
Xiao Xu put a bowl of clear noodle soup and put it in front of Natsume, her craftsmanship is very good, but now she rarely cooks for anyone other than Natsume, and most of the time she is playing for the store manager Takemiya bow.

Natsume picked up his chopsticks.

She watched expectantly.

Natsume smiled slightly, took a bite, and looked at Xiao Xu: “It’s delicious, Xiao Xu is very suitable for being a wife.” ”

Gave a thumbs up.

Xiao Xu lowered his head, his face flushed.

Quietly looked at Natsume’s side face.

How handsome….

The first CP Pink Bamboo Palace bow supported his chin with both hands, feeling that between the two, it was full of pink.

Kagami felt redundant.

Natsume eats noodles.

Xiao Xu returned to the kitchen shyly, and Kagami continued to do her job of cleaning the table.

At this time, Takemiya Bow’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

She picked up the phone.

“Hello? Yes, good…”

It seems to be responding to the words on the phone.

And this time.

Kagami also received the call, his face suddenly became solemn, and quickly went to answer outside the store, Natsume could guess, it was probably something on Zect’s side, and the Phantom Team had received a new task.

Kagami works part-time here.

But secretly, he is a member of the Zect organization and fights the xenomorphs.

“That, Xiaoxu, Auntie has a friend’s daughter who got married today and was invited to the wedding, but Auntie is busy today, otherwise you will go over for Auntie?” You also know Mrs. Hinata’s daughter. ”

Takemiya bow hung up the phone and looked at Xiao Xu and said.

It’s lunchtime in a while.

The store will be busy.

Although Xiao Xu said that she could cook, she basically would not cook for others, only people who were very familiar with her had this ‘honor’, and once she walked away, there would be no chef in the store.

So it’s the same to let Xiao Xu go.


Xiao Xu pursed her lips, not knowing what to say for a while.

Takemiya bow said again: “If Xiao Xu doesn’t like lively places, let Brother Natsume go with him, and feel the atmosphere of marriage, there will always be this day in the future.” ”

She said, giving Natsume a wink.

Natsume: ……

Aunt Takemiya is definitely a top-notch wingman.

No conditions can create conditions.

“… If Natsume-kun goes… I can. ”

Listening to Zhugong Bowzi’s words, Xiao Xu, who didn’t know how to refuse, suddenly said.

“What do you think of Natsume-sama?”

Takemiya asked.

Xiao Xu’s expectant gaze couldn’t help but fall on Natsume’s body.

Natsume nodded.

“I can do it.”

He has nothing to do next, and he can accompany Xiao Xu to the wedding.

The wedding took place in the church.

Maybe something interesting will happen.

The church of Kamen Rider World….

It’s more or less mysterious.

“Then I’ll go back and change my clothes first, Xiaoxu, I’ll pick you up later.”


Get out the door.

Natsume returned home in an instant through the coordinates of the dark space, and since he was attending a wedding, he couldn’t wear this gray tracksuit.

It could be more formal.

And now, although because of his intervention, the plot of the Jia Dou world is somewhat broken, which is somewhat different from his memory, but the corresponding alien worms will still appear, but the time of appearance has changed.

He remembers having two alien insects and loving to attack people dressed in white.

He even attacked multiple weddings before being killed.

Natsume changed into a clean black suit.

More spirited and handsome.

It was as if as long as he stood there, he would be the center of attention!

This is probably the natural beauty that is difficult to give up.

If handsomeness is a sin, then he is already unforgivable.

After changing his clothes, Natsume came to the yard and swiped the card with the drive to summon the Dark Edition of the Mechanical Decade, this time he was not going to act through the dark space.

Drive the locomotive towards the Bsitro restaurant.

Cycling is not slow either.

Natsume is an old driver, shuttling on the road of traffic, as the exclusive locomotive ridden by the Dark Emperor, the Dark Edition of the Mechanical Decade is not slow, under normal conditions, the speed can reach 350km/h.

Soon he was outside the restaurant.

Xiao Xu also changed his clothes and stood at the door of the shop with Takemiya Bowko, waiting.

“Get in the car.”


Xiao Xu sat back, her two small hands gently grasped the corners of Natsume’s clothes, lowered her head, the blush on her face still did not dissipate, she did not speak, she still seemed a little shy.

“Brother Natsume, protect Xiaoxu.”

Takemiya bow shouted with a smile.

Natsume raised his hand and waved in understanding.

Immediately after the engine car, it drove towards the destination.


In Tokyo, in the B-4 area, there were multiple wedding attacks.

Xenomorphs specialize in sabotaging and attacking weddings.

Behavior is weird!

Kagami changed into the exclusive costume of the Phantom Squad Ant Soldiers, gathered downstairs in a residential area, and when he heard that there were signs of alien insects, he put down what he was doing, took leave from the store and immediately arrived.

“Kagami, it’s too slow.”

Kageyama’s tone was dissatisfied.

“Hug, sorry.”

Kagami scratched her head and said apologetically.

“It’s okay, we have just finished assembling, everyone pack up and prepare to go.”

Yacha wanted to interrupt the two who wanted to argue.


Kageyama Instant Tsundere don’t overdo it.

He said he didn’t want to talk to Gagami.

This guy came over, and Brother Yache didn’t pamper him so much.

Area B-4, a Gothic church.

Natsume and Kosuki sat below.

The priest stood in front.

It’s the way of heaven.

“It’s him.”

Xiao Xu noticed the Heavenly Dao and was a little surprised, “It turns out that he is a priest. ”

Natsume’s gaze fell on Tendo.

He can be a priest, an urban white-collar worker, or an athlete, in addition to giving birth, he is basically all-round.

However, Tendo would appear as a priest at this time, which also surprised Natsume.

Of course, Tendo noticed Xiao Xu and Natsume below.

He felt like he suddenly had a toothache.

Accompanied by the sound of the wedding march.

Under the blessing of flying flowers.

The bride and groom came slowly.

Father Tiandao took a deep breath, discarded the distractions in his heart, and slowly spoke:

“Thus said God, in the clear blue sky there must be light separating day and night, so that it may be recorded, so that sometimes, therefore there is a day, and therefore there is a year. Thus said that Ru can become the sun that shines high in the blue sky and the earth…”

When he chanted.

The groom’s face showed an impatient expression, and the human skin on his body faded, turning into a foreign insect under the face of everyone’s horror!


ps: ask for all kinds of data!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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