At this moment, the ultimate red eyes were empty, and he began to kick the knight.

Ajituo in shining form.

Survival Dragoon, Burst Faiz, Emperor Sword, and Beyond Armor Fight.

The God Lord Dark Emperor Rider transformed by Natsume was naturally also within it.

All Kamen Riders start performing special moves at the same moment!

Or a knight kick, or a powerful slash.

Not limited to a particular skill.

Unlike during the holster war, even Hibiki has to force a wave of knights to kick.

For some reason, at this moment, Masato Mishima seemed to feel a terrifying momentum.

It was as if a dark cloud was pressing down.

Even heaven and earth will overturn.

It’s terrifying!

He suddenly had a premonition, he was here, was it going to be cold?

This premonition is not unfounded.

At this time, the Dark Emperor Ride is simply terrifying!

Several knights leaped into the air.

The special move suddenly roared in the direction of the cricket protozoa, that is, Masato Mishima.

As the strongest protozoa, Masato Mishima’s strength is undoubtedly strong.

However, in the face of so many knights’ final form of special moves, they seemed so weak.

In normal times, he would definitely choose to dodge with super-high-speed power.

The ghost stood in place, slowly waiting for death.

Masato Mishima is not a person who likes to sit still.

And when these knights cast special moves, they did not lock in.

He could have escaped with that power.

But not now.


The moment the battle began, Negishi had already turned on ClockDown.

In this place, all Hyperspeed skills cannot be used.

Except for surpassing ultra-high speeds, except for time stopping, and forces such as heavy acceleration…

Although the cricket protozoa is powerful, it is more in terms of attack and defense.

However, this is also compared to the Zect Kamen Rider.

Faced with so many ultimate forms, his ending, needless to say.

You can’t even escape.

Wait to die in place!

Suddenly, the cricket protozoa exploded directly and went to the road of destruction.

Full of confidence, he can be said to be seconds at once.

What to say about it?

He, in fact, is not a confused confidence.

The strength is acceptable.

It’s just that the opponent chosen is not right.

Natsume, Kamen Rider Dark Emperor Rider, is a man who opens up!

Solve Masato Mishima.

Natsume waved his hand casually.

The knights summoned by his side dissipated virtually.

Remove the sublimation prop K touch screen.

As a result, he completely became the original appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider.

Those dark blue compound eyes are extremely deep, as if full of stories.

All around, one explosion after another sounded.

It is the effect of armor and steel buckets in the violent state, constantly defeating the protozoa.

Natsume didn’t care about that.

His gaze followed the trend to look at Gengan, who was watching the play in the back, but at the moment his expression was extremely stunned.

The tone is playful.

“Then, Mr. Negishi, it’s your turn next~.”

“Nope! Wait a minute! We can still talk! ”

Negishi said as he stepped back.


It seems very intimidating, but Negishi said that in order to survive, there is no shame in pretending to be a grandson or something.

Wouldn’t he hold back for the time being, and then when the guy let his guard down, he came to backstab?

And Gengan’s heart is also full of complaints.

Rebuke Masato Mishima, who has died.

Boasting that his strength is so strong.

It turned out to be a silver gun wax head.

Directly killed by others.

In vain, he tried his best to transform.

Useless guys!

He snorted coldly in his heart.

In fact, from beginning to end, Negishi had little trust in Masato Mishima.

It’s just that Masato Mishima’s death has no effect at all, which makes him feel unhappy.

That’s all!

“Oh? What is there to talk about? ”

Natsume raised an eyebrow and then asked. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Negishi sneered.

I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.

If you can talk, then it’s fine.

Humans when they first came to this planet.

And the guys who applied voluntarily and were turned into protozoa.

It’s all like that.

After all, it is still human beings, their psychology, there is desire!

What he was most afraid of was probably that Natsume was a stunned man.

Nothing to want.

That’s hard!

Something you want?

That’s a lot easier to say.

There are quite a few cards in his hand.

At the end of the day, humans have too little lifespan.

It is not comparable to their protozoa at all.

Aren’t many people giving up everything in pursuit of longevity and strength?

Natsume is the same, after all, he can’t escape.

A fake smile appeared on his face, and he continued, “Mr. Natsume, how about I allow you to obtain a long life and greater power and become an ultimate life form?” ”

To this.

Natsume smiled, “That’s it? ”

He was still looking forward to what Negishi could say.

He said while taking out a killer card from the card holder and sending it into the drive to read.

“The ultimate lifeform? Forgot to tell you, I’ve already gone beyond the tangle! ”

The kill card is sent in, and both hands are pushed and closed.

The electric sound sounded instantly.

【FinalAttackRide! DarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

Virtual cards to build bridges.

It connects the direction of the Dark Emperor Rider and the leader of the Protozoa, Gengishi.

Negan’s heart was filled with trepidation.

Trembling and majestic, he said, “You… What kind of holy are you? ”

Death Question!

When Negishi said this, it meant that he was already cold.

Natsume replied casually, “It’s just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me!” ”

When the words fell, the Dark Emperor rode up.

Walk through the virtual deck of cards.

Instantly fell on Gengan’s body.

Under his incredulous gaze, it was devoured by destructive energy.

As soon as there was a bang (De Zhao), it exploded.

It seems that he has left no memory on this planet.

Feel free to solve the root shore.

It doesn’t take much effort.

Natsume casually destroys ClockDown, and then takes out the transformation card of the armor.

【KamenRideKabuto! 】

【ClockUp! 】

After the transformation, he immediately entered the super-high-speed movement.

Holding a bitter sword, one sword at a time.

The insect exploded with a roar.

At this moment, this world… Protozoa destroyed!

Natsume turned around, looked at the two guys who ran away, and sighed helplessly.

Now, it’s time to deal with them.

He took out the card that transcended the form…

The most suitable is to reduce the dimensionality strike!

Card sent gas!

【FromRide! KabutoHyper! 】

Go beyond the armor and show up now!


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