
The sky is clear, the breeze is gentle.

The weather was very nice on this day.

Natsume got up early.

Eat breakfast and go out, the so-called plan of the day lies in the morning, this is not a false word, go to bed early and get up early, even your own body, will be correspondingly much better.

Rest time is a very important homework.

The projection obtained today is…

e total!

Kamen Rider EVO 1.

Also known as the basilisk.


Known as one of the most wavering villains of Kamen Rider, devouring the origin of the planet, it can become stronger, evo1 can create black holes at will, the strength can be seen, such a strength, is already a strong setting.

And in addition to getting the EVO1 card again.

Natsume repeats projection challenges.

Thus obtaining the dimensional wall.

In fact.

For this silver curtain that is enough to traverse time and space and crisscross parallel worlds, Natsume can be said to be 21 very tight in his heart, and he wanted to get it when he obtained the emperor riding projection.

After that, he successively obtained the final ride.

However, after such a long time, even after fusing ten Light Power seeds into the Power of Light, he still could not obtain the power of the dimensional wall.

It was only at the beginning that he obtained a random dimensional wall, which seemed to bring Monya Koye and Shi to this world.

It can also be seen as the beginning of this holster war.

But the dimensional wall has never been obtained.

Sometimes, what has not yet been obtained, in the hearts of people, will subconsciously regard it as the best, of course, Natsume, he has a different kind of appeal in his heart for the ability of the dimensional wall.

After all, he was the Dark Emperor Rider.

And it stands to reason.

The dark emperor riding itself carries the ability of the dimensional wall, Wang Xiaoming has it itself, but the final riding drive also carries such power, and the dark emperor riding before the white emperor and the final riding can be described as a combination of the two strengths, naturally it is impossible to do without.

But Natsume’s Dark Emperor Rider Drive is derived from the Knight Fighting Evolution System.

The system castrates this ability in the first place.

So much so that Natsume doesn’t have it now.

But fortunately, I got it now.

Walking alone on the road.

There are only three or two pedestrians on the road.

Natsume put his hands in his pockets, frowning slightly, as if he was pondering, now he finally obtained the power of the dimensional wall, and after the inheritance was obtained, he didn’t need to train slowly, and he was directly proficient.

It was as if it had been practiced countless times.

“Dimensional Wall… It’s a magical power. ”

Natsume muttered in a low voice.

He now knows the usefulness of dimensional walls and can travel through space… There is also time, so it is possible to cross the barrier between parallel space-time and thus travel to parallel worlds.

It can also be like riding a time train, traveling to and from the past and the future.

You can also make a space jump right in this world.

This is the dimensional wall.

One, it is extremely good to use, and it seems to have some powerful power.

However, Natsume mostly uses it to travel through the world.

After all, he has the power of space himself.

Whether it is the spatial superpower obtained from Maeda Yudou or the dark space ability inherited from Wang Jian, the fusion of the two has revealed a more transcendent power.

Natsume’s spatial talent in a certain world is obviously very amazing.

Right now! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


There was a sudden loud noise in the sky, and the huge dimensional curtain crossed, Natsume put away his thoughts, looked up, and saw a huge base that seemed to be like a high tower, suddenly appeared.

That base, extremely weird.

What other logos are printed.

Natsume fixed his eyes.

It seems that the vulture stands on the earth, and below it is the symbol of DCD, which is obviously a symbol belonging to the emperor horse, when the moon shadow Nobuhiko, or the shadow moon, helped the monyaji to the position of the leader of the major repair card, using the power of the emperor horse, to fight in all directions, so it is different from the Shuka organization in the Showa period.

The Overhaul Card Organization that crossed parallel worlds, in addition to the combatants, the rest of the weirdos were also mostly from other worlds.

“Overhaul card?”

Natsume was stunned.

“Finally here!”

His eyes were as bright as a torch, and he bloomed with a different kind of light, and it could be said that Natsume had been waiting since the arrival of the Battery Tiger with a small force of overhaul cards, but it was obvious that Nobuhiko Tsukikage seemed to be relatively steady.

It’s been so long, and I haven’t done anything.

Now it’s finally here!


Now, is the right time?

After all, he just bought TV-Jun’s card yesterday and consumed a full 100,000 points, and now that the overhaul card has brought someone, isn’t it sleepy to send pillows? He walked straight towards the overhaul card.

And the movement here is obviously attracting more than him.

For the time being, Nogi Reiji, who ordered the xenozoa to hibernate, looked over there, he had heard rumors that it was not the xenozoa and protozoa weirdos that were infested, but he had not seen it with his own eyes, so he did not care.

But the current results show that the previous 3 were true.

His brows furrowed tightly.

In this way, something doesn’t seem quite right.

What to do next?

ZECT headquarters.

Command Room.

Kaga Miru took a deep breath, now that the God of War and the Sun God have appeared, and the Dark Emperor Rider is the ultimate hole card, which would have been excellent for humans.

But now…

Another change, could it be that the original worm is secretly engaged in ghosts?


The technology of the protozoa is more powerful than humans, and he has also done a lot of things behind his back, but Kaga Miriku is sure that this is not what the protozoa can do, otherwise, I am afraid that they have already counterattacked the alien insects themselves, so why bother with humans to cooperate with snakes?

“It’s been eventful.”

He whispered to himself.

Kaga Miriku’s guess was obviously not wrong, and on the other side, Negishi, who packaged himself as an old good man, showed a fierce light on his face, “This… What exactly is it? ”

“Oh? Is the overhaul card finally here? ”

The top of a building.

Haidong Dashu sat here leisurely, his fingers spinning the final riding gun.

Everyone in the Light Photo Museum, as well as the General Master of Heavenly Dao…

The reaction was mixed.

At this moment, the focus is on the base of the overhaul card!


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