“I have grown again, even in the face of you…”

Kageyama said in an instantaneous voice.

He feels that his recent growth is fast!

In front of the General Division of Heavenly Dao.

You can’t fight back, can you?

Kageyama instantly did not believe in this evil!

He clenched his fists.

Heavy attack towards the armor, one punch, two punches…

No doubt.

All were easily avoided by Heavenly Dao.

No effort at all.


One hit missed.

Two attacks, also missed, prompts miss!

Kageyama became irritable for a moment.

Next moment!

The armor dou, which had been passively defending, suddenly moved, motionless like a mountain, moving like a rabbit, extremely fast, wielding a bitter gun, stabbing through the armor at the mouth of the imperial bee’s heart, splashing sparks.

The queen bee retreated.

Before Kageyama could even react, he was hit by Jia Dou’s slash again, one step difference, one step difference, and the royal bee could only barely resist Jia Dou’s slash messily, falling into a situation of defeat.

His end is already predetermined…

The slash of the jia dou, at this time 20 looks messy, but it has a special charm, the heavenly way has obviously reached the point of its own system, the royal bee is in front of him, it is really not enough to see.

Kageyama instantly ignored, after all, even if the former Yachi wanted to be in front of him, Tendo didn’t care at all.

In the end, he can’t enter his eyes in this world except Natsume!

After the slash, a whip leg.


Dull crashing sounds.


The Queenbee was repelled, and at the same time the super high speed reached the limit time, and the mandatory ClockOver was over, and Kageyama was still confused, as if he had not reacted at all.

Passive beating.

Eat up again!


Kageyama was a little puzzled why his heart, even if he encountered this, still felt that there was no fluctuation, it seemed that he had experienced too much, and he was used to it at this time.

Gee, habits are horrible!

【ClockOver! 】


On the belt of Jia Dou, the electric sound of accelerating the end sounded, and then the figure of Jia Dou also appeared in front of the eyes of the royal bee, and before he could react, Jia Dou had already taken the first step.

Press the right hand on the button on the back of the insect meter.

Just press it down.




Arc winding.

【RiderKick! 】

In an instant, with the sound effect of casting a killer knight kick, superluminal particles all converged on the legs of the armor, flashing blue electric arcs, looking extremely terrifying.


Kageyama’s heart was beating at that moment, but this so-called battle ended quickly, and it didn’t take much time for Jia Dou to fall on him.

In the park near the sea, Kageyama instantly rolled and lifted his transformation, and the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument, which was about to fly away from the fittest, was compulsorily held in the hands of Tendo.

The insect instrument automatically fell off and flew into the distance.

Heavenly Dao didn’t even look at Kageyama for a moment.

The knight with the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument and the matching knight transformed into a bracelet and turned away.

The royal bee was forcibly pinched and transformed into a wave by Masato Mishima before, and compared with Masato Mishima and Heavenly Dao, the gap is not ordinarily large, and in the hands of Heavenly Dao, of course, it can’t escape being pinched.

Queenbee insect instrument, there is really no card!

“The first one.”

Tiandao whispered.

The gaze froze.

Go into the distance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Imperial Bee is the first stop of Heavenly Dao for insect instrument collection, followed by thunder flies, sword scorpions, steel buckets…

“Then, let’s go to Shindai’s house first.”

The chief of the Heavenly Dao rode the exclusive locomotive of the Jia Dou and galloped towards the manor of the Shendai family, and the descendants of the fallen nobles, the Heavenly Dao knew.

However, recently, with the cancellation of the agreement with the sword scorpion on the Zect side, the identity of the insect hunter disappeared, and their family’s already collapsed economy suffered another blow in the eye.

Even the luxurious daily expenses are difficult to maintain.

The Shindai family has had a hard time lately.

The old housekeeper worked several jobs.

The salary is not a drop in the bucket.

“It seems that this is the way to start.”

Tiandao thought to himself.

Here, if it goes well, you can solve the problem without using force for the time being, Kazama Daisuke is different, and Kagami side, even more so, that Tetsuhan, basically believe what others say.

There must be another war.

Think so.

Tiandao came to Shendai’s house, only the little young master Shendaijian stayed at home alone, and the old housekeeper seemed to have quietly gone out to set up a stall.

It didn’t take much effort.


Tiandao walked out of the manor with the sword scorpion blade and the sword scorpion insect instrument, and all he spent was some insignificant money, and this sword was weighed and sold.

Well… Tiandao was more benevolent and gave more money.

The Shindai family sat on the chair and looked at the money on the table, he had no concept of money, but the old man was very tired recently, he would be very happy to see this money, right?

He thought to himself.

The mood is getting more and more beautiful.

It’s a seller-buyer deal.

“The second one.”

The corners of Tiandao’s lips fluttered.


The speed of this collection was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Not far.

Under a 543 flyover, Tendo met Daisuke Kazama with a small word, originally he was ready to finish work today, but he didn’t expect that there was an unexpected harvest, and it was better to choose the day than to hit the sun.

Since the opportunity has been delivered, how can there be any reason to give up?

Heavenly Dao would not let the opportunity slip away from his eyes.

Put the shapeshifter of the sword scorpion and the royal bee into the box on the motorcycle, and then quickly walked to Daisuke Kazama and Xiaoyan.

“It’s you, what’s the matter?”

Daisuke Kazama looked at Tendo.

“Fight me.”


“The stakes are… The thunderfly insect meter in your hand. ”

His tone remained calm.

It’s as if the victory is in hand.

He also did not say what he mortgaged on his side, because it was not necessary at all, and his grandmother said that fate would definitely be on his side as long as he wanted to.

He will not lose.

Only in front of Natsume, will there be uncertain factors!

“Too confident, right?”

Daisuke Kazama frowned.

“Grandma said that the greatness of the sun is that it illuminates even the invisible dust that is almost smiling!”

“Then try it!”

Daisuke Kazama raised the butt of the thunder fly in his hand and said in a condensed voice!

“Transform!” x2

Thanks to 18856: Great monthly pass support!.

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