In fact!

Since the appearance of the battery tiger, Natsume has been looking forward to the large-scale invasion of the overhaul card, and the arrival of the light photo hall has brought the emperor horse, the final horse, and self-forgetfulness, of course, the whole living Narutaki is indispensable.

And the overhaul cards that followed.

What does this mean?

Of course Natsume knows!

This is, the holster war.

This means.

There will be many weirdos, gathered together, which is simply an artifact used to brush points for Natsume, weirdos… No matter what kind of strength, it is like points.

A cadre-level weirdo, with a thousand points, can stand firm in any Kamen Rider world and become one of the powerful.

A half-step cadre-level weirdo, five hundred points, is similar to the level of the battery tiger.

For the rest, the total “three-two-three” is also divided into two levels of weirdos.

Some are 100 points, some are only 10 points!

The gap between the two is like the difference between adult worms and unmolted larvae in alien worms.

Overhaul card future.

Natsume could only wait.

It’s noon.

Natsume goes to a foreign restaurant, and Xiao Xu cooks him a hearty meal, including her favorite mackerel miso, and then in the afternoon, Natsume begins his journey to hunt alien insects in the city.

As a xenomorph hunter, killing xenomorphs itself is Natsume’s daily work, money or something, for him is just a foreign object, there is no need to care, points are the most important.

Points are the currency used within the system.

Therefore, these points are what Natsume gets paid for hunting xenomorphs, and in general, everything he does is not to get something in the real world.

What he pursues is his ultimate sublimation!

About that.

Even if he has the talent of heavenly reward and diligence, as well as the ability to be omnipotent, he is limited by some restrictions and cannot go further, but with the existence of the knight fighting evolution system, everything is different.

What he pursues may become a reality, become a king, become a god!

All this is no longer a so-called dream.

Perhaps he can also take a step further on the basis of the god and become the supreme god of the Kamen Rider Multiverse, surpassing the power of darkness, surpassing the Origin Man, and surpassing the Demon King.


Natsume has not encountered mutant alien insects anymore, or in other words, even the number of alien insects is very small, and Nogi’s deterrent power in the alien population has decreased, but most ordinary alien insects, even if they have molted into adults, they will still obey the leader’s orders.

Some of the mutants disdained to obey Nogi’s orders, so they still went their own way and acted according to their previous ways, and there was no stubble.

As for those who want to go against Nogi Reiji, not let them be active, but want to appear active, just like the two mutants that Natsume and Tendo killed in the morning, they are now completely cool.

Under the atomic destruction characteristics, annihilation becomes dust.

As if it had never existed in this world!

At dusk, Natsume returned home.

Cook the meal.

Soon after, Monya Xiaoye also returned, the two of them ate, and then Xiaoye happily shared with Natsume what he saw and heard today, and some feelings, and around nine o’clock, they went back to their rooms.

Natsume washed quickly.

Wash away the dust from your body, then lie on the bed in the bedroom, looking at the ceiling.

But Natsume didn’t lose his mind.

It’s about thinking about something.

“Today, I met the mutant tide crab adult in the morning, otherwise, it would basically be dried for nothing, a thousand points in the morning, and the points obtained in the afternoon… Pathetic. ”

Natsume said helplessly.

The insect is dormant again.

Maybe the start of the next madness? Maybe next time he will face no longer a small team of alien insects, but a collection of all alien insects, they gather together and want to annihilate all humans and protozoa in one fell swoop?

Probably, or maybe not.

Yes, this can only wait.

Natsume shook his head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“System, open the Properties panel.”

Natsume muttered.

Speaking up.

He hadn’t looked at his attributes for a while, and he had obviously grown recently.

Host: Natsume

Age: 21 years

Physique: 115 (human limit is 10)

Items: Beyond Insect Instrument, Passion Experience Card x1, Dark Emperor Riding Bazooka, Faiz Pistol, K Touch Screen, Bat Camera

Special Abilities: Dark Space, Poison Superpower, Flight Superpower, Void Amadam Spirit Stone Characteristics (Remnant), Tough Skin, Space Energy, Special Point, Steel Skin, Power of Light (Mind Power, Perspective), Kiryu War Rabbit’s Talent

Points: 235,000

“Gee, before I knew it, the points had already been saved so much…”

Natsume whispered to himself.

More than 200,000.

After all, in the system mall, many things have exceeded this price, especially the power of the devil, or the king card of the devil.

Some of the other knights’ ultimate form cards also exceeded this price.

So Natsume basically doesn’t choose to buy here.

This is a bit of a pit!

Let’s be honest.

His luck is not too bad, so most of the knight cards, he can get by challenging the knight projection, except for the power of demons, including the power of light Natsume, and the power of light can also atavistic evolution again, as long as you collect enough, maybe even the power of darkness can be obtained in the future.

The same goes for golden fruits.

Challenge the armor…

“If 1.1 is the case, let’s buy TV-kun’s card.”

Natsume thought to himself.

Just do what you say!

Natsume is obviously not a person who likes to grind and chirp, as soon as he thought of this, he bought it directly, and he saw it before, TV-kun’s card, the system mall price is 100,000 points.

Natsume certainly can afford it.

It cost less than half of the points.

TV Jun This card is good for money.

Summon all the knight ultimate forms that have transformed into god lords to fight enemies in groups, even if it is god lord 21, it will be the same, when the time comes, it will not be cool to directly summon all the ultimate forms of Heisei main horses, plus themselves?

Thanks to Feilong for your monthly pass support!.

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