Tokyo metropolitan area.

A two-storey European-style single-family villa, this is Natsume’s home in this world.

This is the house left by the parents.

After crossing, Natsume has a very special talent, with almost ‘omnipotent talent’.

After the meteorite fell, although he did not go to school again, he learned a lot by teaching himself all aspects of knowledge, which is like a heavenly reward, as long as he puts in the effort, he will definitely reap the rewards.

If he goes to work in the company, he will soon be in a high position, and if he goes to speculate in stocks, he can quickly make a lot of money.

Natsume has been studying hard for the past seven years, frantically absorbing all kinds of knowledge.

He doesn’t go to work, but he doesn’t lack money either.

Push open the door and turn on the light.

In the huge house, there was only Natsume.

It looks a little deserted.


Not really!

From the events of that day, Natsume gained the power to become Kamen Rider, and he had one thing in his heart that he had to do, that is, to solve the insect that was ravaging the world.

This is Natsume’s small goal.

As for other things, he didn’t think about it, the goal of life is staged, and the things after that, then the alien worm will be solved, Natsume is a traverser, and his body also hides the heart that wants to pursue ‘stimulation’.

Perhaps, his future will be more colorful!

After entering the entrance.

Natsume found a change of clothes and went straight into the bathroom, years of exercise made him physically fit, so that he would not catch a cold because of some rain, but it was always uncomfortable when he was wet.

Soon after, he took a shower, changed his clothes and walked to the living room, and after eating something casually, he turned on the TV and sat down on the sofa.

News on TV, as always.

However, the news reports more unknown deaths than before.

“Those guys, it’s finally time to get moving.”

Natsume raised his eyebrows lightly, whispering in a voice that only he could hear.

In his mind, he recalled the plot of the Kamen Rider Koto world.

After the meteorite in Shibuya fell.

The worm came into the world and lurked.

Mimic human integration into society.

Secretly multiply and accumulate strength.

Now, seven years later, the insect thinks that its current strength is almost the same, so it begins to become active, on the basis of killing the archenemy Protozoa, conquering the world, plundering resources, and turning it into a paradise for insect worms.

Natsume folded his hands.


“In this way, that guy is also going to seize the ‘future’.” Natsume’s face couldn’t help but show an expectant expression, that ‘the way of heaven, the commander-in-chief’, he felt familiar and strange man.

The familiarity lies in the fact that he knew it before he crossed over, and the name of the king was widely spread.

But strange because Natsume crossed into this world, he had no intersection with the Tendo Commander-in-Chief.


On the day the meteorite fell, when Natsume awakened the system and obtained the Dark Emperor Riding Drive, he suddenly saw another scene that was completely different from reality from a silver curtain, the same meteorite, but there was a red knight with spread colorful wings and released light like the sun, and crossed with the meteorite.

The image flashed away, but Natsume’s memory was deep.

It was something that happened in the Koto universe, a very different timeline from the world he was in.

And that timeline is called: ‘Godspeed Love’!

Natsume didn’t dwell much on this issue.

He calls the system inside.


“Honorable host, Knight Fighting Evolution System, at your service.”

A mechanical sound sounded in Natsume’s ears.

Followed by.

Natsume felt like he had entered a special place.

Not the living room before.

Rather, a special duel arena.

Natsume had never been here, but when the introduction to the system flooded his mind, he knew that this was system space.

“This is my goldfinger!”

Natsume clenched his fists.

A moment later.

He fully understood the functions of all aspects of the knight’s fighting evolution system, and Natsume was a little excited, maybe he was not like the Tendo Commander who traveled through this world, and he was not ‘born to be king’ like the Tendo Commander-in-Chief, nor was he ‘born to be king’ like Tokiwa Shogo.

But as long as he continues to grow with the golden finger of the system, he will definitely be able to stand in the clouds and be above everything in the future!

This is no longer an ethereal vision.

Natsume’s goldfinger is called the ‘Knight Fighting Evolution System’, which, as the name suggests, means that fighting becomes stronger.

The duel space of the system contains the projection of all knights in the entire multiverse.

Decent, villain?

Showa, Heisei, Reiwa….

It’s all in it!

Every day, you can draw random knight projections in the system, and after defeating them, you can get points, as well as get the knight card exclusive to the Dark Emperor Rider, and have the chance to burst the abilities and items that the opponent has.

Points earned by defeating projections can be purchased in the System Marketplace.

Many knight cards are included.

From the weakest Kamen Rider ‘Chun’, the mass-produced Leo Cavalry, to the main and deputy horses of various eras, and even the god lord 21 of the emperor horse, the king of the Demon Time.

However, from weak to strong, the points required to purchase also vary.

For a card like the Demon Time King, the points required are like an astronomical amount.

For now….

Natsume said that he had better wash and sleep.

In the system mall, including thousands of powers, including almost all the forces in the entire knight universe, continued to scroll down, and Natsume even saw the ‘Golden Fruit’, ‘Dark Power’ and other terrifying powers above many forces.

If you have that kind of power, become a god… It is no longer an ethereal fantasy.

“Become a god, that is still too far away for me now, what I need to do now is to become stronger step by step!” In this dangerous world, only by becoming stronger can you truly control your own destiny! ”

Natsume took a deep breath.

No more thinking in the head.

“Then, let’s start the first battle in the duel arena!”

The corners of Natsume’s lips rose slightly.

Looking forward to the next battle.

“System, extract the knight projection of the battle.”

Natsume said.

‘Knight projection extraction…’

A mechanical prompt sounds.

In front of Natsume’s eyes, a huge screen appeared, and the pictures of knights rolled like phantoms….


PS: The new book sets sail, kneeling for all kinds of data! Woo hoo~

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