
The remnant sun hangs in the sky, shaky, as if it will fall at any time, the dark shadow has already swallowed everything up, and the sunset seems to be trying its best to bloom the last light at this moment.

Dye the sky red like blood.

This is the cloud of fire.

Seaside marina.

Several alien insects appeared, and the phantom, who was the Zect headquarters team, received the task, and under the leadership of Kageyama Instant, came to completely annihilate the haunted alien insects, and the phantom was still the headquarters team, but under the leadership of Kageyama Instant, who was deflated as the norm, he successfully played the word elite.

However, this is just a secret name for other troops.

Because of the steel bucket, the performance of Tian Suo Xiuyi’s team is stronger than theirs, and in many branches, there are even such rumors, it is said that they want to jointly write a letter to exchange the treatment of the elite of the Phantom “250” squad to Tian Suo’s side.

Since you can’t mention it yourself, change to someone else.

Anyway, the Phantom has been in that location for too long.

Yachi thought it was okay when he wanted to.

All actions are impeccable, but now the captain of the Phantom is Kageyama Instant, who cares about you? And it is precisely because of these rumors that Phantom has recently taken on many tasks.

What a model worker!

There is a posture that all the infested alien insects have been contracted by me!

At this time, Kageyama also received the task and immediately led the team to arrive.

Four larvae, one adult.

Standard Insect Action Squad combination.

Kageyama instantly transformed.

And command the phantom ant soldiers, fighting the alien worm.

“Team A, Team B, suppress from both wings.”

“Team C, use the Burst Bomb!”

Kageyama immediately shouted.


With Kageyama’s instantaneous order, the rest of the ant soldiers are also very serious, and they have put out one hundred and two percent of their strength, the elite is synonymous with the phantom squad, and now they are a little unworthy of the name, so they will redouble their efforts to get their reputation back.

Convince others!

In fact.

Compared with those crooked ways, this is the best way, there is something behind you that motivates you one after another, only in this way, is the real way to become stronger.

Only in this way can you become the strongest!

The ant soldiers weave a fire net on the larvae and suppress them repeatedly, and the larvae try to resist with their strong carapaces, but they are only able to resist.

If you want to fight back, there is no other way but to molt, Zect here because of the help of protozoa, the level of technology is quite good, ant soldiers with a saber machine gun, with a terrifying power that can fire 600 rounds per minute.

The larvae, except for some gifted mutants, are still slightly worse.

The explosive bomb was fired by Team C.

Blast on the spot!

Among them, there were two larvae, which were immediately blown up, turned into green fireworks, and exploded in an instant, while the remaining two larvae were also suppressed by dense bullets.

Eventually wiped out.


Not all larvae can easily complete the molt, and the molting of the insect is much simpler than that of the protozoa, but this does not mean that every insect can do it.

Talent is also extremely important!

So it is with xenozoa, so with protozoa, so with humans…

The same goes for it!

Since then.

In the field, only the adult worms that fought with the royal bee remained, and after seeing that their compatriots were eliminated by the ant soldiers, the adult worms were angry, and suddenly entered a super high-speed state and disappeared in front of them.

“Super fast!”

There were ant soldiers shouting.

【ClockUp! 】

Royalbee keeps up.

In the field invisible to the naked eye, they continued to fight with the alien insects, clanging and colliding several times, and their battlefield gradually changed from the dock, moving several positions in an instant.

A park near the sea.

The royal bee is ready to kill.

【RiderSting! (Knight Spurt)]

The flickering insect needle suddenly fell on the adult worm, like a bee possessing a person, penetrating the power into the faster-than-light particles, so unscrupulously swept in the adult body.


Queenbee exits superhigh speed.

The explosion of the insect.

Kageyama was instantly furious.

The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, Kageyama feels that he can do it again, the recent record is good, especially the deflated… The number of times has generally decreased, even if he can’t kill the adult in seconds, he can kill it after a little maneuvering… 0 (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

From this point of view…

Kageyama thinks that he is a relatively slow and hot person, and the reason why he was deflated before was completely because his run-in with the royal bee was not enough, and now he is not slowly getting better?

That’s nice!


Keep up the good work…

Kageyama thought for a moment, cheering himself up by the way.

Available when preparing to disarm the transformation.

His afterglow suddenly caught the appearance of someone, wearing a set of overalls, looking quite casual, and he was walking towards his side step by step.

Tendo Division!

Kageyama instantly knew the man’s name.

The way of heaven, the commander-in-chief.

It was as if the world was on his side.

Just like Natsume.

Kageyama’s eyes were very red.

It’s a pity that I don’t have that life.

“It’s you!”

The Heavenly Dao Master was getting closer and closer, and Kageyama frowned instantly, he knew that this was coming towards him.

“Honestly give me the Queenbee Insect Instrument.”

Tiandao said indifferently.

“Who will give it to you!”

Kageyama roared instantly.

He has a special obsession with royal bees.

It seems that because of the influence of Yachi wanting…

“Well, it seems that we can’t talk about it.”

Tiandao shrugged. 3.7

Don’t care about that.

He seemed to have guessed the situation.

Expose the belt around the waist.

Raise your right hand.


The armor insect instrument jumped out of the mysterious space and fell into the hands of Heavenly Dao.



【CastOff! 】

Beetles deform.


Since the armor has transformed, it directly exploded the armor, entered the knight form, and confronted the royal bee volley.

【ClockUp! 】x2

Two electric tones sounded one after the other.

Scrambling to get into super-high speeds…

ps: Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions!.

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