In a modern city.

Ticking with light rain.

Inside a speeding black car.

As the director of the Metropolitan Police Department and a senior ZECT executive, Mitsuru Kaga personally drove, and he secretly investigated through the appearance presented on video, and after finding Natsume, he came in person.

No one else, even his right-hand man, Masato Mishima, could not trust him.

Thirty-five years of ups and downs.

Kaga Mitsuru has the name of ‘actor’.

He knows that the only one who can believe is himself!

Step by step, the Sun God has awakened, the God of War is still planning, and the Knight Dark Emperor Rider, who is not part of the Zect organization’s plan, has appeared.

And since the fall of the alien insect with the meteorite seven years ago, it has become an ‘urban legend’, and the dark emperor rider who has been secretly fighting with the alien insect and walking on the road of justice has confirmed that his eyes are the people Kaga Miriku wants to woo.

For this reason, even if there is a certain risk of exposing yourself, Kaga Mitsuru is also here.

He carries the destiny of mankind on his back.

Stealth in the darkness before dawn.

Those who run parallel to him, those who cut through the darkness… The time is getting tighter, only the sun god and the god of war are not enough, the more the better! The mysterious Dark Emperor Rider is also the chosen one.

Natsume sat leisurely in the back row, looking out the window.

He sat casually, but his body exuded a mysterious temperament, as if he was a real nobleman, and his every move had a noble beauty, and he was independent of dust.

Kaga Miriku looked at Natsume through the rearview mirror.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

He, the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the top of Zect, in front of Natsume, his temperament was crushed into a real driver, and he was helpless.

Suburbs of Tokyo.

A remote café with nostalgic décor, three or two people sitting indoors, and open-air seating near the sea, a gentle breeze, bringing the smell of the ocean.

The two got out of the car.

I ordered two cups of coffee at the counter and walked straight towards the outdoor open-air seating.

Sit down, there is a great view here.

The warm wind blows gently.

It’s heartwarming.

“It’s not bad here, right?”

Kaga Miriku said with a smile.

Natsume nodded.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Mitsuru Kaga, and I am organized by ZECT…”

“High-rise, huh?”

Natsume looked at him with a smile.

“I know something, maybe more than I thought, that guy with horns on his head that day, similar to a xenomorph, is it really a xenozoa? What is the relationship with zect? ”

“If it is not my race, its heart will be different.”

The latter sentence, Natsume emphasized.


Kaga Mitsuru smiled wryly.


He originally planned to hide it, but as a result, people had already guessed the Zect that was broken, and nodded helplessly and said, “Cough, Mr. Natsume, you guessed… Not bad. ”

“Just understand some things, it’s hard to go into detail.”

“But now, mankind has reached the point of life and death, and I sincerely ask you to help.”

Kaga Mitsuru took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed and pleaded.

One can imagine the embarrassment of the current situation.

He has been dealing with protozoa to buy time.

The road ahead is getting more and more difficult.

“If that’s the case, I won’t stand idly by.”

Natsume nodded.


“That’s enough.”

Kaga Miru smiled slightly.

“Mr. Natsume, today’s conversation was very pleasant, over there in Protozoa, I will try to buy time.”

He got up, checked out and left quickly.

Protozoa’s side is also secretly monitoring his movements, and he can’t stand still somewhere for too long.

“Things are getting more and more interesting.”

The corners of Natsume’s mouth curved.

He is not interested in joining Zect, but living in this world, facing the wolf ambition of protozoa and xenozoa, he certainly will not sit still, even if there is no point reward, he will still act.

Because, he is Kamen Rider!

He raised his hand and waved.

Purple-black vortexes appeared, connecting the dark space.

Natsume walked straight in.

Dark space closed.

Disappear in place.


Outside the Bsitro restaurant.

Natsume came out of the dark space.

Pushed open the door and walked in.

There were no guests at this time, and Kosuki and Takemiya were busy in the kitchen, sorting out the various ingredients they needed for noon, and Kagami was wiping the table with a rag.

But he seemed to be thinking about something in his mind, absent-mindedly.

“Yo, Kagami, what are you worried about?”

Natsume found a place to sit down.

Looking at Kagami asked.

Today is interesting, I met Kagami father and son one after another.

Kagami works part-time at a restaurant.

Natsume can come to Bsitro anytime.

Coming and going, it is also familiar.

Kaga Mei, when he heard Natsume’s question, subconsciously said: “Recently, I joined the phantom squad of Captain Ya and killed many of them…”

When he said this, he suddenly realized that something was not quite right.

Quickly shut up and say no more.

He looked at the kitchen, Xiao Xu and the store manager did not react, only Natsume looked at him playfully.

This Kagami, it’s a little natural….

“Natsume, you didn’t hear anything, did you?”

Kagami asked nervously.

He didn’t know that Natsume was the Dark Emperor Rider, except for Yugetsu Misaki, Shuichi Tasho, the senior management of the Zect headquarters, and the ant army brought by Tetsuya Sawaki at that time, this news was not fully exposed.

“You guess?”

Kagami: ……

This way.

What else could he guess?

“Natsume-kun, what do you want to eat? I’ll do it for you. ”

Xiao Xu walked up to Natsume and asked, smiling like a flower.

“A bowl of clear noodle soup.”

Natsume said.

Bsetro is a comprehensive restaurant with not only Japanese cuisine, but also many dishes from all over the world, so it is said that the sparrow is small, but it has all the organs, and regular customers like Natsume can eat the in-house food even if they have no problem eating.

“Okay, then I’ll give you something to eat!”

Xiao Xu was very happy.

Step into the kitchen.

Kagami was stunned.

Xiao Xu turned out… Laughing so happily?

He was surprised at the same time.

There is also some rejoicing.

Just now about the topic of zect, Natsume did not continue to ask, it was simply good.

But he’s thinking about it now.

Join the Phantom Squad.

Is it really good?

Kill the worm….

This should have been his action to follow his heart, but he was not as happy as he expected, and he and the other members of the Phantom Squad also felt a little out of place, he was like an incongruous note on the score.

In my heart, I was very entangled.


PS: Thanks ‘s1160..’ Great monthly pass support!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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