“Who will it be?”

Natsume is looking forward to it.

His gaze has been on the screen that constantly flashes various knightly pictures, and gradually, the flickering picture begins to slow down.

Empty Self, Dragoon, Moon Ride, Oz….

It’s all very familiar to Natsume.

And it is also accompanied by different morphology.

The final picture freezes.

It was a Kamen Rider with photon blood flowing from his body.

555, or rather… Kamen Rider Faiz!

Also at this time.

The system’s beep sounds again.

‘Congratulations to the host, opening the fight for the first time, and rewarding the Knight Card: Golden Fight! ’

The light converges on the hand.

Cards are formed.

It was Kamen Rider Kanado’s series of cards.

Natsume was slightly stunned.

Kamen Rider Golden Dou, known as the ‘Golden Rider’, was born in the Godspeed Love Timeline, which is consistent with the ordinary knight form of the Zect series Knight, but he carries a transcendent insect instrument.

Ability to enter the realm of Hyper.Clock.Up.

He is a very strong knight!

“What a bonus… If there had been a Golden Bucket Card in the past seven years, the battle would undoubtedly be much easier. ”

Natsume sighed.

In the previous battle, he only had the basic card of the Dark Emperor Ride, and he suffered several losses when fighting against the Clock.Up (Super Speed) insect, but ‘misfortune and fortune’, it was precisely after such a battle, Natsume’s strength grew rapidly.

Seven years of polishing have made his heart extremely tough.

You don’t lose yourself when you gain strength.

Stationary time continues to flow.

Five meters in front of Natsume.

The unreal projection Faiz appears.

And gradually solidify!

And at this time.

The surrounding venue, which was similar to the ordinary duel field, also became another place in the haze and nothingness.

Ocean, sand, breeze….

It’s all as if it were real!

Seeing this, Natsume raised an eyebrow.

Look ahead at Faiz.

This scene always feels like it is hinting at something!

So, who is guarding this beach?

Natsume smiled slightly.

From behind, he took out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive and placed it on his waist.

Remove the transformation card from the card holder.

After feeding the drive, push the sides of the drive with both hands.

The blue gem in the center is inverted.

【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

[Kamen Ride, Dark Emperor Ride].

The basic colors are black and silver-gray.

The body has dark yellow and black predominantly cross stripes, similar to barcodes, and the color of the compound eyes is dark blue.

This is the Dark Emperor Ride!

Natsume’s transformation is completed.

Faiz’s compound eyes, there seems to be a flash of red light, at this time Faiz has entered the AI mode controlled by the fighting system, ‘Gong’, Faiz’s blade is tightly held.

In the next instant, he rushed towards the Dark Emperor Horse.

In just the blink of an eye, he approached the front door.

The Dark Emperor Rider held the cardbox sword, habitually wiped the blade, and raised his hand to meet it.


The blades intersected and made a crisp sound.

Easily blocked Faiz’s offensive.

Immediately afterwards, the Dark Emperor Horse slashed out several blows in succession.

The action is so fast, like a phantom.

Under the ensuing offensive, Faiz constantly sputtered sparks and retreated, and the Dark Emperor Rider adhered to the fine tradition of ‘taking advantage of your illness, asking for your life’, and the offensive became more rapid.

This is undoubtedly a pleasing battle for the eyes!

The sharp blade of the sword fell on Faiz’s sword again, and the momentum was heavy, as if with a huge force, so that Faiz did not react at once, and flew straight back.

At this time, Faiz replaced the accelerated memory.

【Complete! 】

Accompanied by an electric sound.

Faiz’s appearance changed straight and began to change form, the armor unfolded to reveal the core, and the photon blood flowing on his body also changed from red to silver, and his eyes changed from yellow to red.

“Accelerated form?”

Natsume muttered.

Being able to catch up with the speed of super high speeds, it was still a little troublesome, with seven years of superb combat experience, Natsume was able to solve it, but now he has a better choice.

From the card box, he took out a card with a golden knight printed on it.

It is Kamen Rider Golden Dou, who bears the title of ‘Golden Rider’.

Skillfully feed the gold bucket card into the drive for reading.

【Kamen.Ride.Caucasus! 】

[Kamen Driving Golden Dou! ] 】

The moment the sound effect sounds.

The armor of the Dark Emperor Rider on Natsume’s body has been replaced by the Golden Knight.


Faiz on the other side immediately went into acceleration.

The ten-second countdown begins.


Jindou also entered the realm of ultra-high-speed movement at almost the same time as Faiz.

Hypervelocity is a divine skill that manipulates the passage of time by manipulating particles of light to move at high speeds, while Faiz’s accelerated form is able to move at supersonic speeds.

The moment the Dark Emperor Rider and Faiz met, they once again ushered in a confrontation.

Faiz, who fights Natsume, is a system AI, but after transforming into an accelerated form, it will still follow the corresponding settings of the knight, and there is still a time limit of ten seconds, and Faiz has not wasted any time.

Numerous red lock marks are constantly shot at the gold bucket.

Natsume can clearly perceive the restrictions on movement of the markers.

Faiz’s killer mark has a certain body-fixing effect, and if Natsume’s memory is not wrong, RX’s biochemical knight form has been fixed, which shows the horror of this move.

A shot of ‘Crimson Twelve Company’ came down, and the damage was full, even the defense power of the Dark Emperor Rider was enough to choke.

But for Natsume, the battle is not over.

Unlike other Zect knights, Golden Dou possesses a transcendent insect instrument himself.

Knight form, that is, transcendent form!

A card that automatically falls into the drive for reading.

An electronic beep sounds.


Transcendence Super High Speed is ten times faster than the high-speed movement in an ordinary state, but the real horror is that when you use your full strength, you can go back in time and travel through time and space.

Jin Dou easily broke free from Faiz’s killer spiral.

The speed of surpassing is as if performing a dimensionality reduction strike!

He then inserts the killer card into the drive’s card slot.


Between arc flashes.

Faster-than-light particles continue to converge on Jindou’s right leg.

The next moment, Jin Dou jumped up.

Passed through Faiz’s body.

A roaring explosion sounded.

The picture of the battle is also frozen here.


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