Natsume is very steady.

In order, press the buttons of the K touch screen separately.

“Empty Self, Ajituo, Dragoon, 555, Sword, Hibiki, Jiado, Electric King, Moon Rider!”

“FinalKamenRide! DarkDecade! ”

K touch screen, which is attached to the buckle of the belt by Natsume.

The original belt was removed and installed on the side of the belt, with a K touch screen on the front, which is the essential difference between the ordinary knight form and the god lord form.

In an instant, the Dark Emperor Rider had already turned into the rumored God Lord form.

Also known as… Ancestor Lineage Form!

Well, in this form, the Dark Emperor will have some cards of other knights hanging on his body, and all of them are the ultimate form, known as the king from the parallel ~ world!

“Well, since the Heavenly Dao is here, use this card.”

Natsume whispered.

Pick up the K touchscreen.

Once again, he pressed the pattern of the lower armor bucket.

【Kabuto! 】

【KamenRide! Hyper! 】

Beside you, data condenses and manifests.

It’s just beyond the armor!


After the battle, the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief who was on the edge was also a little stunned, for no other reason, he knew that Natsume could transform into a form that surpassed the armor, and Natsume had used it in the evening, but this god lord form seemed to be the ultimate form of the Dark Emperor Horse, he was still the first time to see it, but he didn’t expect that in addition to transforming into a knight, he could also turn it into a tool man.

Could this be the legendary righteous group?

He watched with doubt.

Dark Emperor Ride…

Sure enough, it’s terrifying!

Natsume summoned the Beyond Armor, of course, did not stop there, a special kill card, sent into the drive to read, Beyond the Armored Dou’s action is almost the same as him.

Although there are no cards, they are still the same as Natsume.

【FinalAttackRide! RiderKickKKKKabuto! 】

The God Lord Dark Emperor rides the same as the Transcendent Armor Fighting Move.

Jumping up, his right leg was wrapped with terrifying energy.

All penetrated into the remaining adult tide crab.

This effect is exactly 1+1 greater than 2.

Power can only be described as terror.

Penetrated by such a force.

Waiting for the tide crab adult, there is only one, that is, annihilation and death, boom, there is an explosion, this tide crab adult left, only a place of residual green fireworks, as if the soul flame, slowly burning, and after the green fireworks burned out, it completely disappeared.

Natsume slowly lifted his transformation.

However, it cannot be said that this adult tide crab has nothing left.

A sound of alarm exploded in Natsume’s ears.

[Defeat the mutant adult worm, reward 1,000 points, physique +10]

Although this move is a mutant and has reached the level of a cadre in terms of strength, it does not have the ability to regenerate like Nogi Reiji, so that it can be used as a tool for Natsume to brush points many times.

But a thousand points is really good.

And there is also a bonus of +10 for hostages.

After the physical fitness data exceeded 100.

Natsume didn’t feel much, after all, the enhancement at this time was only a slight end, gradually increasing little by little, so it was like boiling a frog in warm water.

When you perceive it, you will find that unconsciously, your strength is already so strong, and at a certain moment, if you want to feel stronger.

Natsume felt that that physique probably had to be directly increased by a hundred points!


It’s just like now, just a few points of strength, and there are also those increases in strength, but it’s not too much, and for Natsume today, I really don’t pay much attention. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tiandao came up.

“Your strength is getting stronger and stronger.”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was a boaster.

Kagami was in tears when he heard it, after all, he wanted to hear Tendo praise himself, it was simply a difficult thing, and Natsume had already enjoyed this treatment.

Just don’t take it easy.

It’s actually quite simple.

As long as he is the God of War, he also has that kind of power, but Gagami’s talent point is obviously wrong, if not, where can the God of War Steel Bucket be played as a meat shield?

Ask for flowers 0

The average person…

This can not be done.

Natsume shrugged.


“It’s fine.”

Tiandao didn’t care, obviously didn’t get entangled in this issue, but looked into the distance and said: “Now I’m not your opponent, but one day, I will definitely win.” ”

“I’m waiting for that day.”

Natsume said with a smile.

The way of heaven, the commander-in-chief!

Tiandao is such a man.

Strength, potential.

They can be called top-notch, and as a child of destiny favored by the world, his potential is unlimited, and he himself said that his evolution speed is faster than the speed of light.

In this world, no one can keep up with his evolutionary speed.

Natsume as a wall-hanging.

Get stronger… It’s inevitable.

And in terms of speed, it will only be fast but not slow, which is different from ordinary people, and there are not many people who can really keep up with him, Tiandao and Wang Xiaoming, they are one of them.

A few small talks.

Natsume and Tendo separated, mainly because they had their own things to do, and now the alien insects were rampant, and if one day, the alien insects of this world, as well as the protozoa with wolf ambitions, were all destroyed, they as knights would be temporarily idle.

Until then.

When everyone is fine, we have a meal, drink tea, take a walk together, feel comfortable, and be happy.

After leaving this side, Natsume walked alone on the road.

The breeze blows gently.

Brush up your hair.

Natsume was thinking about things as he walked, the insect seemed to be dormant again recently, and it seemed that Nogi Reiji, as the leader, had a new movement after the resurrection and wanted to do something.

It’s just still in the planning stage.

Now you can only wait.

Overhaul card too!

Since the advance force was sent over, there has been no follow-up.

“Overhaul card, when will it appear?”

PS: Thank you for the final nocturne for the big monthly pass support five!.

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