the same time with great fear in his heart, he forcibly asked sharply:

“You guy, who is divine?”

Natsume chuckled and sent in the kill card.

“However, it’s just a Kamen Rider passing by.”

Behind the armor, spread colorful wings.

With one kick, the adult tide crab was sent to the final clamp of hell.

Insect wisdom tank, Rina Mamiya pawn!

[Kill the mutant adult worm, reward 1,000 points…]

PS: Thanks for the great monthly pass support of Half Summer Rendering Time!.

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