Natsume’s gaze kept falling on the golden subtitle, and from above, some information was revealed.

Especially important!

This is the task.

In other words, he came to this virtual embodied copy world in order to complete this task and get rewards.

And these rewards are obviously very good.

A copy of the evolutionary path, once a month.


In comparison, rewards are naturally richer.

[Mission: Kill Beyond Golden Dou]

[Bonus 1: Knight World is universal in the universe, unlimited consumption of black cards! ] 】

[Bonus 2: Physique +10, Light Force Seed x10]

The task is not difficult.

He also didn’t let Natsume replace Tendo and reverse time by surpassing the armor fight, thus throwing the meteorite full of alien eggs back in time to seven years ago.

Just killing beyond Jindou, this task is indeed not difficult, or it is very simple.

The strength beyond Jindou is naturally good.

After all, in the timeline of Godspeed Love, Kamen Rider who has always appeared in battle 22 fights, most of the time, is in the form of ordinary knights to deal with the enemy.

And other than that.

Nothing else!

At that time, the Transcendent Golden Dou named Golden Knight appeared, and he showed his strong strength in an instant.

The gold bucket is used out of super high speed, and it is not as fast as the armor bucket and steel bucket they use.

But in ordinary times, the power displayed is unparalleled.

Even so, it is not within the reach of super high speeds.

In Natsume’s memory.

In the original plot.

There are many reasons why Tendo and Kagami were able to suppress the gold bucket hanging beyond the insect instrument.

The main thing is that the guy who transformed into a surpassing gold dou is too inflated.

Confidence surpasses the power of hyperspeed.

Hence forgetting to think calmly.

Finally designed.

Losing the Transcendent Insect Instrument, he also lost his life.

For this, Natsume can only say one word, self-inflicted.

Other than that, he didn’t know what to say.

This shows that when doing things, the brain is still very important, and the world’s transcendence of Jindou is simply a hand of Wang Tianhu’s card, and he has lost.

The average person really can’t do this kind of thing.

shook his head.

Natsume didn’t think much about it anymore.

This is always not difficult.

However, beyond the golden bucket, as far as the knights of the Zect family are concerned, Natsume has a lot of cards that can be hammered.

Even with the cards of the Golden Dou, Natsume said that he was completely able to suppress the other party easily.

Perhaps the characters in the evolutionary road have a slight deviation compared with the system space projection, and they are more flexible than the simple AI projection.

It seems to be really intercepted from a certain plot.

Similar to a very small world.

Within the world of quests.

All people are true.

Of course.

Natsume doesn’t think so, in his previous life, in addition to watching anime and movies, of course, he also had a lot of involvement in novels.

He also loves to read many fictional and real novels.

It’s basically logging into a game world.

The rewards obtained can be embodied in the real world, and the creatures and people in the game world are also lifelike.

Natsume felt that his copy world might not be so mysterious, but it was also a bit of charm after all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As you walk, you think.

While closing the panel in front of him, Natsume sensed that the increase in the power of light, as well as the ability of dark space, could still be used in the replica world.

There is nothing to exist, directly shuffle the number, and use the whiteboard to redo the operation.

Natsume didn’t care though.

He knows.

With his hard power and all-round talent, he will definitely be able to pass the level with one life.

But in my heart, I feel bad.

In short, it is probably a panic in the heart.

Then again.

Since you have all these abilities, what is the point of suddenly becoming none?

Probably, it will only make yourself feel uncomfortable!

Natsume originally planned to use the superposition of dark space and perception ability to find the position to transform into a person who surpassed Jindou first.

Then, kill him and receive the reward.

This time the reward, to be precise, there are three, unlimited black cards in all knight worlds.

Natsume is not short of money directly.

He is actually not lacking now.

Because of the relationship between heaven and hard work, he is superior to ordinary people in many aspects, even now, the money he has to pay for daily expenses is basically from the stock market.

It can be said that when there is a shortage of money, go inside and make a wave, and it is OK.

Now, it’s not necessary.

Natsume actually thought it was good.

After all…

If it can be easier, why bother and work harder?

Reward 2 contains two.

Physique +10, Light Force Seed x64710.

Seemingly unremarkable.

It doesn’t contain anything.

But in reality, it’s not! Now Natsume has grown to such a state, so it is nothing.

And in the previous one.

The increase in physique is actually good, but those ten Light Force seeds, Natsume collected for a long time to get it.

“If I get this reward, I will become stronger!”

Clenching his fists, Natsume said to himself.

But right now.

In front of his eyes, a special map suddenly appeared, with the route marked on it, and one of the locations with a star and red mark, it was obvious that it was the area where the target was located.

“Eh… It’s quite convenient. ”

In this way, you don’t have to go through some twists and turns.

Go straight over.


That’s not necessary!

The appearance of this map also brought a special increase, which is very good for Natsume.

That is… Spatial coordinates!

Natsume has the spatial talent obtained from one of the leaders of the insect, Yuto Maeda, and the dark space where space jumps everywhere, and the two boxes are superimposed, which is even more terrifying.

Therefore, his figure, in the blink of an eye, has disappeared in place…

Customize it!.

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