A group of ant soldiers surrounds Natsume.

Under the cover of that helmet, unable to see any expressions, the ant soldier squad was arranged according to the formation of their battle, and the muzzles of the rows of black holes were mercilessly aimed at Natsume.

Four people came down from the command car.

Three men and one woman.

Tetsuya Sawaki and his two small followers.

Woman, it’s Yuzuki Misaki.

When she looked at the Dark Emperor Rider, her eyes were slightly evasive, as if she felt a little weak because she was forced to participate in this ‘Knight Capture Plan’.

Her mood is actually very complicated now.

The knight capture plan at Zect headquarters is somewhat nonsensical, but it is understandable that the organization does not want knights who are not controlled by the organization to appear, but using others as bait in the plan, ignoring other people’s lives, allows her to see the unknown side of the organization.

And after all, she didn’t want to be involved in this plan.

Especially the target captured is the Dark Emperor Rider!

Not belonging to the organization, not expecting anything in return, but insisting on fighting the xenomorphs.

The Dark Emperor Rider is a knight of high moral character!

This was what Yuzuki Misaki had in mind.

Well, the idea now.

“Dark Emperor Rider, give up resistance, you have been arrested!” Tetsuya Sawaki said sharply.

“What if I say no?”

Under the mask.

Natsume raised his eyebrows slightly, surrounded him with ant soldiers, and he was successfully captured? It’s just a knife pulling the ass and opening the eyes one by one.

When he muddies it!

He’s not a thunderfly.

In front of the ant soldiers, instead of using the mask form with better defense, he directly transformed into a knight form to send it, and it was gone in one wave, but he was really super smart.

“Oh, it has been explained from above for a long time, you can’t be captured alive, even if it’s a corpse.”

Tetsuya Sawaki sneered.


The order was given to shoot.

This person has the face of a brother-in-law of the Ajituo world, but unfortunately he has not learned anything about his mental demeanor.

As soon as he gave his order, the well-trained ant soldiers did not hesitate in the slightest.

Quickly pull the trigger and shoot!

“Live… Stop it! ”

Yuzuki Misaki yelled out to stop it.

It’s a pity that it doesn’t help.


The sound of machine-gun strafing.

The ant soldiers who surrounded the Dark Emperor Rider opened fire, and it can be said that overwhelming bullets poured on the Dark Emperor Rider’s body, constantly making noises and splashing bursts of sparks.

But the Dark Emperor Rider doesn’t seem to be bothered by this.

He walked slowly in a hail of bullets.

Like a god of war!

zect is equipped with good weapons for ant soldiers, melee can be attacked with knives, long-range can be covered by firepower, firepower is dense, can completely burst larvae, ant soldiers against the opponent is larvae.

Adult worms are given to Kamen Rider.

But the armor on the Dark Emperor Rider’s body is God-given armor, and there are various abilities to mitigate the impact inside, and these bullets released by the ant soldiers hit the Dark Emperor Rider’s body, but it was drizzle.

See this scenario.

The ant soldiers were somewhat stunned.

All step back.

Machine guns also stopped firing.

Tetsuya Sawaki and the two attendants behind him subconsciously retreated, the momentum on the dark emperor horse was a little scary, the rain of bullets hit the body but sprinkled water, and the pair of dark blue compound eyes seemed to have seen through everything.

Tetsuya Sawaki had some sweat on his head.

Some autistic.

The development of this matter, he is not very sure of it, it is simply outrageous to open the door to the outrageous one by one! And behind him, Tetsuya Sawaki’s two assistants sensed the aura of the Dark Emperor Rider, and their bodies couldn’t help but tremble.

All of a sudden, even Tetsuya Sawaki was affected to a certain extent.

Their bodies begin to change like alien insects.

Turned into a monster that is no longer human!

Unlike the alien insects, they have a horn on their heads, which seems to be the key to distinguishing the larvae from each other, and in this case, it is clear that the identities of Tetsuya Sawaki have been revealed.

They are not Worm, but alien creatures brought by the first meteorite landing on Earth thirty-five years ago, and Native Worms that cooperate with humans!

When Tetsuya Sawaki exposed their true bodies, Yugetsu Misaki next to them was stunned, and the ant soldiers summoned by him were also completely stunned, and their captain was… Insect?

Whatever worm.

For those who don’t understand what happened, that is, the same guy as the alien worm, no matter what, it should be humanely destroyed!

Natsume knows everything.

However, he has this plan.

“I heard you’ve been looking for me?”

Natsume said as he approached.

The body was forced out by the Dark Emperor Horse, and Sawu Zhe was also helpless, he could feel that the prestige he had built up for a long time in this ant soldier squad had disappeared in an instant.

Tetsuya Sawaki: “…”


“Is it any wonder that ordinary humans are used as bait to lure alien insects for surveillance, so that you can’t go on your own? As a protozoa, you are more attractive to xenozoans than humans? ”

Natsume asked softly.

Tetsuya Sawaki also said that it is very good!

How do you answer this?


Natsume didn’t need him to answer, he was convinced of the truth that ‘if it is not in my clan, its heart must be different’, and as a traverser, Natsume knew the wolf ambition of the protozoa to descend on this planet!

When Tetsuya Sawaki was still thinking about it.

The Dark Emperor Rider has completely approached.

The electronic prompt sound of the driving card suddenly sounded in the ears.

【Attack.Ride.Slash! 】

[Attack Control Slash! ] 】

The Dark Emperor Rider wiped the blade of the card box sword.

A sword was immediately slashed.

The blade of the sword split into three rays of light and shadow, directly slashing towards the trio of Tetsuya Sawaki, and the powerful force only needed to tear their bodies apart in an instant, and they couldn’t even say a word, and exploded directly.


‘Family’ means being tidy!

The ant soldiers did not act again.

They all dare not breathe, for fear that the Dark Emperor Rider will give them a ride like just now, and the insects that expose the prototype will be stabbed in seconds, they will go up, pure and pure food!

Killed the unforgivable protozoa.


A system prompt appears.

[Kill the original worm, reward points x100! ] 】x3

Natsume: ???

The larvae are worth 100 points.

Is this the legendary scarcity of things?

Solve the xenozoa and protozoa.

Natsume took out the invisibility card and left directly, disappearing in place.

Yuzuki Misaki looked at the empty tunnel.


The capture plan failed, which was to be expected.

The captain appointed by the headquarters is also a bug.

It’s a bit of a mess.

She thought about it, called Captain Tian So, and briefly explained the matter here, Tian Suo Xiuyi was silent for a moment before saying: “Bring the remaining ant soldiers to the branch, and I’ll talk to my superiors about the rest.” ”



ps: Thank you to the ‘King of Troubles’ for your great support!

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