At this moment, as if they had suffered a great stimulus, they fell directly to the ground.

Make a banging sound.

But they obviously didn’t die suddenly or anything, but because, at this moment, the Kamen Rider system seemed to be out of control.

In my head, in my ears, there is a buzzing sound.

It’s irritating.

Armor buckets and steel buckets, that’s it.

At the same time, in a certain hospital in the city, the bed was no longer harmful, but due to excessive blood loss, Kaga Miriku, who was pale, had a happy smile on her face.

The story of the red shoes, the beginning.

A certain girl, put on red shoes, went to the dance, but the shoes suddenly danced on their own and could not be stopped.

The armor and steel buckets are also equipped with red dancing shoes.

Soichiro, what we expected… New, don’t blame me…

Riku tilted his head and looked out the window.

At this time, the scenery is just right.

But if this fails, it may be the last time for mankind to see it.

Of course, 22 is not dead, but is no longer human.

Under Tokyo Tower.

Equipped with a red dancing shoe system, the armor and steel bucket get up in the struggle, and unlike the violent form of other knights, there are no special changes on the body, but… Consciousness, which belongs to human control, suddenly dissipates, or falls into a deep sleep.

They, turned into crazy beasts!

The target is protozoa and xenozoa!

But now, the alien insects are basically destroyed, and even if there are some left that are not exposed, they will not come here.

Zect and protozoa are powerful.

It’s too late for them to hide.

Come here…

Unless it is actively looking for death.


In front of the armor and steel buckets, all the bugs are their enemies, and if you don’t kill them, you won’t stop!

And once they fall into a rampage and do not exit in time, what awaits them is exhausting death.


Seeing this, the corners of Natsume’s mouth twitched slightly.

Red dancing shoes…

He didn’t expect that he would storm here, and it seems that because of his intervention, he has indeed changed many things.

Xiao Xu was not taken to another world by the imitation of Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao did not find the protozoa named Tachikawa Daigo.

The red dancing shoes have never gone violently, so they are now on display, and there are too many protozoa here.

Even if they are artificial, the breath is strange, but they are still protozoa.

There is no doubt about that.

Seeing the steel bucket and the armored bucket running away like wild beasts, Negishi immediately hid behind Masato Mishima.

“Ah~ It turns out that this is the legendary red dancing shoe system, it’s really terrible.” Negishi immediately said with fear.

However, he already knew about the red dancing shoe system, and at this time, it was only ridicule.

In terms of people’s mentality, Negishi is indeed very good at it.

This didn’t affect Natsume.

He wielded a long sword.

Ling space, the sword light flashed!

Of course.

Natsume did not use the attack control card to slash one by one, so that the blade of the control card and the sword was given two more doppelgangers to assist in the attack.

And this is not a fantasy world, countless sword lights flicker, can still cause physical attacks.

It’s just because the speed is too fast, so it’s an illusion.

However, this is already scary.

Not everyone can do it.

The visuals are harmful!

Masato Mishima forcibly resisted with his strong defense, although it was a little stinging, but it was harmless.

The cricket protozoa patted his body calmly, and said in an indifferent tone: “Hmm… Compared to that guy, you are really strong. ”

Saying that, he looked at the violent steel bucket.

Fang Cai, he and Steel Dou can be regarded as having a battle!

But let’s be honest.

The combat effectiveness of the steel bucket is indeed worrying.

He’s very powerful, that’s right. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But since the steel bucket has the name of the god of war, how can I say that I can also have two moves with him.

The Dark Emperor Ride is different.

Judging from this initial encounter.

Natsume’s strength, vaguely even has… A sense of déjà vu beyond the unexpected.

Moreover, the Dark Emperor Rider is not only this little bit of strength, Masato Mishima clearly remembers that in the previous report, many abilities of the Dark Emperor Rider were recorded.

In addition to his current basic state, he also has many forms, and his strength is particularly powerful.

Moreover, he is not using it now.

When confident, Mishima’s heart also retains due vigilance, and his feelings are thin.

But that doesn’t mean he’s a fool.

“So, thanks for the compliment?”

Natsume shrugged unconcernedly.

Then, a prop was taken out from behind.

It’s not a card, but a game console-like thing, naturally a K touch screen.

A device used by the Dark Emperor to sublimate.

The old ten-year God Lord, but it is completely enough.

Thinking about it, they still have to quickly solve the battle, Heavenly Dao they fell into a rampage, although it is to kill all the bugs, in this vicinity, basically protozoa, but after a long time, when the physical strength is exhausted, they may be in danger of life.

They are friends.

People who walk on the path of their peers.

Natsume naturally won’t let them have an accident, so he quickly solves the battle and wakes them up again.

That’s fine.

With the sound effect of the knight from the empty self to the dark emperor horse, a touch of brilliance, 630 immediately shrouded the body of the dark bottom.

And then, sublimate!



The Dark Emperor in the form of the God Lord rode and stood still.

Same as King Chonghuang.

The Dark Emperor in the form of the God Lord… It is also a summoner, who can carry out righteous group fights!

Natsume is no stranger to how this form is used.


He thought of the card he had purchased in the System Mall before.


Like the bazooka owned by Natsume, it is also a card from the Super Battle DVD.

There is not the slightest stagnation.

The knight cards hanging on his body are constantly flipped, thus revealing all the knight equipment of the old Heisei decade.

From empty me to Kiva…

Without exception, all of them are the ultimate form, standing in front of the cricket protozoa with an absolutely invincible posture.

“This wave is called, righteous group beating!”

Natsume said.

Subsequent use of killing.

【AttackRideTV-kun! 】


All the knights began to charge in unison, which is a prelude to the use of special moves…

Thanks Dragon Knight! Kidney deficiency boy big monthly pass support!.

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