This naturally comes from the power that Natsume possesses, and the ability to control the space jump of dark space one by one.

Within the replica space.

This map clearly indicates where the Beyond Jindou is located.

It was equivalent to telling Natsume the spatial coordinates of the other party.

So there is no need to bother too much.

A space jump and it’s over!


It’s quick and easy!

At this time.

The heavenly path of Godspeed loves the timeline and is walking through the knight battle between Zect and the new Zect.

But his goal is not to fight for anyone’s victory.

Grandma said that he is the one who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything.

He is the center of the world.

So he wants to save the world!

And also…

Save your sister!

It’s something he has to do, so there’s no slack, and at this moment.

He gradually found a trace beyond Jindou.

Plans were being made to lure him out.

And at this time.

Beside him, a dark hole slowly appeared, and Natsume walked out of it and looked around.

It’s a city in ruins.

However, he did not find the figure beyond Jindou, and the person next to him was not marked on the tracking map.

The man was dressed in white.

Look at the momentum.

Something special.

And that, too, is very familiar.

Of course Natsume recognized him.

Tendo Division!

That person who walks the way of heaven, the head of everything, even if it is placed in all the knight worlds, as the shapeshifter of Kamen Rider, he is very special.

And if you sort according to the talents and abilities before I transformed, Heavenly Dao can obviously be ranked at the forefront.

It’s inevitable!

“Oh? Are you…”

Tiandao narrowed his eyes and asked with a slight surprise, is that kind of ability human?

This replica world is really real.

Natsume sighed in his heart.

Now he did not directly travel to the timeline of Godspeed Love, but drew it from the virtual line through the copy of the evolutionary path.

Although it is close to reality, it is indeed only false.

And in the copy, every character that appears perfectly restores the personality characteristics.

It’s not like pure AI.

Inflexible and inflexible.

I sighed so much in my heart.

Natsume sensed it up close and used the map to query the location of the Metamorphosis beyond Kanto.

While answering Heaven’s Dao’s question.

The tone is flat.

“It’s just… Kamen Rider passing by. ”

Say so casually.

End of words!

Natsume’s eyes lit up.

“Found it!”

A low murmur.

One step out, the figure flickered slightly, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then appeared in another place.

The speed is very fast!

Tiandao was also a little shocked, and then he was puzzled, this person… Who exactly?

Kamen Rider passing by?

I haven’t heard of it.

With a puzzled mood, Tiandao also quietly followed, but what made him a little helpless was that he quickly lost it.

Natsume’s strength is indeed unparalleled.

It’s a long way on the road of evolution.

Powerful to…

In the Knight Universe, the identity of the Knight Shapeshifter can rank in the top few Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao, whose evolution speed is faster than the speed of light, is difficult to catch up with him!

In the future, he is bound to rise against the sky and stand at the highest peak of this multiverse.

And on the other side.

Natsume had already chased after the surpassing gold dou.

At this time, the guy holding the blue rose is in a state of transformation, with a transcendent insect instrument hanging from his waist, but after he transforms, it is different from the transcendent form of knights such as Jia Dou.

Jindou… It’s completely like being raised by a queen mother, even if it transforms into a transcendent form, it can’t transform to the extreme. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Perhaps, knights such as Queenbee and Thunder, when using the transcendent insect instrument, are very similar.

When Natsume saw him, he directly took out the drive of the Dark Emperor Ride, and… Transform into a card!


Drink softly.


Send the transformation card to the drive to read, and the sound effect is played to complete the transformation.

This time, Natsume did not use the card of the Dark Emperor Rider.

Again, there are no restrictions on the task.

It was prescribed which knight he had to use to fight, and he could do whatever he wanted.

He used.

Beyond Jindou, of course.

After all, it takes magic to defeat magic, and Natsume thinks it’s okay to say this.

And Natsume has implemented this concept in person many times! This time is clearly no exception.

【KamenRide! Caucasus! 】

【Kamen control! 】 Golden Dou! 】

Of course, this transformation is only a card using the golden bucket, and there is no need to change the form again.

Because the golden dou itself does not have the rest of the form, the transcendent form is the same as the ordinary form.

Just see which one you’re using.

After the transformation.

There are not too many words to exchange, just shoot, meet is to do.

Either you die or I live!

It’s that simple.

【HyperClockUp! 】

Natsume feeds skill cards into the drive.

Enter beyond super-high speed movement.

As the transcendent gold dou of this world, of course, it is the same, after Natsume transforms into a knight form, the skills used are similar, so they are actually on the same level.

The gap that has been shown since then.

It’s the gap between the shapeshifters themselves!

The knight system, is the same.

Beyond the realm of super high speed, beyond the golden dou, I feel very confused, because from the beginning of obtaining the transcendent (good Zhao) insect instrument, he has shown his absolute strength, and when facing knights who can only super high speed, it is basically a second kill.

The other party could not even see him until he failed, but the blue rose left behind afterwards, as well as the legend of the golden knight, slightly indicated his identity.

But now, this strange guy not only transforms into his appearance, but also uses the same ability.

It’s really weird!

Moreover, the most inexplicable thing for him… What Natsume transformed into showed his comprehensive strength, stronger than him!

He has always been invincible, and he was easily suppressed.


Seems… If you don’t pay attention, you will die.

Natsume’s moves, and did not stay.

There is no doubt that they are all killing moves!

Thanks 13778: Great monthly pass support!

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