Exit the tunnel.

Natsume walked towards Bsitro, after coming out for so long, his stomach was also a little hungry, just to go to eat something, Kagami and Tendo they were often over there, and Xiaoxu was also there.

The unfolding of many plots in the world of Jia Dou is inextricably linked to Bsitro.

Go over there more, you can also rub some plot.

Why not?

Natsume thought it was pretty good.

zect, Osamu Tasho 1st Division.

Inside a high-rise building.

The corridor where the two buildings meet, the breeze blows, from here you can see the bustling city, Zect acts high-profile, even the police officers on the side of the Metropolitan Police Department only know that it is a mysterious organization, they have said hello from above, and when they meet, they must be respected.

But the location of Zect’s headquarters and branch was not revealed.

That’s not to say their location is secretive.

It is a gesture of ‘hiding in the world’.

Tian Suoxu put a pair of hands in his pockets.

Overlooking the view below.

“Misaki, what do you have to ask?”

Shuichi Tasho asked.

He transmitted the matter of Tetsuya Sawaki’s squad and the video of Natsume’s transformation and the battle of the alien insects in the tunnel back to the headquarters, and then was called out by Yuzuki Misaki alone.

Misaki has always been an excellent companion to their division’s ant soldier squad and the xenomorph battle.

His right-hand man.

So, Yugetsu Misaki said that there was something to ask, and he came out immediately.

“Captain, you know Tetsuya Sawaki… Is he really who he is? ”

Yuzuki Misaki took a deep breath and then asked.

“The detachment leader of the ant soldier squad at the headquarters, what’s wrong?”

“It’s not this, it’s that he’s a xenomorph! It doesn’t seem to be the same as ordinary alien insects, with a large horn on its head, but… I always find it a little strange. ”

Yuzuki Misaki thought for a moment and continued.

She also found it strange.

It stands to reason.

Since Tetsuya Sawaki is also a ‘xenomorph’, why did he hide in zect and did not inform the leader of the xenomorph of the location of the headquarters, so as to carry out a surprise attack on the headquarters?

Xenomorphs and Zect fought against each other many years ago.

After Zemu Zhe was also imitated by the insect, not only did he not make trouble, but he also seriously completed the headquarters’ ‘Dark Emperor Rider Capture Plan’?

Also, Tetsuya Sawaki, and the two assistants who followed him, all look the same.

Never seen such a larva before.

New varieties?

If it does not appear, forget it, it has appeared, directly three.

She didn’t quite believe it anyway.

The zect organization is inherently mysterious.

So she prefers to believe that this is something that the organization deliberately hides.

Shuichi Tasho: “…”

Hear the description of Yuzuki Misaki.

He kind of got it.

It turned out that Yuzuki Misaki asked about this, and he also watched the video transmitted back from the scene, except for the people on the scene, he only transmitted this video to the headquarters, and only high-level people had permission to watch it.

The other ant soldiers only regarded Tetsuya Sawaki as being imitated by alien insects, anyway, they had been destroyed by the Dark Emperor Rider.

Only Yuyue Misaki found out that there was something wrong with it.

That’s when she asked about Tiansho Shuichi.

Shuichi Tasho fell silent.


Of course, Sawaki Tetsuya is not a foreign worm, but a protozoa, and if you have to say it, the protozoa and the alien worm do belong to the same race, and from the beginning of birth, they are unending opponents.

Chase in the universe.

All the way to the planet under his feet, he has been planning for a long time, just to destroy the other party!

But it touches on Zect’s deep secrets.

It can even be traced back to the agreement made between humans and protozoa thirty-five years ago.

After thinking about it, Tian Suo Shuichi said.

“Misaki, the specific matter is too widely involved and involves a lot of secrets, I can’t tell you, but Sawaki Tetsuya is not a foreign worm, but a protozoa, in fact, I am…”

He said, also incarnating as a protozoa.

Fleeting and changing back.

Misaki Yutsuki: !!!


She was a little confused.

It’s just brain-buzzing.

The captain turned out to be too….

Zect is also really mysterious.

Calm your mind.

“Captain, if Kagami knew about this, probably…”

Misaki Yuyue stopped talking.

She quickly adjusted her state, zect is not the whole of life, since a long time ago, Yuzuki Misaki thought like this, after accepting the setting that the organization is very mysterious, it did not feel too strange about the fact that Shuichi Tasho was also a protozoa.

But Kagami that guy is different from her.

Kagami is a younger brother.

His younger brother was infested by the Insect, so he has been determined to fight the Insect until the last moment of his life! The protozoa is too similar to the alien worm, and Yugetsu Misaki is just shocked, and if she changes to Kagami, she may have an emotional breakdown.

Tian Suo shook his head helplessly.

“How long can I hide it.”

He looks forward to the day when humans and protozoa will coexist in this world and live in harmony, but from the current situation, it is very difficult, even if the alien worm is solved, there are differences within the protozoa.

“Mr. Tasho, Miss Misaki, what are you talking about?”

Before people arrive, the voice comes first.

Kagami trotted over from not far away, he was a special intern who had recently envisioned the perfect reconciliation concept of the Phantom Squad Yachi and asked to learn from Captain Yaga for a while.

Because of the recent ‘Knight Capture Plan’ at the headquarters, Shuichi Tasho temporarily shelved it.

“Nothing, Kagami! I approved the temporary transfer of you to study in the Phantom Squad. ”

Shuichi Tasho put it differently.

In fact, the arbitrary transfer of personnel is itself not allowed.

He is still very ‘spoiled’ with Kagami.

“Great! Mr. Tasho! ”

Kagami was very excited.

Mizi hugged Tasho for a while, and then apologized embarrassedly, he wanted to kill more alien insects, and if he couldn’t become Kamen Rider, joining the Phantom Squad and blending into a perfectly harmonized atmosphere was also a good choice!

He came in a hurry, hurried away.

Tian Suo Xiu smiled helplessly.


Zect base.

As the top of the organization, the human is Kaga Miriku, and the original worm is the ‘good old man’ Negishi, and at this time they have all received the surveillance video uploaded by the Shuichi branch of Tashosho, and they are staying in their offices, quietly playing….


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes!

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