Negishi is not in the same place as Kaga Miriku.

Coincidentally, the picture they are watching now is the same, the appearance of the alien, the handsome man transformed into the Dark Emperor Rider using cards to transform into the appearance of Kamen Rider Silver Dou.

Three down five divided by two solved the alien worm.

After that, the hard anti-ant soldiers shoot en masse.

Kill Tetsuya Sawaki in seconds!

This is the end of the video.

These two people watched the same video, but their moods were completely different.

Humans and protozoa work together because they share the same enemy.

But secretly it still comes with Xiao Jiujiu.

Protozoa wants to assimilate humans and occupy the planet in a different way than the aliens, and they have been planning for this since a long time ago, and what Kaga Mitsuru wants to do is stop the conspiracy of Protozoa.

ZECT Headquarters Command Office.

Kaga Miriku turned off the monitor, slowly stood up, opened the curtains, and a ray of somewhat harsh sunlight spilled in from the window, illuminating the cold darkness that warmed the room.

Mitsuku Kaga is in a good mood.

“Genigan must have become angry, right? Huh…”

“This time, I really had to take the time to meet.”

He secretly said in his heart, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc.

Negishi’s smiling tiger’s reaction, Kaga Mitsuku can probably guess, as the saying goes, ‘The person who knows you best happens to be your enemy’, this is the truth, Kaga Mitsuru and Negishi, surface harmony.

In fact, secretly, it has been a confrontation.

Only now the alien worm is still there.

Otherwise, the table would have been lifted earlier.


In fact, Kaga Miriku had long wanted to meet with the shapeshifter of the Dark Emperor Rider and talk about cooperation, but unfortunately, after the insect entered the active period, he noticed the style of the Dark Emperor Rider and wanted to search, but found that he could not find the shapeshifter at all.

Now it’s sleepy to send pillows.

He said that he also had to thank the assist sent by Negishi Laotetsu.

If it hadn’t been for Negishi Tetsuya to be in charge of the ‘Dark Emperor’s capture plan’, but for Shuichi Tasho, who loves peace and is biased towards humans at heart, perhaps the result would have been different.

The capture plan fails.

But that was definitely Shuichi Tian Suo’s initiative to give up, because he had been fighting with alien insects on the front-line battlefield, allowing him to use ordinary people as bait and ignore the killing of alien insects, which was definitely impossible!

Nekishi: Gan!

The other side.

Negishi, the leader of the protozoa who was staying in another hidden office at Zect’s headquarters, sneezed twice in succession, feeling that something was unusual, which guy was nagging him?

Wait for the video to finish playing.


A punch smashed on the table.

A good desk was immediately smashed by Negishi.

Gengishi’s old and good man’s face showed an extremely hideous expression.

His hypocritical smirk is all acting.

Dark and hideous.

This is the real him.

Sawaki Tetsuya is also his trusted subordinate, and Shuichi Wada is different from Tetsuhan, who really wants to coexist with humans and does his best to protect humans even if he sacrifices himself.

That’s why he sent Tetsuya Sawaki to carry out the capture plan.

Even if you can’t capture it alive, bring back a corpse.

At that time, Natsume will be mimicked in a wave.

Under the control of the original worm, continue to use the knight system of the Dark Emperor Rider, this is the purpose of Gengishi, but unfortunately, this purpose has just begun to act, and it has been ‘stillborn’.

“Abominable Dark.Decade!”

He shouted angrily.

However, it is just incompetent rage.


After eating at the restaurant and chatting with Xiaoxu, Natsume left.

Tendo is not there, and neither is Kagami.

It doesn’t seem to make sense to stay here any longer.

Instead of this, it is better to go out and try your luck, maybe you can meet some more alien insects, then Natsume will be able to get more points, ordinary people’s eyes of terrifying alien insects in the eyes of Natsume, is just a tool to earn points.

It wasn’t until about eight o’clock in the evening that Natsume finished work and went home.

Sit on the sofa after washing.

It has to be said.

Natsume’s luck today was really good, in the morning in the silent tunnel, he killed the molting adult xenozoa, and then the three protozoa actively hit the muzzle and were taken away by him.

After eating and leaving Bsitro.

He encountered seventeen more alien insects one after another.

Among them are three adult molts.

The rest are all larvae!

Strength is ordinary.

Cadre-level insect like Rina Mamiya did not appear, and Natsume easily solved the insect, but even so, Natsume gained a valuable point.

It was one step closer to the item he wanted to redeem.

Let’s be honest.

Since the restart of the Knight Fighting Evolution system, Natsume has known the importance of points, so he has always stored it, but the ordinary knight form card, Natsume does not need.

As long as you defeat the knight in the duel arena in the system space, you will get a full set of knight cards!

This is much easier than simply purchasing a certain form of knight control card.

But what Natsume wants to buy is undoubtedly astronomical!

There is still a long way to go.

The time soon came to the early hours of the morning.

Natsume was lying on the soft Simmons bed, his mind was full of thoughts, and he had entered the system space, and he just couldn’t sleep, so he came to the system for the daily ‘daily projection’ check-in.

“System, extract today’s knight projection.”

Natsume said familiarly.

After being with the system for more than seven years, and experiencing many things after the reboot, Natsume’s idea of what the ‘daily projection’ does is basically Kiyoshi Mon’er.

‘Today’s Knight Projection, Extracting…’

The mechanical sound of the system, echoing in the ears.

The virtual light screen that extracts the projection is constantly flashing, and only the patterns can be seen flashing wildly.

Soon, the picture froze.

“Wang Jian?”

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

Unexpectedly, the knights of the Reiwa era also appeared.

It was a purple knight with a holy sword!

Kamen Rider Calibur! Or rather, Wang Jian!

Enter the battlefield of fighting.

The picture in the system space is constantly distorted.

Wang Jian was still standing there.

Absolutely still!

But the surrounding scene has turned into darkness, boundless darkness, and only through the edge of endless darkness, you can see an earth that has collapsed like time stopping.

The battle scene seems to be a dark world.

“Darkness is also my home turf.”

He smiled softly.

The Dark Emperor Rider transformation is stuck in his hand.



ps: Find data!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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