After a long time.

The relaxed Heavenly Dao Chief patted the non-existent dust on his body, put his hands in his pockets, and slowly left the place where the high-rise buildings were standing, the corners of his lips raised, as if he looked calm.

Tiandao’s mood is good.

After defeating the mimicry self, it took him some time to pry his mouth open, he was like a beast, the fighting instinct was particularly strong, if it were not for his battle with Natsume, it made him feel painful, after summing up the experience, the strength has improved greatly compared to before, and it is estimated that it will be more difficult when fighting against the black armor fight.

However, I also got some very important news!

Tiandao thought in his heart.

Mimicry, he is not a foreign worm, nor is he born a protozoa, he was once a human, but at a very young age, he was caught by the protozoa and became a “nine nine seven” experimental subject.

All kinds of injections…

Eventually he was transformed into a protozoa.

On the protozoan side, the technology of how to successfully turn humans into protozoa is being studied, and from the point of view of the mimicry heavenly way, it is obviously beginning to bear fruit, from this point of view, the protozoa is the ambition of the wolf!

His heart is damned!

If it is not my race, its heart will be different.

Heavenly Dao also understands this truth.

But he compares double standards.

Because, except for Xiao Xu!


Tendo also learned another news, that is, he had conducted another experiment as an experimental subject, as a Kamen Rider Black Armor, called… Go beyond insectometry experiments.

Haidong got the treasure of this world (exploded), but in addition to showing off in front of the taxi, he would not go around saying with fanfare, on the X side of the area, there was an explosion that night, spreading a fire.

The heavily monitored place was easily hacked into.

Such a humiliating thing.

Zect certainly won’t say that.

And Masato Mishima was not really so idle to release the news that the development of the insect instrument had been completed, and their previous agreement was that Rina Mamiya would capture the sister of the chief priest of Tendo.

In this way, Tiandao lost its due calmness and consideration.

Now, Rina Mamiya has not replied.

And it is impossible to reply in the future…

With the death of Rina Mamiya, the capture plan she discussed with Masato Mishima about the alien and Zect to lure Koto ended in vain.

Beyond the news of the insect instrument, of course, Heavenly Dao does not know.

However, after learning from the mouth of the imitation heavenly way, he was very interested in that thing.

That is, the power of transcendence!

Isn’t he a transcendent being?

Tiandao remembered the previous days.

He always had the red figure that seemed to be incompetent, at home, when fighting the xenomorphs… It seemed to be everywhere, and sometime before, Tiandao saw that figure.

Although it was fleeting.

But Tiandao was sure that he would not be mistaken.

Red armor!

It’s just a little different from the knight-form armor.

Perhaps, that is beyond the armor?

This is also one of the reasons why Tiandao will be interested in transcending the insect instrument.

So, how do you get a transcendental insect instrument?

It’s not wise to grab it hard.

He’s not afraid of zect.

But there is no need to directly confront others, Tendo decided to collect the rest of the insect instruments first, trade with Masato Mishima, without knights, the progress of zect’s work to eliminate alien insects will definitely become slower!

Such a transaction is very reasonable.

Do what you say.

Heavenly Dao was interested, and he didn’t deliberately go to anyone, he knew that the shapeshifter of the steel bucket was Kagami, but he didn’t go to Kagami at the first time.

That idiot, it’s better to stay behind. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tiandao thought to himself.

Not far.

Tiandao’s calm eyes suddenly lit up.

As if in the endless darkness, a light suddenly appeared to illuminate the way forward, and the Phantom’s captain, Kageyama, was leading the members of the Phantom Team to fight the Insect.

Five xenomorphs.

After the Imperial Bee burst its armor, it was slightly difficult to solve four of them, and the last molting adult was difficult to do, and the talent tree seemed to be all pointed to the defense, and just now even resisted the Imperial Bee with a knight stab.

Still no explosion.

The ant soldiers of the Phantom Squad shoot through the saber machine gun equipped in their hands to support the captain who has transformed into a royal bee, but unfortunately, the bullets of the machine gun fall on the insect, and they can’t break the defense at all. 0

The effect achieved is just a drop in the bucket!

“It’s really sleepy to send pillows.”

Tiandao whispered to himself.

Then, holding in his hand the armor insect instrument that had just left, this was the future he had grasped.



【CastOff! 】

After repeated operations.

Transformed into Kamen Rider Armor, Tendo entered a super-high-speed state, and the knight who had already been charged up kicked and robbed monsters, easily destroyed the alien insects, and the defense was strong, but it was not without weaknesses.

It’s just that the knightly spurt of the royal bee just landed in the strongest place.

Otherwise, this alien worm will also have to go to the end.

It’s not surprising.

This adult worm is just an ordinary insect molt, not a mutant, so even if his strength is very strong, it is extremely limited, and weaknesses exist.

After solving the two episodes of Rina Mamiya and Yuto Maeda, Natsume sent Kosuki back to the restaurant and left.

He got to work again.

Even if today’s points gain is not bad, how can you be lazy?

Natsume says he’s a model worker.

When killing alien insects, you can get points by the way, and this 4.1 is already a very good reward, and in the system mall, there are things that Natsume has in mind, and it is urgent for Natsume to get more points and buy them.

And Natsume also solved many waves of alien insects.

Once it was on Mount Akina.

Natsume met the son of Uncle Fujiwara, as a driver, the driving skills are quite good, but compared with Natsume, there is still a gap… Natsume’s car skills have long brushed proficiency to the peak.

It was only in the evening that Natsume returned home.

Not too twilight.

Xiao Ye made a hearty meal, like a wife waiting for her husband to return home.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye’s pretty face was dyed with red clouds…

PS: Thanks for the great monthly pass support at twilight!.

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