There are two sides to the story.

Shi and Kaito were attacked by alien insects not far from the yakiniku restaurant, and Natsume did not know because the battle over there was almost over in the blink of an eye.

So much so that Natsume’s perception ability did not come in handy.

Natsume walks alone on the road.

There were no people along the way.

Only the bleak breeze was blowing gently, and Natsume smoothly solved the two alien insects that were staring at him, did not transform, just stepped forward, and then made up two poisonous light bullets like this.

Dealing with these nights, Natsume didn’t even bother to transform.

“Then again, the Faiz pistol, it’s useless.”

Natsume said to himself.

He has since acquired.

I’ve never used it.


Without changing his body, Natsume can also use the Driving Card Box Gun, connected to the Kettle of Klein, and has unlimited energy to control the Card Box Gun, seriously, more powerful than the Faiz Pistol.

Moreover, there is definitely more than one shot!

In that case, it’s nothing.

Weigh it up.

Occasionally, it can still taste slowly, but what, Natsume’s life, pull and fly.

It’s just that unusual!

He can fly, he can release light bullets.

Since his physical physique, surpassing the limit of the human body has reached ten times, and now, the power of light is gradually fused, and superpowers such as Nian Power are all attributed to Natsume’s body, so that the appearance rate of Faiz pistols seems to be even lower.

Shaking his head and not thinking much about it.

Natsume planned to walk for a while and go home.

All the way forward, it seemed to walk aimlessly, and before you knew it, you came to a villa area near Tokyo Tower, which is completely a rich area where rich people live.

There are mostly rich people.

“I actually came here.”

Natsume couldn’t help but murmur.

If he remembers well.

Heavenly Dao lives here?

Raised an eyebrow.

So it seems.

This is called fate.

In the afternoon, I just met the Tiandao Tree Flower, and I involuntarily walked to the vicinity of the Tiandao house, thinking that the overhaul card was coming, and the toys entrusted to him by Tiandao in the future should also be handed over to Tiandao.

This is a good time.

Pondering in my heart.

Natsume took the phone out of his pocket and dialed the number of the Tendo Division.

Heavenly Taoist.

After eating the night, Shuhua hugged his white legs, sat on the sofa and watched TV, and after Tiandao cleaned up in the kitchen, he also walked to the living room and sat on the single leather sofa where he often sat.

He was also watching what was on TV.

But these bitter dramas.

Tiandao was not interested.


These four words are Tiandao’s interpretation of these TVs, so he doesn’t like to watch it, the actor’s acting skills are crotch-pulling, and Tiandao estimates that he can complete the crushing if he goes.

As the way of heaven, the person in charge of everything.

He has this confidence!

Of course.

He exists in this world to save the world, but not to film, but these little girls like to watch the tree flowers, but it is normal, Tiandao feels that he should pay more attention to the tree flowers.

Watching too much of these TVs will also have a certain impact on your own life judgment.

Shuhua’s age is exactly the age when she has a longing for love.

In case he was deceived by someone, he would not be able to cry.

As a sister controller, Tiandao wants to handle everything completely!

“By the way, Tree Flower~.”

Tiandao suddenly shouted.

“Brother, what’s wrong?”

Shuhua looked at Tiandao suspiciously, and a pair of big watery eyes blinked, looking cute in an instant.

“What are you and your classmates doing over there this afternoon?” I think I saw that Natsume guy over there. ”

He asked intentionally or unintentionally.


In order to avoid making Shuhana resistant, he also specially took Natsume out, because he did see Natsume, but only when Shuhana left the other side and walked to him.

Moreover, with the person in the pink shirt, it seems that they still know each other! The man in the pink shirt looked at the bag, and at a glance he knew that he was very good at cheating girls.

Tiandao has heard that someone goes to the school to deceive ignorant girls.

He asked reasonably.

“Huh? Brother Natsume is also there! ”

Shuhua was a little surprised.

The mouth opens into an O-shape. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She shook her head.

“I don’t even know, that uncle… No, the photographer was setting up a stall, Nanako pulled me to take a picture, but I didn’t expect Natsume to be over there, and I didn’t see it, it’s a pity. ”

Shuhua sighed.

Tiandao: “…”

The corners of his lips twitched.



There was no problem, but he frowned again, how did he feel that Shuhua was more attentive to Natsume than to his own brother?

Uncomfortable, I want to beat Natsume.

Maybe it’s about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive?

The phone rings.

Tendo picked up the red flip phone and looked at it, and the caller column displayed: Natsume.

This is the note you made when you saved your phone number earlier.

Heavenly Dao can remark some strange names.

But he didn’t.

Because there is no need, at his level, there is no need to play tricks on those trails, although he lost to Natsume last time, but it was a gap in hard power, and he was convinced.

Just work hard and try to win it back next time.

Crooked ways are also undesirable!

It’s so late, what did Natsume call for?

Tiandao raised his eyebrows.

He knew Natsume’s nature, and under normal circumstances, he would definitely not call, and with some anticipation (Qian Zhao), he pressed the answer button.


He said.

Followed by.

On the other end of the phone, Natsume’s familiar voice came.

“Tiandao, are you at home now?”


He nodded and said.

“Tree flowers too?”

“Get out! Don’t hit my sister’s mind. ”

“Don’t say that… Forget it, don’t say that some of these are gone, I specially came to send you good things this time, not ready to come out to meet? Natsume said with a smile.


For the sister control, the sister is a taboo that cannot be touched at all!

If you can’t mention it, don’t mention it.


Ironclad is like a powder keg, one point will explode!

“You’re over here?”


“I’ll come out right away!”

Thank you for your good and generous monthly pass support!.

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