“The path of evolution.” Natsume smashed his mouth and whispered, after reading the detailed explanation and role of this evolutionary path, he had a deeper understanding of this function.

This feature.

In fact, in a sense, there is not much difference from the previous Knight projection challenge.

It is still drawn by data and AI projections.

However, it is not a simple 1v1 duel, but a certain plot of the knight world.

Turn into a small copy practice.

Natsume can then enter that quest and earn rewards for completing certain quests.

In this way, the path to higher evolution is achieved.

It’s terrifying!

You know, he himself has a knight projection that can be challenged repeatedly, and defeating them may get a very nice reward.

From this, “787” is becoming stronger step by step.

And the emergence of this evolutionary path is undoubtedly giving Natsume an extra choice.

The path of evolution can also be called the virtual copy challenge.

One month, Natsume had one chance to enter.

The number of challenges per day is slightly different from the Knight Projection, which is a slight difference, but it has little impact.

Because the rewards of the evolutionary path are often abundant.

The knight projection is different.

That thing is a matter of luck!

If you are lucky, you can gain a lot of powerful power, but if you are unlucky, you may even waste your efforts.

Both of these are good abilities for Natsume.

As a goldfinger, it is already very powerful.

It allows Natsume to evolve continuously.

Sometimes, a little luck is needed, but Natsume usually loves to laugh, and people who love to laugh generally have no bad luck.

For this evolutionary path.

Natsume is completely free to look for the time to enter, and then a month between and the next one.

Naturally, it can be postponed, but that is undoubtedly a waste of some refresh time.

It may make no difference in the short term.

But the more times, it will be different.

Multiple times add up.

Maybe it’s just a wasted opportunity.

Natsume’s gaze flickered slightly.

“In that case, let’s do it now.” He said to himself, and immediately chose to enter the copy!

It’s okay these days.

He was ready to go fishing.

Naturally, it can be done at any time.

It is not bad for this time and a half, and the new function experience of the system must be in the first time.

Even if I simulated it many times in my mind, I didn’t personally operate it once, and my memory came deeply.

After making a decision.

Natsume returned to the room.

It seems that the eyes are closed, but in fact, the consciousness has entered the system space, and it is still the open open area.

A large screen levitates in the air.

Before, entering a specific place for a projection challenge was also from here.

Natsume is no stranger to this.

Make a selection.

Enter now!


Some kind of mysterious fluctuation seemed to bloom in the void, and a familiar large screen appeared.

Start scrolling.

The picture emerged, disappearing quickly in front of you like a phantom.

The final battle between Sora and Zero Gurangi on the Snow Mountain of Mount Kuro, or the battle in the Mirror World.

There is also Kamen Rider Sword World, where two Joker fight.

Not only Heisei, but also Showa, and even Reiwa, and even the existence of the clan next door, Shinya and other worlds.

Of course, those images are more or less related to the world of knights.


Natsume pondered for a moment and shouted in a low voice.

At this moment, the phantom-like rapidly scrolling picture slowed down when Natsume’s voice fell, and slowly stopped.

In the end, it froze on a special picture.

That’s a drawing within the scene.

Natsume’s mind has a very deep memory of his past life, so basically as long as he is familiar with it, even if he just sees a picture, he can clearly identify it.

This picture…

Of course, Natsume knows each other. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The yellow sand in the sky, an elevator connecting the ground and the universe, and the Zect logo.

The figures of knights such as armor and steel buckets also appeared on it.


This is a quest related to the world of Koto.

It’s just…

Godspeed love!

According to Natsume’s understanding, the theatrical version of the world of Kodou belongs to what happened on another timeline of this world….

Theatrical Edition Line, as well as TV.

And in that world.

Not only is the plot development slightly different, but Natsume obviously does not exist.

“I didn’t expect it to be this world, the first time it was related to the Jia Dou World?”

He muttered to himself.

Somewhat unexpected.

This can only be said to be luck, after all, the random function of the system, there is no deviation.

It was indeed luck to be able to extract Godspeed Love from so many copies.

No hesitation.

Natsume chose to enter it directly, similar to the scene where he entered the projection challenge before.

All of them change from the surrounding scenery first.

In the blink of an eye.

The world has changed!

Natsume enters a world full of yellow sand, which is different from the world where Natsume is located.

This world, because of the meteorite fall, caused a large amount of seawater to evaporate.

Many places have been turned into deserts.

As far as the eye can see, it’s all yellow sand!

Water resources are the most scarce in the world.

The air is dry and hot.

Natsume frowned.

“Then again, the space that appears in this copy is indeed very real, this down-to-earth feeling…”

In fact.

Natsume is not the whole body that has crossed in, and it is the consciousness that enters the quest to challenge, or fights the projection!

Natsume moved slowly. 0.4 behind him, leaving a line of footprints, the wind and sand blowing all over the sky, and after a while, it was submerged.


“Open your dashboard.”

Natsume said.

Of course, this panel is not the kind that previously listed its own special abilities.

It’s unique to this replica world.

It is probably to list what you should do in this world, what tasks you should complete, and so on.

In other words.

This copy can also be regarded as a virtual reality game, and the rewards obtained from it can also be embodied in the real world.

I thought it was very good to experience Natsume for the first time.

While thinking like this, a panel with a line of golden text on it appeared in front of Natsume’s eyes…


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