“Today, luck is really good.”

Natsume was overjoyed.


Just by killing Rina Mamiya and Yuto Maeda, he gained two thousand points, and even burst out spatial powers, he guessed well, that cockchafer mutant adult, the ability to awaken is indeed space!

Time is king, space is king…

It can be seen that this ability is powerful, although Natsume already has a dark space obtained from the king sword, but it is always good to learn more skills without pressing the body.

This is also why Natsume, after obtaining the talent of Heavenly Dao Reward, is extremely attentive to everything, and in the seven years that the alien worm is lurking, he secretly fights monsters and upgrades, and sharpens himself, he has learned countless abilities.

And, they have already pulled their proficiency to the full level!

[Do you fuse spatial powers?] 】

A prompt appeared in Natsume’s mind.

Not fused yet.

Natsume said silently in his heart.

In fact.

He was also looking forward to what would happen if he fused his spatial energy? But now that a battle has just ended, Xiao Xu is still around, obviously not the time.

Moreover, rewards are stored in the system and do not disappear.

There is no need to rush! 290


Natsume returned to his original appearance and walked to Xiao Xu’s side.

“Xiao Xu, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, thanks to Natsume’s protection, as long as Natsume is around, I… Will not be afraid! ”

Xiao Xu said in a very serious tone!

After speaking, it seemed that he also knew that what he plucked up the courage to say was a little embarrassing, and he simply lowered his head and pretended to be an ostrich, as if the person who spoke confidently just now was not her at all.

“Shall we go shopping and go back for a while?”

Natsume chuckled and touched Xiao Xu’s head.


She nodded as a chicken pecked at the rice.


But it seemed that some enjoyed Natsume’s touching of the head, and when Natsume let go of his hand, his heart suddenly thought that it was empty.

Natsume got into the car and let Xiao Xu sit in the back.

While Natsume was driving Xiaoxu back to BsitroSa11, the rest of the world was plotting something that would be harmful to the world or good for the world.

ZECT headquarters.

Command Room. (cadc)

Masato Mishima is briefing his boss, Mitsuru Kaga, on some recent developments.

But just at this time.

Negishi came again, first praising and thanking Zect’s ant-soldier troops for fighting the xenomorphs and killing many xenomorphs, and then questioning about the Kamen Rider system.

The Kamen Rider system has indeed been precisely developed.

Those who are fit, they are all fighting on the front lines.

And it belongs to zect, under their control.

Only steel buckets and… Royalbee?

That’s too little!

Kageyama’s instantaneous royal bee, the strength is still very crotch-pulling, this is also nobody.

Recycle knight systems that are not part of the organization.

This is Negishi’s proposal.

In addition to the steel bucket and the royal bee, the armor bucket, thunder fly, and sword scorpion are all in the hands of outsiders, so it is also a good choice to recycle the knight system and re-determine the fittest.

It was because he had suffered losses before, so about the Dark Emperor Rider, Gengan really didn’t mention anything.

“Okay, Negishi-san, I see!”

Kaga Miriku spoke in a serious tone and kowtowed sharply on the table.

Look at how humble it is.


Masato Mishima is very upset at the moment, what is it that this guy Kaga Miriku will let him degrade himself to this point? There is not even a trace of dignity left!

“Then trouble you, Mr. Lu, ah~”

Negishi smiled kindly.

Speaking with strange mouth fetishes.

Then he took his subordinates and turned away.

But in his heart, he sneered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just a human being who acts in style.

He has long seen through and sees everything!


In front of him, everything Kaga Miriku did was in vain, after the original Hinata Soichi was imitated, strong emotions, suppressed the insect heart, the red dancing shoe system, did not choose to report, but chose to hide it, and then cooperated with Kaga Miriku to continue to complete the power of human salvation.

Subsequently, when the meteorite fell seven years ago, he transformed into a belt and handed it over to Heavenly Dao.

In this way, the original insiders, except for the living and cautious Kaga Mitsuku, are dead, which means that as long as Kaga Mitsuku is not exposed, no one will know.

Unfortunately, the protozoa side has long been discovered.

The reason why they create a false impression that Kaga Miro does not know is entirely because it is better controlled, they know what the red dancing shoe system is, and they will secretly be on guard.

Instead of letting Kaga Misu do something else that is difficult to control and increase his troubles, it is better to make a plan.

Masato Mishima leaves the command room.

But his mood is very unhappy!

It can be said.

Kaga Miriku’s reaction in front of Negishi was a deterioration again and again, and Masato Mishima was a little unbearable.

He temporarily removed his glasses and held them in his hands.

I don’t know how the plan went on Rina Mamiya side.

Masato Mishima said.

He even vaguely looked forward to it.

What he didn’t know, however, was.

Rina Mamiya and the other newly added cadres encountered Natsume by the sea, and by this time, they were already walking side by side on the Huangquan Road, and there was no one to do the response he was expecting.

The other side.

After sending the tree flowers to school in the morning, the General Division of Heavenly Dao left the junior high school of Shenghua College and walked on the road.

He was stopped!

And what is surprising is…

That man had a face almost identical to that of Heavenly Dao.

It’s like twins.

It’s like, carved out of the same mold.

After fighting with the alien insect for so long, Heavenly Dao knows the habits of the alien insect very well, and this person must be the one who mimics him.

Just about to speak, he was preempted by the imitation.

“I’m going to kill you! Then take away Xiao Xu! Xiao Xu’s brother, it’s enough to have me! ”

Mimicry Heavenly Dao roared.


Tiandao raised his eyebrows.

Look coldly at the mimicry self.


In the sky, the fantasy space opened, and two insect instruments, one black and one red, flew out in an instant…

PS: Thank you Luo Bo for your great monthly pass support!.

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