Go back to your bedroom.

Natsume lay on the bed, closing his eyes and staring.

Check out the takeaway.

Points have increased by tens of thousands.

Among them, in addition to the killing of protozoans, there is also a 2,000-point reward for defeating the Runaway Armor Bucket and the Steel Bucket.

When he saw this reward earlier, Natsume was also a little surprised.

After all, as it used to be.

The violent knight is also a form possessed by this knight, which is included.

In the system projection, this happened when challenging the creation of the ride~.

The Genesis did not transform into a genius-form.

But… Black Dangerous Rabbit!

So, it’s completely normal for Natsume to have this thought, but this time, it was probably an accident.

Because he beat two people to get points, he was assigned to a certain task.

This is not surprising.

In a word.

This time, it was really rewarding, so much so that Natsume’s mood became very good.

Time flies, and the years are like a shuttle.

A flick of an eye.

It’s been a few months since the final battle with Protozoa, during which time Zect as an organization has been laid off and consolidated.

With the destruction of the vast majority of alien insects and protozoa, there are not many left in the world.

They lurk most of the time.

However, because of the previous overhaul card invasion, it also reassured humans and a small number of dove protozoa that survived.

So Zect didn’t disband outright.

Still retains elite combat power!

The insect instruments of the royal bee and sword scorpion are kept in Zect’s secret archives, while the rest of the insect instruments are still held by the fittest.

Shuichi Tasho became the leader of the protozoa.

Partnered with Kaga Mitsuru.

Today, the remaining protozoa in this world are all of the type of Shuichi Tiansho.

They like such a peaceful life.

Blandness is true!

Zect secretly accumulates power while hunting the remaining aliens of this world… Just in case!

I believe that this world will definitely become a better place.

Yuzuki Misaki and Renka Takatori had both withdrawn from Zect, and they wanted to be by Natsume’s side more than that.

Before… The reason why they fight the xenomorphs in Zect is mainly because they don’t have a choice.

Now that everything is basically over, they can also have their own choices.

And Natsume is their choice.

As the saying goes: three women in one play.

Natsume said that the ancients could not afford me…

That’s true!

These days, Natsume’s life is also very good, repeating projection challenges in the system space every day, and then drawing new knight projections.

Or the new Kamen Rider, or the Leo Cavalry.

But Natsume’s luck, as always, was good.

It can be said that the chance of drawing Leo’s cavalry is about one in ten, that is, almost every ten days, it will be drawn, and sometimes it will not even be.

This chance, even Natsume himself, was amazed.

Although he is not Ou Huang, this luck is really good!

That’s it.

When challenging the Knight projection in system space, you don’t always get good things.

But there will always be gains.

That’s nice!

During this period, Natsume also had a meal at a Western restaurant, and Tendo and Shuhana, as well as Daisuke Kazama and Koyan, all came.

The former comrades-in-arms gathered together again, and they were also happy.

And one day, when Natsume was going out, he met Yacha Thought, one of the brothers of Hell.

However, his younger brother, Kageyama Instant, who has always been with him, is not by his side.

Natsume seemed to have thought of something.

In the original plot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kageyama seems to have become a protozoa because of the necklace issued by the protozoa.


This leads to a very serious problem, he will turn into a protozoa, which is unacceptable for Kageyama Instant!

So he made a choice.

Died in the arms of his brother, and fixed his life when he was still human.

Cruel and helpless.

However, Yache thought that he did so in the end.

Natsume and Yaga had a simple conversation and left, no matter what, the future… There is still a long way to go.

And this time.

As he defeated new knight projections, he received more and more knight cards.

The knight cards in the card box also gradually entered a saturated state.

Such a saturated state.

It satisfies the hobby of collecting cards.

It also gives him a little more means to deal with the enemy in the future.

Natsume still feels good.

And this day.

The weather is good, Natsume is ready to go fishing early in the morning, he has an all-round talent, so that he can do everything, he has recently fallen in love with fishing.

Not long ago, golf came.

But just after he got the Kamen Rider Taiya card from Dragoon, as well as a thousand points.

A prompt suddenly came to mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, more than half of the existing knight cards are available, they will be included soon, the system will be updated, and new functions will be opened soon! 】

【System update…】

And immediately after that, there is a progress bar, on the virtual panel, the numbers jump, and this is still only Natsume can see.

From one percent, gradually to one hundred percent.

It took a little time.

But not soon.

For Natsume, it was just time for a cup of coffee, and yes, when he learned this tone, he was about to go out, so he changed his mind.

Instead, wait at home.

Let’s see what the new features appear after this system update.

Maybe it’s unexpected.

Natsume is looking forward to it!

[Hint: Update complete! ] 】

【NEW: Evolutionary Road】

Only simple names, but the project moves exceptionally skillfully, opening the details.

A detailed introduction to this evolutionary path is presented.

The system he possesses is called: Knight Fighting Evolution System.

Fighting with projections and obtaining cards is a type of fighting, while evolution is reflected in the sublimation of physique.

and, the power of light and other forces, the transformation of the physique.

But as things stand now, perhaps, that’s not the case!

Thanks to the great reward, the Dragon Emperor Heaven Big Monthly Pass is zero!.

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