Bucket insect instrument!


Black Armored Bucket Insect Instrument!

After the two insect instruments appeared from the mysterious space shrouded in colorful light, they hovered above, and the tails were both spewing blue steam, spinning, colliding in mid-air.

Their strongest thing is the unicorn of the head.

When colliding, fierce sparks splashed everywhere.

The waist of the Heavenly Dao and the Mimicry Heavenly Dao are all tied with the same belt, and the armor bucket, steel bucket and black armor bucket, the belts used, are all the same style, and the insect instrument is briefly in mid-air after contact.

They fell into the hands of the corresponding fittest.

“Transform!” x2

With the sound effect of beetle morphing, two people complete the transformation at the same time.

And in the heavily armored masquerade form, fierce hand-to-hand combat-to-combat is performed.




Fists and feet collide, bitter guns are intertwined, and the crisp sound of jingo is emitted, and at the beginning, whether it is a long-range gun or a melee slash, it has achieved close results.

The battle method of the Imitation Heavenly Dao is full of wild edges!

He was like a beast that had just come out of a cage.


The Heavenly Dao can still be easily handled, for the Heavenly Dao, the commander-in-chief, this is just a trivial matter, and in his heart, he has already measured a benchmark.

Even if he is mimicry, he cannot be his opponent!

The black armor bucket in the masquerade form raised the kunmu gun, transformed into the axe form, and with dexterous steps, soon appeared in front of the armored dou, raised the axe high, and fell with a bang.

As if at that moment, the air was split.

The whistling falling axe bloomed with a terrifying light.

Jia Dou stood in place without moving.

Raise the axe to resist.


The moment the two axes met, inexplicable fluctuations overflowed, and the power of the black armor dou bloomed greatly, and when the armor bucket removed part of its strength, the ground under his feet cracked to a certain extent.

It’s like a crack in a spider’s web.

Jia Dou took advantage of the momentum, raised a foot, and kicked the black armor bucket out with the force.

“The black armor bucket, it turns out that you are using it…”

Tiandao’s tone was calm.


He fought with Natsume, who was the Dark Emperor Rider, and at that time, the knight card that Natsume was driving was the Black Armor Dou, which was a knight system developed by the Zect organization, but he had never encountered it.

I didn’t expect to meet it now.

And the user is not a human, but imitates his alien worm.

“No need to say more! I will kill you! I’m Xiao Xu’s brother! Xiao Xu’s identity… Should not stay in this human society! Inside the black armor bucket, the Imitation Heavenly Dao said sharply.

This is his long-cherished wish in his heart, or in other words, after he imitated the Heavenly Dao, the strong feelings of Heavenly Dao who wanted to do everything to protect his sister Hyuga Xu occupied his heart.

As he spoke, the Mimic Heavenly Dao roared and attacked again.


Heavenly Dao moved lightly and engaged it.

Every time the black armor fights a rapid attack, it can be easily resisted by the Heavenly Dao, either hard connected, or avoided, but he doesn’t seem to have much effort, always so… Light wind!

Hear the words of the mimicry heavenly way.

Tiandao was stunned.

In his mind, thoughts are flying, this guy who mimics him, it seems that it is not so simple, if it is a xenomorph… Then inheriting his memory, he will definitely know that Xiao Xu is the identity of the protozoa, and the alien worm and the protozoa are old enemies, which belong to the relationship that will smash the other party’s dog brain when they meet.

But the Mimicry Heavenly Dao did not.

Could it be a protozoa?

Tiandao knows the protozoa, and those who mimic their parents and give birth to Xiaoxu back then are all protozoa!

It was an alien creature that came to the human world earlier than the alien worm.

He had something to say to his mimicry self.

However, judging from the state of the black armor fight, he is not so easy to answer, so what Heavenly Dao has to do is also very simple, that is, first subdue him, and then pry open his mouth.

It’s that simple! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you can solve it, you will never say a word.

After making up your mind.

Heavenly Dao didn’t speak anymore, what he needed to do now was just to knock down the imitated Heavenly Dao, that’s all, and Heavenly Dao was not too worried about this, the black armor imitated him, and also had a knight system.

But none of this is a big deal!

Grandma said that his evolution is faster than the speed of light, and no one in the universe can keep up with his evolution! Well… Except for Natsume.

0 ask for flowers

The last sentence was added by Heavenly Dao himself.

Natsume’s growth was recognized by him.

Of course, that didn’t come out of nowhere.

It was Natsume and Tendo who transformed into a fire fight, and they were killed with real swords and real guns!

Many times, empty words are more convincing.

It’s also easier to get recognition from others!

Tiandao is not some mother-in-law’s person.

Just do what you say!

Moreover, this matter also involves Xiao Xu, and the Heavenly Dao must be 12% serious.

Heavenly Dao easily repelled the black armor fight, and then their movements were almost the same in unison, bursting armor, and the thick armor on both sides shattered, colliding in mid-air.

And this also sends a signal!

The real decisive battle is coming.


On the two belts, mechanical electric sounds are played separately.

The armor bucket and the black armor bucket suddenly disappeared in place.

On the roof of a tall building.

The super high-speed armor fight and the black armor fight appeared, they continued to fight each other in the super high speed, wanting to divide the victory and defeat, punching and kicking, and in an instant, they appeared on the roof of another skyscraper.

【ClockOver! 】


The super high-speed system of the two knights was overwhelmed and stopped forcibly, and the black armor punched fiercely, slammed towards the armor face door, the fist wind roared, and at the moment when it was about to fall to the armor face gate, Heavenly Dao just turned his head and dodged.

Then a punch landed on the mouth of the black armor and repelled it.

But before the black armor retreated.

The action of the armor bucket is faster.

One grabbed the arm of the black armor bucket.

Over-the-shoulder fall!

The black armor bucket suddenly fell from the edge of the skyscraper.

And Tiandao tapped the belt sensing device.

Enter the super-high speed.

Time to blink.

Quietly, launched a kill!

PS: Thank you to Old Mountain Yuki for supporting Wan!.

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