After a meal.

Natsume left, in fact, he only ran into it by chance, and because of the night, he went to have a meal with Shiji, which did not mean anything special.

It’s just that Mrs. Haito’s sudden appearance surprised Natsume.

There was a faint guess in my heart.

Probably that’s because…


shook his head.

Natsume didn’t care, during the trip, Mrs. Haidong and Shi did establish a particularly deep friendship, and even Mrs. Haidong once said that Wang Xiaoming was the best treasure he harvested during his travels.

This posture.

No matter how you look at it, there are so many basic feelings?

Mrs. Haidong was faintly wary of herself, but Natsume didn’t think much about this, saying that his orientation was normal and he would never snatch it with him.

After Natsume left.

Mrs. Haidong and Menyaji also walked out of the barbecue shop side by side, and the curtain of night fell, and the sky was dark, as if it was covered by thick dark clouds. 21

Such a night scene is as dark as ink, and you can’t see your five fingers, as if you can’t see a glimmer of light.

But this was only in ancient times.

Times are different!

The world has entered the process of modernization, so that even in the evening, the flower-filled city will flash neon lights, shining a bright light for the world.

Menyashi and Haidong Daiki walked side by side on the somewhat deserted street, only the street lamps flickered with a somewhat dim light.

One of them wore blue clothes and the other wore a pink lining.

As the saying goes: since ancient times red and blue out of CP!

This is true in many worlds.

Especially the main and second riders of Kamen Rider World.

What Taxi prefers is magenta.

But compared to red, in general, it is not bad.

“Hey, I said Haidong, those three cards have been taken for so long, it’s time to pay me back, right?” Shi picked up the pink Polaroid camera hanging around his neck, clicked, and took a picture of Haidong.

Last time that evening.

In the middle of the night.

The elusive Haidong suddenly appeared in his bedroom, saying that he was in a bad mood and came to talk to him late at night, and the priest said that I believe you are a ghost, but he still did not drive Haidong out.

But it’s because of too much trust.

Therefore, when Haidong left, he took away the knight driving cards of the dragon horse, sword, and armor in his card box, so that he was more or less passive in the battle these days.

Now is not like the time when you have just traveled to the empty world, all available cards have been sealed, so when fighting, warriors tend to choose to deal with it in a more varied way.

The Insect has a unique natural power called Super High Speed, and once it enters that realm, it becomes more difficult to find it, unless you use specific abilities such as the Empty Pegasus Form, Faiz’s Acceleration Form, and ClockUp.

As for the card of the electric king…

Since the last time he used the shadow in the Jia Dou parallel world, Shi didn’t want to use it for the time being, or rather, he would never use it if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.

“Do you mean this? Here you go. ”

Haidong shrugged.

Doesn’t seem to care.

The reason why he took it away before was just because of interest, and taking away the taxi’s card can also make the taxi remember him more deeply, so why not?

After weighing it again, Haidong felt that it was worth it.

He returned all three cards to the taxi.

Shi gathered to the east side of the sea.

“Oh? It really gave it to me, so kind this time? It can’t be secretly holding back something bad, right? Shi held the card and said with some suspicion, he always felt that there was something wrong with Haidong.


According to the previous personality, it is indeed so.

“Too close!”

The corner of Haidong’s mouth twitched.

Co-authored, it’s not right for you?

A faint sigh in my heart.

Didn’t say anything either.

Forget it, that is, the taxi, in order to let him do this, otherwise, if it is someone else’s words, if you don’t say more, it will be light to directly punch it.

They walked on the road. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


A few drunks walked over slowly.

They have alcohol on them.

But walking is fierce, the eyes bloom fiercely, looking extremely strange, such a contrast, is great, in fact, at first glance, it is impossible to show it on the drunkard dangling in this night.

Unfortunately, they are not ordinary humans.

Instead, wander in the darkness of the night.

Monsters roaming the world…


Since the arrival of alien insects on this planet seven years ago, they have been lurking in all corners of the human world, and when they first lurked, their favorite time to haunt was nightfall.

Many alien insects imitate being drunks and causing trouble in the night, and the next day, he will imitate the person he killed, occupy the magpie’s nest, and live another life, waiting for the next hunt.

Shi frowned.

Something was found wrong.

The same goes for Haidong!

They are not ordinary people.

Can keenly perceive that these guys are almost fundamentally different from humans.

Soon, when they approached.

280 revealed the true face of Lushan.

That’s true!

They are truly extraordinary, because they have never been human beings, but one of the causes of the world’s troubles.

Named: Xenomorph!


They regard taxis and Haidong walking on the road as prey, which is normal, in fact, since a long time ago, there have not been as many people traveling in the evening as imagined.

It’s hard to catch two stunned blues, can’t you say hello properly?

The insect reveals its essence.

“Haidong, it seems that this evening, after a long absence, we will fight side by side.”

Shi took out the Emperor Riding Drive.

said with a smile.

Haidong nodded.

“Of course, I can bully you…”

“Only me!”

His eyes narrowed.

The two took out the transformation card at almost the same time and sent it into the final riding and emperor riding drives respectively.

“Transform!” x2

【KamenRideDecade! 】


The electric tones coincide.

One red, one blue.

Two figures, almost at the same time, rushed towards the alien worm…

Thank you Dragon Emperor Tian for your great monthly pass support!.

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